‘Tis the season for giving, so why not give a gift that lasts all year? A plant is a special gift that brings beauty to the home and to the heart as you help a living thing grow. The poinsettia is undoubtedly the most popular gift plant, but many others are equally festive for the holiday season. Christmas cactus, begonias, cyclamen and azaleas offer attractive blossoms on compact plants and can brighten any room in […]
1996 has been proclaimed ‘The Year of the Sunflower’ by the National Garden Bureau, an organization that promotes gardening throughout the United States. The sunflower is enjoying renewed popularity as an ornamental these days, but sunflower remnants found in its native North America have been estimated to be in existence as early as 3000 B.C. The sunflower has long been used as a source of food. Native American populations ground the seed into a flour […]
The Perennial Plant Association has selected Penstemon digitalis ‘Husker Red’ as its 1996 Perennial Plant of the Year. Members of the association, generally professional plant growers, select a perennial each year to educate the gardening public and promote planting of perennial flowers. The Penstemon, also known as beardtongue, is not widely known to the American public despite the fact that several species of this plant are native throughout the United States and Canada. Penstemon digitalis […]
Gardeners will find a wealth of information at their fingertips from the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service. And the best part is, thanks to the Internet, this information is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays! Several departments at Purdue have Web sites of interest to gardeners. Horticulture offers a broad range of information on the Consumer Horticulture Web site, including current news releases, Extension publications, upcoming events and a list […]
For gardeners who are itching to get their green thumbs dirty, repotting houseplants can be a good wintertime activity. But not all plants will need, or even benefit from, repotting. Fortunately, there are several indications to look for to determine if your plant needs new living quarters. The main reason for repotting is to give the roots more room to grow. Perhaps one of the most obvious signs is when the plant is physically too […]
Gardenias have a well-earned reputation for being difficult specimens for even the experienced indoor gardener. They are usually in great shape when selected at the local greenhouse, where growing conditions closely match this plant’s needs. Bright light, high humidity, and an even supply of moisture and nutrients bring out the best in gardenias. Its glossy leaves and heavenly scented blooms just about cause the plant to leap into your arms, whether it’s a gift for […]
While the poinsettia remains the most popular of the holiday plants, a healthy Christmas cactus in full bloom is a great gift idea for that special gardener. But along with that bounty of blooms, send these tips for keeping the plant looking its best. Most blooming plants will keep their blossoms longer in cooler temperatures. Keep the plant in a well-lit location away from drafts from heat vents, fireplaces or other sources of hot air. […]
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