Codename: Geo STEM (Girls Engaging in Online Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics)
Code name GEO-STEM is a program for teachers of students in grades 6-12.
Geo STEM is a project funded by the Halliburton Foundation to serve both middle and high school teachers and their students. This project will create opportunities for teacher professional development related to remote instruction strategies, how to teach coding, and how to implement STEM projects into their curricula. Students will learn to code and have the opportunity to create a STEM project that will be submitted to a 2021 virtual symposium. Additionally, students will learn about geoscience careers from STEM professionals and benefit from interacting with mentors from STEM backgrounds.
- October 01 Teacher registration opens
- October 31 Registration closes
- November 16 Teacher Virtual PD fully available
- December 04 First teacher project due
- December 05 Instructional kits shipped to participating/ qualifying schools*
- Early Spring 2021 EAPS Women in Science program (WISP) hosts a virtual conference for students
- Early Spring 2021 Student applications for supply kits
- Late Spring 2021 - Indiana Virtual STEM Symposium
This program was funded by the Halliburton Foundation and ran through Purdue University College of Science.
For Teachers
Virtual Professional Development content opens Monday, November 16, 2020
- GEO STEM Teacher Video # 1
- Introduction to Codename: GEO STEM
- GEO STEM Teacher Video #2
- Task 0 - Instructional Video: Introduction to coding with Arduino
- Tinkercad Link - Task 0
- Task 0 - Guided Activity (Blank)
- Task 0 - Guided Activity (Key)
- GEO STEM Teacher Video #3
- Task 1 - Instructional Video: Blink Commands
- Tinkercad Link - Task 1
- Task 1 - Guided Activity (Blank)
- Task 1 - Guided Activity (Key)
- GEO STEM Teacher Video #4
- Task 2 - Instructional Video: The Serial Monitor and Variables
- Tinkercad Link - Task 2
- Task 2 - Guided Activity (Blank)
- Task 2 - Guided Activity (Key)
- GEO STEM Teacher Video #5
- (Optional) Task 3 - Instructional Video: Chase Sequence
- Tinkercad Link - Task 3
- Task 3 - Guided Activity (Blank)
- Task 3 - Guided Activity (Key)
- GEO STEM Teacher Video #6
- Task 4 - Instructional Video: Potentiometers and Conditionals
- Tinkercad Link - Task 4
- Task 4 - Guided Activity (Blank)
- Task 4 - Guided Activity (Key)
- GEO STEM Teacher Video #7
- Task 5 - Instructional Video: Using the Temperature Probe
- Task 5 - Temperature probe circuit assembly guide
- Task 5 - Guided Activity (Blank)
- Task 5 - Guided Activity (Key)
Links to Additional Teaching Resources:
- An Introduction to the Arduino (Link to Powerpoint)
- Introduction to Arduinos - Quiz with answers (Link to Word file)
- Link to GEO STEM Science fair and playlist:
For Students
Resources and applications to be posted December 2020
Have you seen:
Superheroes of Science is a Purdue University College of Science program that highlights STEM content, provides professional development opportunities for science teachers, and delivers learning experiences for students
YouTube Channel
Purdue University Superheroes of Science
*Limited number of Instructional kits will be available to schools who have at least 3 teachers participating and justifying school need in the application.