February 21, 2022
2:30 PM, Virtual (Zoom)
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Newsletter
- Documents
- President's Remarks
- Résumé of Items
- Senate Document 21-12 Proposal for a Medically Excused Absence Policy for Students (MEAPS) to be added to Purdue University Main Campus Academic Regulations (as revised for 21 February 2022)
- Senate Document 21-13 Mental Health Action Week to be recognized on Official Purdue Academic Calendar (revised)
- Senate Document 21-19 Nominees for Advisors to the Standing Committees and Senate
- CARE Center Update
- Senate Document 21-15 Bylaws Change to 2.00 (a) & (c)
- Senate Document 21-18 International Harassment of Purdue Students and Family Members
- Senate Document 21-20 Nominees for Vice Chairperson of the University Senate
- Senate Document 21-21 Recognizing and Valuing the Voices and Contributions of Black and Underrepresented Faculty & Staff
- Senate Document 21-22 On the Need for a Policy to Define and Declare an Academic Emergency
- Senate Document 21-22 Presentation
- Senate Document 21-23 Addition of a Winter Session to the Academic Calendar
- Senate Document 21-24 4 February 2022 Purdue University Police-Student Incident