Portable Intercultural Modules (PIM)

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Portable Intercultural Modules (PIM) are curricular units focused on one or two elements of intercultural competence. They are turnkey solutions that address the needs of instructors and other leaders who don't see themselves as experts in these areas. PIM can be embedded within disciplinary course content, and multiple PIM can be integrated throughout a program of study to support learners' development of intercultural competence more systematically.

CILMAR offers all Portable Intercultural Modules (PIM) through Brightspace and a selection through Moodle and Canvas. Some of the PIM also come with self-directed training to support instructors who wish to use them.

PIM are available in two forms: full PIM, which can be completed in 60-90 minutes (with a few exceptions that ask learners to engage with others or watch a movie), and PIMbits, which offer some of the most in-demand PIM such as Teaming in a series of short units that can be completed in 10-20 minutes each. 

Both full PIM and PIMbits

  • engage learners with a range of activities, e.g., videos, surveys, quizzes, information gathering, interviews, reflections, etc.  
  • address and assess learning outcomes drawn from the theoretical frameworks of the AACU Intercultural Knowledge and Competence VALUE Rubric and the AACU Global Learning VALUE Rubric. 
  • target undergraduate learners but have been used and are also appropriate for adult learners.
  • can be modified by adopters in their own Brightspace courses. Modification is not necessary but may be desirable for reasons of discipline and/or to connect PIM content to specific course materials and learning outcomes. 
  • Full PIM include a capstone (run through Qualtrics for purposes of learning assessment by CILMAR) and optional discussion questions that connect learning outcomes to the course or co-curricular experience and to the learner’s future. Some include options for instructor-led activities.
  • PIMbits are organized in series of 4-5 units that culminate in a capstone (run through Qualtrics for purposes of learning assessment by CILMAR). Assigning all PIMbits in a series is the equivalent of assigning one full PIM. For best learning outcomes, the entire series would be assigned; however, each unit can also be used on its own.

Additional information about access and support

How can PIM and instructor support materials be accessed?

Purdue West Lafayette and Indianapolis users with Brightspace courses will be enrolled as instructors in the Brightspace coursse where PIM and/or PIMbits are housed and can copy or import material into their own courses. Contact cilmar@purdue.edu to request access.

Instructor support materials are available in some PIM and for free to anyone through the Intercultural Learning Hub (HubICL). You will need to set up a HubICL account (free) then go to the Professional Development Zone to locate the relevant block. Consult individual PIM from the menu below for information about which PIM have support materials and for links to it. 

How can faculty and staff best use PIM as a professional opportunity for their students?

For all modules, your decision of which one/s to use depends on your audience, setting, topic, and goals. Although all modules are designed for undergraduate learners, some modules fit well in TA training and are also recommended for graduate students, faculty, and staff. Consult the descriptions below.

Foundations PIM are particularly aimed at undergraduate students early in their college career. They are also excellent in pre-departure programming for study abroad/away. Although each module stands on its own, the group of five form a sequenced whole. 

Foundations Modules
Outcomes, Description and Notes for the Foundational Modules



Key Learning Outcomes




Motivation for Intercultural Growth


Uses videos and a short research activity based on professional interests to introduce the learning zone, elements of intercultural competence, and why intercultural competence is important for personal and professional satisfaction.

Foundations Module


Learning About Your Own Cultural Self


Asks students to identify their own cultural categories background and reflect on how it affects their comfort level when interacting with people who don't share that background.

Foundations Module


 Talking with People Across Cultural Differences


Teaches students about cultural differences and how cultural misunderstandings occur by asking them to interview people with dissimilar backgrounds. 

Foundations Module


 Honing Intercultural Curiosity


Introduces the idea and practice of curiosity and asks students to choose either a new food or event experience and to watch and reflect on a movie. Because this includes watching a movie, the time to completion is 2.5-4 hours

Foundations Module


 Cultural Comparisons


Worldview Frameworks

Introduces cultural dimensions and different communication styles and asks students to apply their learning with short research projects in which they compare several cultural groups, including their own.   

Foundations Module

More Modules

Module 1: Understanding Accents Different from Your Own
Outcomes, Description and Notes for Understanding Accents Different from Your Own
Key Learning Outcomes Description Notes


Communication Openness

Helps learners understand why accents are different, take ownership for understanding accents in English that are different from their own, and practice their skills with these accents. Designed for anyone who operates in oral English, regardless of first language or mother tongue.

Prepares people from around the world to understand each other’s spoken English. Parts of this module that focus on listening skills will not serve deaf learners.

Module 2: Digging Deeper with Critical Reflection
Outcomes, Description and Notes for Digging Deeper with Critical Reflection

Key Lea

rning Outcomes

Description Notes


Students are introduced to the “What? So What? Now what?” model of critical reflection and practice articulating the meaning of their experiences by writing a critical reflection and rating it on a rubric.

This module addresses Embedded Learning Outcomes 1-3 at Purdue.


Module 3: Intercultural Collaboration
Outcomes, Description and Notes for Intercultural Collaboration
Key Learning Outcomes Description Notes



Through the introduction of key cultural dimensions and differences in time orientation, helps students recognize that people approach the same issue with different perspectives and behaviors and consider how they accommodate these differences in a team setting. 

This module is used in the first-year Learn-to-be seminar in College of Science. It is an excellent introduction to intercultural learning.

Module 4: Teaming I: Communication
Outcomes, Description and Notes for Teaming I: Communication
Key Learning Outcomes Description Notes



Presents communication pacing styles and direct and indirect modes and asks students to identify their own patterns and consider strategies for supporting effective communication when patterns differ.

First of 3-part series but can stand alone.

Instructional Materials for Portable Intercultural Modules (PIM): Teaming 1, 2, and 3 are available through the Intercultural Learning Hub. A free account is required for access.

Module 5: Teaming II: Self and Other Awareness
Outcomes, Description and Notes for Teaming II: Self and Other Awareness
Key Learning Outcomes Description Notes




Presents differences that often emerge on teams – personal agenda, time orientation, and concepts of self and authority. Students identify their own preferences and how they may affect teamwork and present these in a poem or video.

Second of 3-part series but can stand alone.

Instructional Materials for Portable Intercultural Modules (PIM): Teaming 1, 2, and 3 are available through the Intercultural Learning Hub. A free account is required for access.

Module 6: Teaming III: Productive Conflict
Outcomes, Description and Notes for Teaming III: Productive Conflict
Key Learning Outcomes Description Notes





Introduces issues that often arise in teamwork, including differences in conflict style, and offers strategies for addressing these and for bridging differences. Students apply and practice what they have learned through a case study.

Last of 3-part series. Includes choice of case study – health care, management, lab setting, web design.

Instructional Materials for Portable Intercultural Modules (PIM): Teaming 1, 2, and 3 are available through the Intercultural Learning Hub. A free account is required for access.

Module 7: Why "Lazy Susan"? Connecting through Languages & Foods
Outcomes, Description and Notes for Why "Lazy Susan"? Connecting through Languages & Foods
Key Learning Outcomes Description Notes



Short videos and playful activities in which learners engage with peers to enhance awareness of own and others’ language, food, and holidays.

Especially good for first-year college students.

Module 8: What’s in a Name?: On Naming and Intercultural Curiosity
Outcomes, Description and Notes for What’s in a Name?: On Naming and Intercultural Curiosity
Key Learning Outcomes Description Notes


Worldview Frameworks

Provides choice of videos and student recordings for learning about naming practices and how people make meaning of their names. Engages students in exploring their own name/s and naming traditions.

Offers optional activity for instructor or facilitator to lead with learners. Could serve as early semester icebreaker preparation.

Module 9: Psychological Safety in Global Virtual Teams
Outcomes, Description and Notes for Psychological Safety in Global Virtual Teams
Key Learning Outcomes Description Notes



Videos, an EQ survey, and article summaries take learners from an introduction to psychological safety to strategies for creating psychological safety on global virtual teams.

This is a more advanced module that requires some reading. Although focused on global virtual teams, it teaches concepts and strategies that are applicable in any teaming situation.

Module 10: Plan for Your Leadership Development
Outcomes, Description and Notes for Plan for Your Leadership Development
Key Learning Outcomes Description Notes


Using videos, quizzes, and assignments, introduces the concept of transformational leadership and guides students through a scaffolded development of their own unique plan for leadership development.

Applicable for all levels of learners in both curricular and co-curricular spaces. 

Module 11: Tricky Communication
Outcomes, Description and Notes for Tricky Communication
Key Learning Outcomes Description Notes


Focusing on oral, non-verbal, and written communication, teaches strategies for addressing challenges whether one is on the giving or receiving end of the communication.

Applicable in both curricular and co-curricular spaces and may be appreciated by young adult and adult learners alike.

Instructional Materials for Portable Intercultural Modules (PIM): Tricky Communication are available through the Intercultural Learning Hub. A free account is required for access.

Module 12: A Deep Dive into Empathy
Outcomes, Description and Notes for A Deep Dive into Empathy
Key Learning Outcomes Description Notes



Defines and critiques empathy using abilities examples (e.g., videos and clips from popular movies). Supports learners to identify effective empathy-related approaches and to reflect on their own empathic strengths and challenges. 


Module 13: Acting with Empathic Concern 
Outcomes, Description and Notes for Acting with Empathic Concern 
Key Learning Outcomes Description Notes


Self Awareness

Builds on the previous module to emphasize how empathy can be applied across perspectives. More advanced.

Can be used alone but suggested as follow-up to A Deep Dive into Empathy.

Module 14: Intercultural Empathy: Practice, Practice, Practice
Outcomes, Description and Notes for Intercultural Empathy: Practice, Practice, Practice
Key Learning Outcomes Description Notes

Offers a 4-step model for practicing empathy and scaffolds opportunities for students to apply the model to instances of intercultural clashes that are provided and that they produce.

Builds on modules 12 and 13 but can be used alone

Module 15: Intercultural Creative Thinking
Outcomes, Description and Notes for Intercultural Creative Thinking
Key Learning Outcomes Description Notes


Creative Thinking

Uses an interactive tool created in Articulate to help learners identify how their cultural background impacts their creativity, practice creative thinking techniques, and enhance their motivation for developing intercultural competence.


Module 16: Dress, Culture, Identity
Outcomes, Description and Notes for Dress, Culture, Identity
Key Learning Outcomes Description Notes


Worldview Frameworks

Uses short research assignments and other activities to help learners identify how dress and body modifications are often linked to deep cultural values.


Module 17: Bodies and Beauty in the Cultural Eye
Outcomes, Description and Notes for Bodies and Beauty in the Cultural Eye
Key Learning Outcomes Description Notes



Uses a range of examples to support learners in recognizing the cultural construction of body image and the ways in which dress and appearance in turn create culture.


Updated February 11, 2025