Export Classification
Determining whether an item is subject to ITAR or EAR is critical and determining the correct ECCN for EAR items is very important. Mistakes here can have serious consequences to Purdue and to individual shippers.
- The best source of export classification for a purchased item is the vendor or manufacturer. Many vendor and manufacturers will have such information publically available on their websites.
- If it cannot be gotten from the vendor or manufacturer, then it will be necessary in all but the most obvious cases to consult the Export Controls Team. Determining the correct classification can be challenging, requiring technical knowledge about the item as well as understanding of the export control regulations.
- If you prefer to attempt to determine the classification on your own, the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) of the Department of Commerce has created an Export Control Classification Interactive Tool: https://www.bis.doc.gov/index.php/export-control-classification-interactive-tool
Guidance Document - Engineering Example List of Export Control Restricted Items – Not exhaustive
Guidance Document – Restricted Biological Agents
Department of Commerce - BIS Export Control Classification Interactive Tool
Contact Information
Young Hall, 5th floor
Room 548
155 South Grant Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Email: rsec@purdue.edu
Phone: (765) 494-1642
- Guidance Documents
- Foreign National Process for DOE
- Cybersecurity Tips and Resources During the COVID-19 Response
- SPS and OTC NDA Process with Export Controls (login required)
- Connecting to Weber (login required)
- Weber Endpoint Informational (login required)
- Social Distancing Guidance for Controlled Projects (login required)
- Teleconferencing Guidance for Controlled Projects (login required)
- Prior Approvals for Routine International Shipments (login required)
- Managing Export Control Risks in Contract Negotiations (login required)
- Non-Disclosure Agreement Process for Strategic Partners with Master NDAs (login required)
- Covered Information System Baseline Standard (login required)
- Marking Research Documents/Presentations and Ensuring Appropriate Access
- VeraCrypt Installation and Use
- Cybersecurity Tips and Resources for Academic Researchers
- Controlled Thesis Submission Process
- EAR Temporary License Exceptions
- Export Classification
- Engineering Example List
- Restricted Biological Agents
- International Shipping Documentation
- DoD SAFE Outage Guidance
- Fundamental Research and Government Contracts: Implications for Export Controls
- Cuban Travel