Tyler Trent Osteosarcoma Pilot Grant Awards

Funding Opportunity Number


Funding Opportunity Title


Key Dates

Cycle 1

December 9, 2022


February 24, 2023

Award Amount

Up to $25,000 for single investigator proposals and up to $50,000 for multi-investigator proposals.

Administrative Contact

Kim Sagendorf (ksagendorf@purdue.edu).  Doug Cuttell (dcuttell@purdue.edu) is available to discuss the proposal structure and project scope as the proposal is developed.

Funding Opportunity Description

The Executive Committee of the Purdue Institute for Cancer Research will allocate funds to support innovative, cancer-focused grants focused on osteosarcoma from either single investigators or especially from collaborative teams.  Collaborative teams are emphasized because intra- and inter-disciplinary collaboration can lead to multi-PI and program project grants.  Having members with multi-PI grants are of particular importance when being evaluated by the NCI for our competing renewal every 5 years.

Projects that utilize the Institute for Cancer Research shared resources are also highly desired. Preliminary data are not required.  Funding for this opportunity is supported by the Tyler Trent endowment funds to the Institute for Cancer Research.

All areas of cancer research relevant to the mission of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) are appropriate for projects submitted to this opportunity announcement.

CLICK HERE to submit your electronic application by 5 pm on the cycle due date. No exceptions. The electronic submission system will not allow applications beyond the deadline. Once here you can enter your Purdue e-mail and password.


All applicants (PIs, co-PIs and co-investigators) requesting funds to conduct the proposed work must be current members of the Purdue University Institute for Cancer Research. Co-investigators from other institutions and NCI-designated cancer centers may be included as collaborators but funds will not be distributed to other institutions and these individuals cannot be used to qualify a proposal for a multi-investigator designation.  Only one application per center member as PI, co-PI or co-Investigator is allowed. No exceptions.

Cost share

This announcement does not require cost sharing.

Funds Available and Anticipated Number of Awards

The number of awards is contingent upon cancer institute endowments, gifts and other funds and the submission of meritorious applications.

Award Budget

The proposal will be funded at a level appropriate for the proposed work, but will not exceed $25,000 for a single investigator or $50,000 for multi-investigator (2 or more investigators) proposals.

Award Project Period

Work should commence within less than two (2) months of the date of award.  A project period of twelve (12) months or less is suggested.  Spending will be monitored.

Award Restrictions

The budget cannot be used for PI salary support, clerical staff support or travel.  If justified, equipment less than $2,500 is allowed.

Award Requirements

Acceptance of an award will indicate your willingness to serve on the Center’s Pilot Grants Review Committee and to possibly represent the Center at the annual Indiana Elks Convention.  The awardee MUST acknowledge the cancer institute. Suggested publication acknowledgement:

“The authors gratefully acknowledge the <insert shared resource name/funding mechanism> and support from the Purdue University Institute for Cancer Research, P30CA023168”

No Cost Extension (NCE)

No cost extensions are highly discouraged and will only be granted in rare cases and on a case-by-case basis. Requests must be made to the administration of the PCCR in writing and well in advance of the project completion date.  The center is very interested in making sure the project is advancing and achieving funding and scholarly production for its NCI renewal.


Please note the award is contingent upon obtaining all of the necessary regulatory approvals (e.g., IRB, IACUC, PACUC) or a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) pertaining to the work that has pending approvals.


Responding to periodic request of progress is required.  Triage of future applications may occur if reporting requests are ignored.

Proposal Guidelines

  1. First Page: Please include the title and applicant information
  2. Main Proposal Length (Pages 2 to 5): The main body of this proposal (Specific Aims, Significance/Innovation and Cancer Relevance, Approach, Environment, and Timeline and Specific Outcomes) should be single-spaced and a maximum of four pages in length (Arial, 11pt) with no less than 0.5 inch margins.
  3. Required Proposal Structure:
    1. Title, Applicant(s) name, Applicant(s) Cancer Instutute Program (CIS, DDMS or TSD)
    2. Specific Aims (suggest no more than one page)
    3. Significance/Innovation and Cancer Relevance: This section should emphasize the novel, creative and/or innovative aspects and importantly the project’s cancer relevance, specifically on osteosarcoma or closely related pediatric cancer.
    4. Approach: In addition to describing the scientific plan, the integration of collaborative science is important and the relevant expertise of the team. Describe the collaborative nature of the project and provide strong evidence for the scientific integration of the contributions from the various participants, where applicable.
    5. Environment: List the shared resource(s) or other Purdue cores that will be used to add value to the science proposed in the application, if applicable.
    6. Timeline and Specific Outcomes: Describe the expected outcomes and evidence that it will be ready to start within two (2) months.  Please describe or outline your plan and expected outcomes/results for collecting the preliminary data necessary for attracting peer-reviewed funding and publications.
  4. For the electronic submission, the items to upload should include (all combined into 1 file):
    1. Title page and Four-page proposal
    2. Cited literature (not included in page limit)
    3. NIH Biosketch (including collaborators)
    4. Current and Pending Funding
  5. Lay Summary (1,200 character limit) – A brief summary of the project and its relevance to osteosarcoma is required. This lay statement will be used by the PCCR to send to donors and others the PCCR communicates with that are non-scientists.

Review Criteria

  1. The primary review criteria is similar to NIH review criteria:
    1. Significance
    2. Innovation
    3. Cancer Relevance, specifically on osteosarcoma or closely related pediatric cancer.
    4. Approach
    5. Environment
    6. Integration of Collaborative Science (where applicable)
    7. Potential to Attract Peer-Review Funding and Peer-Review Publications
  2. The appropriateness of the budget requested for supplies, where applicable.
  3. Productivity from previous internal awards will be assessed and weighted appropriately.
  4. Reviewers could consist of senior/program leaders, members or external experts.

Announcement History and Updates

Funding Opportunity Number Summary of Change
PCCR-TT-FY2023-01 Initiation of Announcement