Gardeners' Glossary - Indiana Yard and Garden - Purdue Consumer Horticulture

Gardeners’ Glossary

Gardening enthusiasts have their own jargon, as do many other hobbyists. Some of these terms can be confusing, especially to the gardening newcomer. So here’s a brief list of terms that all gardeners should be familiar with.

Annual — Plant that completes its life cycle from seed germination to seed production in one growing season.

Biennial — Plant that completes its life cycle over two growing seasons; usually produces only vegetation its first season, then flowers and fruits the second season, and then dies.

Bulb — Underground plant structure made up of modified stem and leaves for storing carbohydrates.

Bud — Undeveloped shoot with leaves (vegetative) or flowers (floral).

Conifer — Plant whose fruiting structure is a cone.

Cultivar — Cultivated variety; chosen for a feature(s) that varies from its species.

Deciduous — Plant that loses all of its leaves annually.

Dormant — Reduced state of physiological activity.

Evergreen — Plant that retains at least some of its foliage throughout the year.

Herbaceous — Plant that dies back to the ground at the end of the growing season (can be annual or perennial).

Horticulture — Art and science of growing ornamental plants, vegetables and fruits.

Hybrid — Result from the interbreeding of two distinct species, cultivars or varieties.

Mulch — Cover placed on top of soil and/or around growing plants to suppress weed growth, conserve soil moisture, and/or modify temperature.

Native — Plant species indigenous to a specific geographic area and, thus, generally best adapted to those local conditions.

Perennial — Plant that lives for more than two growing seasons; can have multiple seed stages.

Photosynthesis — Process by which plants convert light energy, carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates.

Pinch — Removal of young stem tips.

Plant Propagation — Increase in the number of plants, using seed, stem, leaf, root or other plant tissue.

Shrub — Woody perennial plant with multiple main stems, generally smaller than a tree.

Tree — Woody perennial plant with one or very few main stem(s).

Wildflower — Plant species that grows and reproduces on its own, without human intervention.

Woody Plant — Plant whose stems persist from year to year, adding layers of cells each season


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Indiana Yard and Garden – Purdue Consumer Horticulture - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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