WIE-WISP Tutoring Program
The College of Science and the College of Engineering Tutoring Program is excited to be offering services in the University Residences Support Center (URSC) on the bottom floor of Shreve. You can find us in the Small Conference Room (C113A) from 7-10 PM, Sunday through Thursday.
The Tutoring Program is in place to assist all in Science and Engineering. The tutors are trained upper-level honors students in Science and Engineering who have applied to work with beginning students. The goal of this program is to teach beginning students transferable learning skills which will aid them throughout their college careers.
WISP ProgramUndergradsGrad Students
Fall tutoring begins late August
Spring tutoring begins mid-January
Free homework and study help provided (PDF) for 100 and 200-level Math, Science, and Engineering courses.
In-Person Tutoring
- Location: University Residences Support Center (URSC) Shreve Hall Room C113A
- When: Sunday – Thursday from 7 PM to 10 PM
- What to Bring: book, calculator, homework, class notes, etc.
Online Tutoring
- West Lafayette Students: https://bit.ly/PUWL-WiE-WISP. Sign in and then you will be given the link to the online session.
- Indianapolis Students: https://bit.ly/PUIndy-WiE-WISP. Sign in and then you will be given the link to the online session.
- When: Sunday – Thursday from 7 PM to 10 PM Eastern Standard Time
- What to Bring: book, calculator, homework, class notes, etc.
General Information
- Do I need an appointment? No, we don't take appointments. Just drop in and one of our tutors will be glad to help.
- Is the program ever closed? Yes – Fridays and Saturdays, around school holidays, and during finals week. When the URSC is closed, we are closed.
- Who do I contact with questions? Nicole Hume: nhume17@gmail.com. (Be sure to reference the WIE/WISP tutoring program in your email.)
- Is there a cost? NO! The tutoring is FREE to any Purdue student!
- For which courses is tutoring offered? 100 and 200-level Math, Science, and Engineering courses. You are welcome to come in and try to get help for other levels as several of our tutors can help through 400-level courses.
- To arrange private tutoring, visit www.purdue.edu/tutoring.

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