Our team Good Thyme Gang played against The Golden Girls Monday afternoon at Mike Aulby’s Arrowhead Bowl for Week 8 of the Purdue Staff and Students league. We won 2 out of 8 points keeping the team in 10th place. No placements this week. We are still recruiting substitutes! We bowl 3 games on Monday[Read More…]
Our team Good Thyme Gang played against English-OWL Monday afternoon at Mike Aulby’s Arrowhead Bowl for Week 7 of the Purdue Staff and Students league. We won 6 out of 8 points, moving our team up to 10th place. In the Women’s Category, Alexandra Jewell placed 1st with scratch series scoring a 480. In the[Read More…]
Stephen Meyers traveled to Raleigh, North Carolina last week to take part in the North Carolina State University (NCSU)- College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) Alumni Awards. On October 6, Meyers provided an invited seminar, entitled “Research, Teach, Extend… Repeat”, to the Department of Horticultural Science. He attended a department luncheon and question/answer session[Read More…]
Our team Good Thyme Gang played against Mind Your Biz Monday afternoon at Mike Aulby’s Arrowhead Bowl for Week 6 of the Purdue Staff and Students league. We won 4 out of 8 points, keeping us in 11th place. In the Women’s Category, Alexandra Jewell placed 1st with scratch game scoring a 220 and scratch[Read More…]