Purdue University Latino Faculty and Staff Association (LaFaSA)

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About LaFaSA: 

The Latino Faculty and Staff Association (LaFaSA) is an educational organization whose purpose is to promote the Latinx community and advocate for the inclusion of the Latinx voice in higher education. LaFaSA strives to highlight the social and cultural dimensions of Latino history, heritage, and culture as it relates to education.

In partnership with the Latino Cultural Center and other Latinx-based organizations, LaFaSA works to organize Latinx faculty and staff to create a stronger, vibrant “comunidad” at Purdue University. LaFaSA strives to create community and a support network in order to thrive as viable and visible assets to Purdue.

The goals of LaFaSA are to communicate interests, concerns, and awareness of Latinx community; assist in recruitment and retention of Latinx faculty, staff, and students; foster the academic mission of Purdue; enhance progress of our faculty and staff through the ranks; and to provide valuable cultural programming to educate the broader population.


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Purdue LaFaSA (@ purdue_lafasa) * Instagram photos and videos

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