Josué Cerritos is from Tegucigalpa, Honduras and graduated from Zamorano University with a bachelor’s degree in agricultural science and production. He is interested in weed management and entomology, focusing on horticultural crops. In the near future, he would like to support agriculture development in Honduras. On June 6th, he joined the HLA weed science lab[Read More…]
Several HLA faculty, staff and students hosted 4-H Academy high school students for the Plant Science track on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (June 8-10). They toured the greenhouse, Meigs, Daniels Turf Center, Student Farm and participated in some hands-on activities. A big thank you to all who assisted in providing this experience for the 4-Hers[Read More…]
Aaron Thompson coauthored a new paper in the Landscape Journal with Robert Marzec (Purdue – English Department) and Gary Burniske (Purdue – College of Agriculture) titled, “Climate BufferNet: a Gaming Simulation Linking Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change Adaptation with Agricultural Landscape Planning.” Climate BufferNet is an educational, visual simulation designed to engage higher education students[Read More…]
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