Faculty FAQ

How do I propose a course for the core curriculum?

Faculty members who wish to propose a course should discuss their ideas with their curriculum committee and/or head of their department. Upon obtaining their approval, nominations can be submitted during the fall or spring semester through Curriculog. Instructions for submitting a course through Curriculog can be found here.

What information do I need to provide to nominate a course?

The following is required for all nominations:
  • Departments administrator approval
  • Course syllabus
  • A narrative describing how the course will meet the key skills of the FLO (Foundational Learning Outcome) that includes:
    • List and description of learning activities related to the FLO
    • List and description of assessment methods related to the FLO
    • Explanation of how academic experience will be consistent among multiple sections (if applicable)
    • Note: This information may be submitted directly on the Curriculog form, or you may attach a separate document.

What is the timeline for course nominations?

Course nominations may be submitted to the UCC (Undergraduate Curriculum Council) at any time. Faculty should electronically complete the course nomination form, submit a course syllabus with a rationale indicating how the course meets the target foundational learning outcome, and submit signed approval from their appropriate departmental administrator. During monthly meetings, UCC subcommittee members and the full UCC will review, discuss and vote on courses for inclusion within the core curriculum. Proposals submitted by the end of the month will generally be reviewed by the UCC within two months. Proposals will not be evaluated during the Summer.

Who approves courses for the core curriculum?

The Undergraduate Curriculum Council (UCC), composed of faculty members from each of the undergraduate academic units, approves courses for the core curriculum. Evaluation of course proposals is delegated to the appropriate subcommittee, which reviews course proposals and forwards its recommendations to the UCC. All council members then discuss and vote on all panel recommendations.

How is the Purdue core impacted by the Statewide General Education Transfer Core Curriculum?

Our core is directly aligned with the statewide core curriculum. Both are based on learning competencies. What directly impacts Purdue students and those at other Indiana institutions is the requirement that all students must complete a minimum of 30 credit hours as part of their core curriculum.

Can a course be proposed for fulfilling more than one foundational learning outcome?

A single course may be proposed for meeting no more than two foundational learning outcomes.

Can a student use a single course to meet more than one foundational outcome?

Yes. A few foundational courses have been approved as meeting two foundational outcomes (see approved list of foundational courses). When a student takes and successfully completes one of these courses, they will meet both foundational outcomes tied to that course.

Can I propose a brand new course for the core curriculum, even though it has not yet been approved as part of the Purdue course catalog?

No. All courses submitted to the Undergraduate Curriculum Council for review must be part of the Purdue course catalog prior to proposal submission. However, it is not necessary for a course to have been taught or offered prior to being submitted for consideration.

Is it possible to cross-list a core curriculum-approved course?

Cross-listings of courses approved for the core curriculum are permitted only if all four of the following conditions are satisfied:
  • The UCC is notified when a course is cross-listed. The UCC will approve cross-listed courses unless there are discrepancies between their cross-listed offerings.
  • Each cross-listed course satisfies all other formal requirements, including those governing expected frequency of offering.
  • When a course is up for review, the UCC expects to see materials from each cross-listed course offering during the review period.

Can I limit course enrollment?

Yes. Faculty may limit course enrollment in any course based on their current or predicted resources for offering the course.

Can a nominated course restrict enrollment to a certain major?

Faculty members should nominate courses that accept enrollment for all students. A course may indicate that a course is recommended for certain majors but is still open to all students. At registration, a program/course may provide priority enrollment for specific majors for a limited period before opening enrollment to all students.


What are embedded outcomes?

The embedded outcomes (formally, Embedded Learning Outcomes or ELOs) are met within each student’s major and are part of the learning expectations of all degrees. Faculty within each program determine where and at what level embedded outcomes can be met within their programs. The four embedded outcomes are communication, ways of thinking, interpersonal skills and intercultural knowledge, and diversity, equity, and inclusion. For a description of the embedded outcomes, please click here.

How might embedded outcomes be met within a program/major?

Embedded outcomes shall be managed at the program of study level and shall not be tracked at the individual student level. Unlike the foundational outcomes, which are satisfied by coursework and are portable across campus, the embedded outcomes are addressed throughout—or threaded through—a program's curriculum. A program's curriculum taken as a whole should contribute to achieving the embedded outcomes. Faculty in each program determine how their students will meet embedded outcomes. Students may take designated courses, complete projects, engage in service learning, participate in a study abroad experience, and other experiential learning opportunities, or complete another approved assignment that documents their acquisition of embedded outcomes. Ultimately, it is up to program faculty to agree upon how their students will meet these outcomes.

Must programs require students to complete ALL embedded outcomes?

Yes. Embedded outcomes are a required component of Purdue’s Outcomes-based Core Curriculum.

Will continuing, CODO, and Transfer students who change to a new curriculum be required to meet embedded outcomes?

Yes. Continuing students, CODO, and Transfer students who change to the new curriculum will be required to meet all degree requirements including embedded outcomes.

How will Colleges/Schools document that their programs allow students to meet all embedded outcomes?

The role of the UCC is to collect evidence that the program of study is offering our students intentional learning opportunities through which they can achieve the embedded outcomes by the time they graduate with their degree, from that program of study. The process for showing attainment is documented here.

How will Colleges/Schools report that their programs meet the Outcomes-Based Core Curriculum requirements for meeting all learning outcomes?

Colleges/Schools will be asked to submit a curriculum map (or similar documentation) to the UCC. This documentation should specifically include how their programs intentionally teach to (i.e., which courses or other learning interventions) and assess or measure student achievement of demonstrating learning related to the four embedded outcomes.

How will embedded outcomes be assessed?

Programs of study identify where and how students will have the opportunity to meet embedded outcomes, how student achievement of these outcomes will be assessed, and what evidence will be gathered to support that assessment. For example, if a study abroad experience is used to meet the outcome of interpersonal skills and intercultural knowledge, students may be required to provide the link to their blog in which they completed a series of reflective writing assignments that demonstrates their achievement of the outcome.

To whom will information about the core be reported?

Information gleaned from the evaluation process will be reported to the Higher Learning Commission for accreditation purposes and to the Indiana Commission for Higher Education for indicating that Purdue aligns with Indiana’s statewide transfer general education expectations. This information can also be used by faculty to determine the effectiveness of their own instruction and their impact on student learning of outcomes, plus by our degree programs to meet the expectations set by their specialized accreditation or external program review bodies.

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