Anna Forster


Anna Forster

My nursing background is in long-term and dementia care. I also spent a short time in palliative and hospice care. I am a Purdue alumna, both from the undergraduate and the Adult and Gerontology Nurse Practitioner Program (AGNP). I was selected to receive the Robert Wood Johnson Future of Nursing Scholar award, which will provide support for my 3-year PhD studies. This program also provides leadership opportunities and training, which will positively impact my future as a nurse scientist.

Research Interests

My research interests center around the study of older adults. For my dissertation, I am specifically interested in looking at the dyadic relationship of couples and how that affects each individual's physical activity levels. My primary mentor is Assistant Professor of Nursing Elizabeth Richards, and my secondary mentor is Associate Professor Melissa Franks from the Department of Human Development and Family Studies.

Why Purdue?

I chose Purdue's PhD in Nursing program because of the opportunities to expand my nursing philosophy and research skills. This program will help me develop my own research trajectory, while learning from many talented mentors and collaborators.

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