Say It In 6®

What is Say It In 6®? Based on SMITH magazine's "Six-Word Memoirs" concept, Say It In 6® is a competition that challenges you to tell a story about your graduate or postdoctoral research experience — in a clear, concise, and, most importantly, creative way — by using only six words and one visual aid.

The competition is open to all graduate and professional students, non-degree students, and postdoctoral fellows at Purdue. Entries will be published on the Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars website and social media pages.

2024 Winners

First Place: Raman Shaw, Engineering, Lyles School of Civil Engineering


Runner Up:  Marco Fratus, Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering


People's Choice:  Roseline Adewuyi, College of Liberal Arts, School of Language and Cultures


Say It In 6® Competition Timeline

  • Friday, February 21, 11:59 PM: Submission Deadline
  • Monday, March 3 - Monday, March 10, by 11:59 PM: People's Choice Voting
  • Tuesday, April 15: Winners Announced at the 3MT® Competition

Cash Awards

  • First Place $1,000
  • Second Place $500
  • People's Choice $500

If you have questions about the Purdue Say It In 6® competition, please contact competition administrators. A list of past winners is also available. For more information on the history of the competition, please visit SMITH magazine's "Six-Word Memoirs."

  • Competitors should submit their six-word story and accompanying visual aid online by the stipulated deadline.
  • Visual aids are required.
  • The word portion of your submission should be exactly six words — no more and no fewer. Each word counts as one word, even if two or more are hyphenated.
  • Both the six-word statement and the visual aid must be original. Visual aids may be your photography or artwork, or you may use a photo of yourself with the permission of the photographer. Do not submit stock photos or clip art. If you create non-digital art, you may include a digital print or a high-quality photo of your work in your online submission. 
  • Do not include your six words on the graphic/image you upload.
  • Your six words must be spelled out. Do not use acronyms. Symbols such as "&" will be considered one word.
  • Visual aid submissions must be at least 4.0 MB, but 5.0 MB or larger image files are strongly encouraged. The ideal size is 8 x 10 inches at 300 dpi or larger. Digital files are acceptable in JPG and TIFF formats, .heic files are not supported and will not be judged. Original artwork should be 12 x 18 inches in size or smaller.
  • Each competitor will describe their research as it pertains to their discipline.
  • The Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars reserves the right to disqualify entries that use hateful, violent, attacking, or otherwise inappropriate language, or identify FERPA- or HIPAA-protected information.
  • Entries that are found to not be the original work of the entrant will also be disqualified.
  • Multiple entries are welcome.
  • Students who are over the cost of attendance allowance may not be eligible for prizes.