
Events are a great way to engage with students either virtually or in person. Enrollment Management leverages Undergraduate Slate to set up, track and execute events. Slate events are a great way to build your funnel and follow a student’s matriculation.

Follow the steps below to get your event off the ground. More detailed training is available in our UG Slate – Events Brightspace training module (reminder: only UG Slate users with “event management” permissions will be able to view this module).

Identifying an Event Template

The first step when working with Slate Events is to identify if you will need a new event template or if you already have a template available to you. An event template is the core structure of your event, housing the registration form and event communications. Once you determine if you need a template or not, follow the corresponding path below.

Be advised: College recruitment members are not permitted to create or modify Slate Event templates.

This policy has historically been in place for several reasons including:

  • The event template space is vastly different than the email area of Slate and has its own unique variable language
  • Changes at the template level could create a ripple effect to multiple events utilizing the template
  • Event forms have unique parameters set so that information collected translates to a student’s Slate profile

Requesting a new Event Template

Creating a new landmark event or developing a new series of events? Lacking a template that fits your need? A new event template may be in order so that you can confidently inform event registrants and their guests about key details (e.g., parking details, check-in location, unique details about this event that differs from base language in your other event templates, etc.).

Quick Step-by-Step

  1. Gather your event details:
    • Date(s)
    • Time(s)
    • Event Check-in Location
    • Event Description (this is a public-facing description)
    • Parking Information
    • Registrant limit
    • Waitlist needed?
    • Waitlist limit
  2. Create your event communications. Save these mailings in your Slate Deliver – Mailings folder and cite them in your Sharedwork/Workzone project request.
    • Confirmation email
    • Reminder email
    • Thanks for Attending email
    • (optional) Waitlist email
    • (optional) Confirmed from Waitlist email
  3. Submit your Event Request in Sharedwork
  4. EMSCI will begin the process of building your Event Template. This process can take 10-15 business days
  5. Once EMSCI has finished developing the new template, a staff member will reach out to review all aspects of the final product. At this time, we can make live adjustments and review processes.
  6. Upon approval of finished template, you’re welcome to start using the template for your events

For more detailed steps than the ones listed above, visit our Brightspace training module devoted to UG Slate Events.

Go to Sharedwork

Creating events with an existing Event Template

If you have an event template available, you are welcome to create as many events from it as you need. Since you supplied EMSCI with your event communication via Mailings in Slate – Deliver, you can navigate to those and refresh yourself on the content and if anything might need to change.

Not sure what templates are available to you or your unit? Reach out to us at


  1. Navigate to UG Slate and go to the Calendar icon in the toolbar for Events.
  2. Click the ‘New Event’ button on the left-hand side of the screen.
  3. Enter the Page Title (name of the event).
  4. Find and select the appropriate Event Template you want to utilize for the event.
  5. Set the event’s folder to your unit’s folder and any subfolder you’d prefer.
    1. You can create new subfolders by selecting ‘Other’ and then entering a name for the folder in the blank field.
  6. Set the status of your event.
  7. Enter the Date and Start/End times of your event.
    1. EMSCI recommends communicating the ‘check-in’ time in the event communication and using the program’s official start time as the Slate event start time.
  8. Provide a Deadline or Activation Date if applicable.
  9. Hit Save. You will now be navigated to your newly created event.

NOTE: If creating multiple events at once, we strongly recommend only creating 3 months’ worth of events in advance.

More Resources