Melissa Kovich


Melissa Kovich

I have a PhD in Nursing, a master’s degree in nursing, and am a certified family nurse practitioner. Throughout my nursing career, I have worked in various fields such as neonatal intensive care (NICU), pediatric intensive care (PICU), pediatrics, urgent care, retail health, family medicine, internal medicine, and plastic surgery. I have always enjoyed health promotion and encouraging wellness behaviors in patients of all ages. This year, I became a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Future of Nursing Scholar, which provides leadership training and funding for my 3-year program.

Research Interests

I am looking to examine the connection between happiness and health outcomes in young adults. My primary mentor as I was working on my PhD was Assistant Professor of Nursing Vicki Simpson with Rhonda Phillips, professor and dean of the Honors College, as my secondary mentor.

Why Purdue?

I was happy to return to Purdue for my PhD since my undergraduate degree (from Purdue) provided a solid foundation and prepared me for challenges of the nursing profession. 

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

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