ELEVATE is an incentivized curricular innovation initiative that supports majors, departments, or schools to help their students achieve the global skills and intercultural competence they need for their future. Offered by CILMAR and IDA+A, ELEVATE is designed for impact, sustainability, and accountability.

  • Scaffolded intercultural competence development
  • Reaching all undergraduate students in program
  • Integration of intercultural learning throughout the curriculum
  • Curriculum mapping
  • Major-, department-, or school-level collaboration
  • Structural changes to program of study
  • Alignment with Embedded Learning Outcomes
  • Program-wide assessment
  • Evidence of growth

Intended Program Outcomes of ELEVATE (assessed annually):

  • A diverse range of faculty partnering with CILMAR and IDA+A in this work
  • Learning for participants focused on backward design of curriculum at the program of study level, assessment practices, and effective intercultural/DEI mentoring strategies
  • Sustainable systematic institutional changes, with intentional curricular design aligned with embedded student learning outcomes #3 (interpersonal skills and intercultural knowledge) and #4 (diversity, equity and inclusion)

5 Departments/Programs Involved in the Pilot Year

Department/Program College Year Initiated
Technology Leadership and Innovation Purdue Polytechnic Institute


Spanish and Portuguese Liberal Arts 2023
Biological Sciences Science 2023
Mechanical Engineering Engineering 2023
Undergraduate Elementary Teaching Certification Education 2023

Exemplars from Purdue's School of Languages and Cultures

Curriculum mapping for embedding intercultural learning (ICL) into SPAN 100- and 200- level classes

Curriculum mapping for embedding ICL into SPAN 300- and 400- level classes

Curriculum mapping for embedding intercultural learning (ICL) into PTGS 100-level classes

Sample of ICL embedded into the SPAN 302 syllabus

Sample of ICL embedded into the PTGS syllabus

For more information on ELEVATE, including how your program can participate, please contact Dr. Aletha Stahl or Dr. Tatjana Babic Williams.

Updated December 19, 2023