The following news stories are written by Rosie Lerner, Extension Consumer Horticulture Specialist, and are distributed to news media around the state by Agricultural Communication Service, at Purdue University.
If you’ve noticed a lot of fruit dropping from trees in your home orchard lately, chances are good that the plants are simply shedding excess fruit. Most trees set many more flowers than needed for a full crop, especially following a relatively mild winter. Only one bloom in 20 is needed for a good crop on a full-blossoming apple tree. Although the small fruit drop in June can be alarming, it’s just nature’s way of […]
A floral garnish can add color and elegance to a dinner party that your guests will never forget. Many garden flowers can be used as edible garnish or to lend flavor and color to a cooked dish. But be sure to read up before you begin…some flowers can lead to upset stomach, or worse, if eaten in large quantities. Blossoms of borage, chrysanthemum, cornflower and dianthus can float in a bowl of soup or punch. […]
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