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Cybersecurity crimes, like any other crime, should be reported to the Purdue University Police Department or to other appropriate law enforcement authorities.

The types of crime committed by computer include stalking, harassment, threats of personal harm, computer intrusion (hacking), password trafficking, copyright piracy, theft of trade secrets, child pornography or exploitation, fraud and bomb threats.

Safety Tips

Please do your part in protecting yourself and information and equipment that belongs to you or to the University. Some tips to accomplish this are as follows:

  • Use, protect and change passwords regularly
  • Secure rooms, offices and computer laboratories that are unattended
  • Report crimes, security weaknesses and suspicious activity to the Purdue University Police Department as soon as possible
  • Do not destroy or alter threatening, harassing, suspicious or upsetting emails or other electronic information until a police report is made

See Purdue's Electronic Mail Policy for more information.

Preservation of Evidence

If you are the victim of a cybersecurity crime, then you should:

  • Try to preserve all physical evidence – save electronic communications such as instant messages, emails, texts and social media posts.
  • Notify the police – even if you are unsure about filing charges.
  • All users of Purdue's Information Technology (IT) Resources are expected to immediately report abuse or a suspected security compromise of those resources. To report abuse of Purdue's IT Resources, please complete and submit the online incident report form or visit Secure Purdue for more information.
  • You may also contact Designated Campus Offices to Receive Crime Reports.