
How will current students enrolled in Purdue programs or those admitted to Purdue programs by July 1, 2024, be impacted?

Until July 1, 2024, IUPUI student programs and services will continue to be offered as they are today. Commitments made prior to July 1, 2024, to those IUPUI students enrolled in degree programs that will transfer to Purdue (called “Transitioning Students”), will be honored. These include, but are not limited to, university scholarships, university-funded fellowships, tuition reciprocity agreements, the opportunity to complete degrees, and (subject to customary Board-approved adjustments) tuition and fee rates. By the end of Spring 2027, we expect most students to have completed or mostly completed their degree programs. Purdue advisors will work with any student who is not on track to finish by the end of Spring 2027 to determine how to support them as they continue to work toward completing their degree.

What can Purdue University in Indianapolis students expect from their classes?

Purdue University in Indianapolis students starting in Fall of 2024 will take Purdue classes with the same curriculum as those offered in West Lafayette. Students will be with other Purdue students, follow Purdue policies, use Purdue syllabi and follow Purdue learning outcomes and assessment mechanisms (quizzes, exams, projects and the like). Students will also have the ability to take elective and selective classes from Indiana University Indianapolis.

What does it mean to take a class from Indiana University Indianapolis following the realignment?

Regardless of how a student registers for one of these classes, Purdue University in Indianapolis students enrolled in an IUI class will be in class with IUI students, follow IUI policies and the IUI calendar, use IUI syllabi and follow IUI learning outcomes and assessment mechanisms (quizzes, exams, projects and the like).

What is “Teach Out” and how long does it last?

“Teach Out” is a term used by the Higher Learning Commission for students in the transition following the closure of IUPUI and the start of Purdue University in Indianapolis. These are the first Purdue University in Indianapolis students! The students in this category will continue to pursue their currently enrolled degrees through completion for a period of three years following the July 2024 realignment. Purdue is committed to continuing to offer the courses listed in current IUPUI plans of study. By the end of Spring 2027, we expect most students to have completed or mostly completed their degree programs. During or before the Spring 2027 semester, Purdue advisors will work with any student who is not on track to finish by the end of Spring 2027 to determine how to support them as they continue to work toward completing their degree.

What happens a year from now for Transitioning Students who realize they want/need to change their major?

Requests to change majors within the Transitioning Student Cohort will be reviewed with individual students, with an eye toward the student’s ability to complete their degree plan as scheduled. The process to modify from an existing IUPUI plan of study to a Purdue West Lafayette plan of study/major is still under consideration.

What will happen for Transitioning Students who were planning on double majoring – one major that will now be Purdue and the other that will now be IU? What about a minor or certificate?

We are still working on this question and aim to have an answer before students are scheduled to register for classes for the Spring 2024 semester.

I am currently seeing a clinician at IUPUI. Will I need to transfer to Purdue’s CAPS clinicians, or can I continue until I graduate?  

IUPUI students should continue with their current clinician as appropriate. Starting Fall 2024, all Purdue University students in Indianapolis will be able to access a variety of on-site and virtual counseling and therapy services from Purdue University’s Counseling and Psychological Services.

I am currently in the IUPUI College of Science in a program other than Computer Science. Can I still graduate with a Purdue degree?

Yes. Students will have until Nov. 29, 2024, to declare their intention to complete a Purdue plan of study and receive a Purdue degree. Students who elect to receive a Purdue degree will have until the end of the Summer 2027 session to graduate. This criterion also applies to IUPUI students who are currently undecided on a major. We will work individually with any student who needs more time.

Can I take classes at either Indianapolis or West Lafayette following the realignment?

Long term, we want to create a truly integrated experience for students regardless of location. Eventually that means students will take required classes at their home locations but may have the flexibility to enroll in elective or selective courses at the other campus. We are still working out how much of that flexibility will exist in the first couple of years following the realignment.

How will services be provided to Purdue University in Indianapolis students?

Purdue University in Indianapolis students will have access to – and the ability to join and participate in – student services and extracurricular student activities offered by Purdue University in Indianapolis as well as, in some cases, IU Indianapolis. Examples include student housing and dining; parking; student organizations, associations, groups, clubs and societies; library access and usage; health, wellness and counseling services and other student support resources; athletic events, recreation and intramural sports; and other such extracurricular activities, services and resources.

What tuition will Purdue University in Indianapolis students pay?

For new students beginning on or after July 1, 2024, Purdue University in Indianapolis tuition rates will be the same as those for Purdue West Lafayette. Transitioning students who start at IUPUI prior to July 1, 2024, will pay either the Purdue West Lafayette tuition rate or their 2023-24 IUPUI base tuition rate, whichever is lower.

As a transitioning IUPUI student, how can I activate my career account?

Purdue’s IT Service Desk is ready to help you activate your account. You’ll simply need to gather information before connecting.

Look up your 10-digit Purdue ID number (PUID) in your IU Student Center dashboard.

Indy Career Account Screenshot

After logging in, navigate to My Profile, then to External Identification. The 10-digit value listed for Purdue University West Lafayette is your PUID.

Contact the IT Service Desk at (765) 494-4000, available 24/7, to begin the set up process. You’ll need to have your PUID on hand.

Staff at the IT Service Desk will ask you a few questions and then direct you to visit to complete the process.

Is parking available on the Indianapolis campus?

Yes. Indianapolis-based Purdue students will have the ability to purchase parking passes at the same rates as IUI students.

What classes are available to me?

Students based in Indianapolis will have access to courses offered in Indianapolis and courses offered online through Purdue. Transitioning Students will also be able to request seats in courses available in person in West Lafayette.

What will happen to current IUPUI athletic programs?

IUPUI athletic programs will be maintained solely and independently by Indiana University, and those student-athletes will represent the new IU Indianapolis. Work is underway with the NCAA to minimize disruption to existing IUPUI student-athletes. Prospective student-athletes who are interested in Purdue should contact Intercollegiate Athletics in West Lafayette.

I am a current IUPUI student. Will I be able to retain membership or hold leadership positions in existing IUPUI student organizations?

After the realignment, Purdue students will be able to join most IUI student organizations but may be prohibited from holding certain leadership positions (such as president). Administration of pre-professional organizations that align with Purdue Realigned Units will transfer to Purdue.

Where is the Office of the Dean of Students located?

Starting Fall 2024, the Office of the Dean of Students will have an active and supportive presence on campus in Indianapolis. While the office location is yet to be determined, students will be able to obtain assistance to help them be successful. This page will be updated as additional information becomes available.  

Will there be differences in the class registration process from how students at IUPUI register today? 

There will be some changes because students will start using Purdue systems. We will have more information about specific registration processes available in spring 2024.

How will students work with their advisors to schedule classes for fall 2024?

Students will be notified by their academic advisor in the spring semester about registering for the fall 2024 term at Purdue University in Indianapolis. Students will be required to meet with their advisor prior to registering for classes. Details about the registration process and system will be coming soon. 

Whom will students contact for exceptions or extensions to any teach-out policies?

At this time there is no single contact, so please start by talking to your academic advisor.  

Where can students find information on how to maintain enrollment between now and June 30, 2024?

For undergraduate students, as long as you have been enrolled in fall 2023, spring 2024, or summer 2024 (if summer 2024 is not the first term), you will be eligible for the transition from IUPUI to Purdue University in Indianapolis. If you are unsure of your particular situation, please speak with your academic advisor. 

I’ve been working toward a minor that I’ve already declared with IUPUI. Will I be allowed to finish it? 

IUPUI minors that have been completed by June 30, 2024, will be acknowledged on Purdue University in Indianapolis transcripts. We hope to have an answer soon about whether students will be able to complete IUPUI minors that require Indiana University Indianapolis courses.  

What will current IUPUI students’ degrees say when they graduate? 

They will say a Purdue University degree was awarded for study in Indianapolis.

Can continuing IUPUI students switch to Purdue West Lafayette programs?

Continuing IUPUI students who want to pursue Purdue West Lafayette programs will apply as transfer students. However, they will not be charged an application fee. 

If I need to re-enroll or apply for readmission to IUPUI, does that go through Purdue?

Students who have been academically dismissed from IUPUI must be readmitted to IUPUI by June 30, 2024, to be considered part of the continuing student cohort. 

What is a “time ticket,” and where can I find it?

Each student will have a time ticket, which indicates when you will be able to request courses for your fall schedule. You can find your time ticket by logging into myPurdue using your Purdue career account and password. (If you have trouble logging in or need help resetting your password, please contact Purdue IT by phone at (765) 494-4000). Once in myPurdue, visit the Registration page and the Register for Classes channel, where you will select Registration Status. Select your term (Fall 2024) to view your registration status and time ticket.

Please note that the first day and time listed in your registration status is the earliest you can register, and registration is available to you throughout that period. If you have a hold that would prevent you from registering, it also will be noted here.

How do I register for Purdue in Indianapolis classes?

Once your time ticket is open, you should reference the plan you developed with your academic advisor and select the courses you need to enroll in via myPurdue.

Our website has resources to help you prepare to register, including video tutorials and a reference for how course numbers compare to what you are used to seeing. We are planning to offer both in-person and virtual assistance for registration and will share details on how to access that support soon.

What specific academic services will be available for Purdue students at the Indy campus?

The Academic Success Center has an Assistant Director on site in Indianapolis to provide a variety of academic support services to undergraduate students studying in Indianapolis.  Consistent with West Lafayette, students will have access to onsite math, science, and writing academic support as well as course specific support for engineering.

What forms of transportation will exist between campuses?

We are still working to figure out what transportation between the two sites will look like.

What will be different for prospective future students contemplating enrolling on or after July 1, 2024?

Prospective future undergraduate students seeking to attend Purdue University in Indianapolis on or after July 1, 2024, will apply for admission to Purdue University using the processes in place for Purdue University West Lafayette. Prospective students can expect admissions standards to be those of West Lafayette. Students at Purdue University in Indianapolis will be wholly part of the Purdue West Lafayette flagship ecosystem and ordinarily able to participate in student organizations and activities at both locations.

What degrees will be offered in Indianapolis in Fall 2024?

Currently enrolled students will continue pursuing the degree they signed up for at IUPUINewly admitted students starting in Fall 2024 will have access to the following programs: 

Bachelor’s Degree Programs

College of Engineering 

  • Biomedical Engineering 
  • Computer Engineering 
  • Electrical Engineering 
  • Mechanical Engineering 
  • Motorsports Engineering 

College of Science 

  • Artificial Intelligence 
  • Computer Science 
  • Data Science 

Purdue Polytechnic Institute 

  • Animation and Visual Effects 
  • Computer and Information Technology 
  • Computer Engineering Technology 
  • Computer Infrastructure and Networking Engineering Technology 
  • Construction Management Technology 
  • Cybersecurity 
  • Electrical Engineering Technology 
  • Interior Architecture 
  • Mechanical Engineering Technology 
  • Organizational Leadership 
  • Themed Entertainment Design 

Master’s Degree Programs 

  • Biomedical Engineering 
  • Chemical Engineering 
  • Computer and Information Technology 
  • Cybersecurity and Trusted Systems 
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering 
  • Mechanical Engineering 
  • Technology Leadership and Innovation 
  • Sports Engineering, PMP 
  • Pharmaceutical Engineering, PMP 

Doctor of Philosophy Programs 

  • Biomedical Engineering 
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering 
  • Mechanical Engineering 
If I am denied admission to West Lafayette, could I be offered a spot in Indianapolis?

Students who are denied admission to West Lafayette are sometimes encouraged to apply at regional campuses at Purdue Fort Wayne or Purdue Northwest. If you’d like to appeal your admission decision and request to be considered for Indianapolis, you can do that through the Major and Location Change and Appeal Request form in your Purdue application portal. Indianapolis is not a regional campus. Students should indicate a desire to be considered for Indianapolis at the time of their original application.

How will students move between locations? Do I just register for a course at the other location?

Generally, students will need to register for courses specifically at their assigned location. Long term, there may be added flexibility to support registration for elective or selective courses not offered at a student’s home location.

Will we allow a location change on the application? i.e., I applied to two WL options and now want to add Indianapolis.

Any major changes to an existing application, including location preference, are allowed only once an offer is made.

What will student life be like on campus in Indianapolis?

Students at Purdue University in Indianapolis will have an exciting, urban student life experience. Students should think of the city of Indianapolis as their campus! They will also be able to join and participate in extracurricular activities offered by Purdue University in Indianapolis and, in some cases, Purdue West Lafayette and IU Indianapolis. Examples include student organizations, clubs and societies; libraries on campus; health, wellness, support and counseling services; athletic events, recreation and intramural sports; and much more! Students will also have the chance to create their own clubs or organizations, just like on the West Lafayette campus.

What forms of transportation will exist between campuses?

We are still working to figure out what transportation between the two sites will look like.

What classes are available to me?

Starting in fall of ‘24, all classes for new beginners will be available in Indianapolis and part of the first-year core required by Engineering, Computer Science, or Purdue Polytechnic Institute.

Will Purdue in Indianapolis students have a new student orientation?

Yes. Fall 2024 New Beginners will be welcome to the university by Orientation Programs through their 4-step “All Aboard Purdue”. Information on the orientation timeline and programs can be found by visiting the All Aboard Purdue timeline page at

When will the majors available only in Indianapolis be added to the website?

There are only a couple of programs that are unique to Indianapolis. Information regarding Interior Architecture and Motorsports Engineering is available on the website. Information about any other major will be the same as in West Lafayette, and we encourage prospective students to review that information.

How will students in Indianapolis change majors within the Purdue system? After I’m admitted, am I allowed to change locations between West Lafayette and Indianapolis?

If you are a newly admitted student and would like to make a major and/or location change request, a form is available in your Purdue application portal until May 1. Requests for a change of major and/or change of location will depend on space availability. You will be notified of your request decision by the end of March.

What will degrees awarded to Purdue University in Indianapolis students say?

Degrees for new beginners as of fall 2024 will receive Purdue University diplomas that say “awarded for study in West Lafayette.” 

Will there be residence halls for students at Purdue University in Indianapolis?

Students admitted to Purdue University’s Indianapolis location will have the opportunity to live on or near campus with University Residences. Students are not required to live in university housing. Students and families should visit the housing website for the most up-to-date information about housing options in Indianapolis. Students are encouraged to visit campus to tour residence halls and dining facilities.

Are there opportunities to visit Purdue University in Indianapolis?

Yes, there are multiple opportunities to participate in events at Purdue in Indianapolis. Our visit page has details about how to register for a visit day.

What specific academic services will be available for Purdue students at the Indy campus?

The Academic Success Center has an Assistant Director on site in Indianapolis to provide a variety of academic support services to undergraduate students studying in Indianapolis.  Consistent with West Lafayette, students will have access to onsite math, science, and writing academic support as well as course specific support for engineering.

Can first year students have cars on campus?

Yes. First year Purdue students based in Indianapolis will be permitted to have cars on campus.

Can I take classes at IUI after the realignment?

Purdue students who transitioned from IUPUI and are seeking a previously declared second bachelor’s or certificate will be able to enroll in the IUI classes needed to complete their IUI program. Any student can work with their advisor to request an IUI class if that class is required for the student’s degree or post-graduate opportunity and is not available from Purdue.

Will Transfer as a Junior (TSAP) and other articulation agreements work the same at Purdue University in Indianapolis as at Purdue West Lafayette?

Yes, generally TSAP pathways and other articulation agreements will work the same.

Will there be different sets of requirements for both locations?

The admissions criteria will be the same regardless of location.

Are application deadlines the same as Purdue West Lafayette?

The admissions deadlines will be the same regardless of location.

Is the student considered a transfer student if moving between Purdue University in Indianapolis to Purdue West Lafayette?

No. The student is a Purdue student who may take classes at one or more location in the life cycle of completing their degree.

How will the restructure impact graduate students enrolled in Purdue programs at IUPUI by July 1, 2024?

When the transition is fully implemented, Indianapolis graduate programs will be merged with Purdue West Lafayette programs, all governed by the Graduate School. A Purdue West Lafayette degree would be awarded for students who transition to Purdue as part of the realignment. Current students in the College of Science (except some CS students) will remain students of Indiana University and will have the choice to receive a Purdue or IU degree. Students will have until Nov. 29, 2024, to declare their intention to complete a Purdue plan of study and receive a Purdue degree. Current graduate student fellowships, assistantships, progress toward a degree issued prior to July 1, 2024, will be honored following the realignment for Purdue transitioning students.

I am a graduate student. Will the funding commitment made in my offer letter be honored?

Yes. Purdue University will match all funding commitments and, to the extent practicable, provide substantially similar benefits to transitioning graduate students. Graduate students receiving fellowships and assistantships can expect to continue to receive such support under the same terms and conditions outlined in their initial offer letter.

I am a graduate student working under a faculty member at IUPUI. Will I continue to be able to work with that faculty member after the transition?

Purdue will honor tenure, and IU transferring faculty can continue research and advising at Purdue University in Indianapolis. There are many options available to the transferring faculty. All the options provide support to continue research and to continue advising PhD students, and the selection or choice of an option will not impact the faculty member’s ability to continue to advise and mentor graduate students. Furthermore, Purdue will support you in completing the degree path you have already started or in helping you realign with the faculty member’s new academic department. General information regarding the classification of faculty and allowable service levels is available in Appendix M of the University Catalog.

I am a Purdue Transitioning Student interested in pursuing a 4+1 pathway or combined degree program. I won’t be ready for admission to the Purdue University Graduate School by the time the transition takes place. Will I still be able to complete my program as planned?

Yes. Purdue will honor students in 4+1 pathways or approved combined degree programs, provided students have declared their intention to complete that pathway by November 2024. General information regarding combined degree programs is available in Section III.C.2 of the University Catalog. Information regarding the use of Undergraduate Excess credit taken as part of a 4+1 pathway is posted in Section VII.B.1.a.3. More information about declaring an intention to pursue a 4+1 pathway will be available this fall.

Will the classes available to me after the realignment be the same as those currently available through IUPUI?

Purdue University is committed to offering classes listed on an approved plan of study through the end of the “Teach Out Period.” Students who have not completed their required coursework by such time will work with their major professor to identify alternative course offerings.

Will I continue to have access to research facilities?

Generally, yes. The definitive agreements governing the realignment included a Research Transition Agreement that allows for continued access to the research equipment and facilities in use by Purdue-aligned programs today.

If programs are offered in both Indianapolis and West Lafayette, how will I know where I will study?

You will be able to indicate a preferred location during the application process. Ultimately, your offer of admission will have the information you need about your assigned location. Admitted students working with a particular faculty member can expect to be assigned to that faculty member’s location. Students may request to change their degree objective, including preferred location, using the G.S. Form 17B. However, program administrators retain the right to request any additional information to review students’ suitability for the requested program along with the G.S. Form 17B, including up to a new formal application. This is in alignment with current Purdue University transfer and degree objective change processes noted in Section VII.H of the University Catalog.

Will current IUPUI students who are a part of the transition be allowed to remain with their advisor?


As a new applicant, do I need to submit my English proficiency scores to Purdue West Lafayette?

Yes. English proficiency scores will need to be reported to Purdue. TOEFL scores or other measures of English proficiency will need to be submitted electronically. For more information on English proficiency visit:

How will this transition impact nonthesis master’s students?

Purdue University will continue to offer the coursework required to complete nonthesis master’s programs through at least Spring 2027. Students who have not completed their coursework by this time will work with their advisor to identify alternate pathways to degree completion.

Will my health plan benefits look different under Purdue than they did with IUPUI?

You can review a benefits comparison here.

What if I need to request an exception to an academic policy to facilitate my satisfactory degree completion?

After July 1, 2024, exceptions to the Graduate School policy will be considered on a case-by-case basis and may be requested by submitting a letter with justification for the exception to the Graduate School for consideration. Requests must be endorsed by the student’s major professor and the head or chair of the graduate program. The Graduate School may require additional approvals if the request may impact other offices within the university (see Section VII.I of the University Catalog).

Can I take classes at IUI after July 2024, and will these courses be considered transfer credits toward my degree/certificate at Purdue West Lafayette?

Yes, you will be allowed to take courses at IUI, and to the extent they satisfy a degree requirement, they will not be considered transfer credits. There will be individual consortium agreements in place that will facilitate the exchange of this coursework.

Can students participate in summer internships in 2024, and who will help coordinate that process?

Yes. IUPUI will coordinate summer internships for students during the summer of 2024. For students seeking credit for internships, both institutions will need to be involved. More information on this process will be released as the process develops.

What is the difference between Purdue West Lafayette and Purdue University in Indianapolis programs?

The degrees are the same, but the location of the delivery of that degree is different. There may also be some distinctions in areas of focus.

Will the course and program requirements be the same at both West Lafayette and Indianapolis?

Yes. The requirements, outcomes and expectations will be exactly the same.

Can students take courses at both the West Lafayette and Indianapolis location?

Long term, students will have the option of taking courses at either location, and there will be a variety of courses offered at each location. We are still working out the level of flexibility students will have in the first year of Purdue University in Indianapolis.

As a new applicant, do I need to submit my GRE score to Purdue? 

Transitioning students will not need to report GRE scores to Purdue. New applicants will need to submit scores electronically from ETS to the Purdue West Lafayette campus using code 1631. 

What will current IUPUI students’ degrees say when they graduate?

They will say a Purdue University degree was awarded for study in Indianapolis. 

What are the requirements for completion of an honors degree for students currently enrolled in the IUPUI Honors College who will be transitioning to the John Martinson Honors College?

Current honors students will complete the honors requirements laid out at the time of their enrollment (catalog term) in the IUPUI Honors College. 

Would dual degree students have to complete double the honors credit to earn the honors notation on both their degrees?

Honors credits completed by continuing students earning a dual degree at IUI will count toward their completion of the honors curriculum for students transitioning to PIN.

Who is responsible for helping a student understand their plan of study and what remains for graduation as a Purdue student?

All students will have primary advisors who will advise them on their major plan of study. Honors College students will also have a Purdue honors advisor to advise them on their honors plan of study.  

Will students remaining with Purdue after the realignment be required to complete 10 volunteer hours per year if they choose the John Martinson requirements?

Current IUPUI honors students will follow the honors requirements as set out at the time of their enrollment (catalog term) with IUPUI Honors College. There is no expectation that a student will complete the John Martinson requirements. 

Will there be service obligations tied to scholarships awarded by Purdue University to honors students?

Some scholarships do have unique requirements.  Students will be expected to meet the requirements outlined by the scholarships they receive by Purdue University. 

What will funding look like for students who start at Purdue University in Indianapolis after Fall 2024?

As of Fall 2024, students enrolled at Purdue in Indianapolis will meet the degree requirements of Purdue University West Lafayette and will be afforded comparable funding opportunities as students at Purdue University West Lafayette.  

Will I be able to graduate with the honors notation on my transcript and diploma?

 Current IUPUI honors students who complete the honors requirements of the IUPUI Honors College by the time of graduation will graduate with the JMHC honors notation on their transcript and primary degree diploma. 

As a current IUPUI Honors Student, what kind of coursework will be available to me to complete my honors requirements once I transition to Purdue?

 Students can earn honors credit through HONR courses with the JMHC, honors contracts, honors courses in departments, 500-level graduate coursework, and/or research credit. 

How will my satisfactory academic progress in honors be determined?

Honors advisors will advise students on academic progress in the honors curriculum requirements. Current honors students will complete the honors requirements laid out at the time of their enrollment (catalog term) in the IUPUI Honors College. 

For Bepko Scholars, will I still have access to the Bepko Fellowship funding as a graduate/professional school student?

Purdue will honor this funding for existing students who choose to pursue a Purdue program for their post baccalaureate studies.

Will Honors students pursuing bachelor’s degrees from both Purdue and IU (e.g., B.S. in Physics at IUI and B.S. in Engineering at Purdue) receive the honors designation from both institutions?

At Purdue, JMHC honors students receive the honors notation on their primary degree (e.g., if a student graduates with a degree in Engineering (primary) and a degree in Liberal Arts, the honors notation would appear on their Engineering degree).  Questions about honors notations on IUI diplomas should be directed to the IUPUI (or IUI) Honors college. 

Will students working with IU faculty still have the opportunity to work with those faculty in research labs as the student becomes a Purdue Honors student. Will the Purdue students still have opportunities for employment and paid internships on the Indianapolis campus?

If both the faculty member and the student are interested in continuing their work, these research experiences could operate as external internships or research experiences subject to the researcher and institutional policies.  

Will students be able to live in the Honors RBLC on the Indianapolis campus?

New beginner students starting in Fall 2024 will have the opportunity to apply for housing in an honors residential community in North Hall.

Who will monitor volunteer hours for existing IUPUI Honors students who transition to Purdue?

Purdue advisors will oversee the completion of program requirements for Purdue students. 

Will students remaining with Purdue have the option to complete the ePortfolio for their culminating experience?

Purdue will ensure that students have access to the coursework needed to complete the honors requirements laid out at the time of their enrollment (catalog term) in the IUPUI Honors College. In the case of the ePortfolio, students will enroll in an equivalent course in the John Martinson Honors College.  

Will I automatically become a member of the Purdue Honors College as long as I am in good standing with the IUPUI Honors College?

Yes. If you are in good standing with the IUPUI Honors College as of June 30, 2024, no action is required on your part to transition to John Martinson Honors College. 

What will my honors experience look like?

All students at Purdue University in Indianapolis will have opportunities to participate in various leadership experiences, community-building activities, experiential learning, and international education programs (including study abroad).

Will I retain my scholarship including the study abroad stipend?

Students who have not used their study abroad stipend through IUPUI will receive the study abroad stipend if they participate in a Purdue-approved study abroad program.

Will I be able to be a member of ALDPES and participate with IUI? 

If you were initiated into ALDPES on the IUPUI campus, you may remain active in the activities of the chapter. See FAQ “I am a current IUPUI student. Will I be able to retain membership or hold leadership positions in existing IUPUI student organizations?” 

Will I continue to work with my IUPUI Honors scholarship advisor? Will my IUPUI honors advisor have access to my academic records when I become a Purdue honors student?

No. IUPUI honors advisors will not have access to academic records for Purdue Students following the realignment. JMHC honors advisors will advise students on academic progress in honors and graduation with honors and will have access to students’ academic records when they are JMHC honors students. Students will work with staff in the Division of Financial Aid for advice on their scholarships.  

How will scholarships work with Purdue University in Indianapolis?

At this time, we are committed to ensuring university gift aid (i.e. aid other than student loans) remains unchanged for current IUPUI students. More information about merit aid and other scholarships will be available later in Fall 2023.

Will fewer scholarships be available to Purdue West Lafayette students as a result of the expansion into Indianapolis?

No. Purdue West Lafayette scholarships will continue to be available at the same levels. We are still exploring whether any other scholarship opportunities will be unique to Indianapolis.

Will the Boiler Gold Grant be applicable to Purdue University in Indianapolis?

We anticipate we will know more about specific grants and funding opportunities by late Fall 2023.

Will students with an IUPUI financial hold June 30 have the same hold July 1 with Purdue University in Indianapolis?

Students with an active financial hold at IUPUI will not carry the same hold status on their Purdue University in Indianapolis record. Nevertheless, it is imperative to proactively engage with the IUPUI campus to settle any outstanding balances to preempt any further collection actions initiated by Indiana University.

As an out-of-state IUPUI student on the Midwest Student Exchange Program rate, will Purdue University honor the MSEP rate for master’s degrees during the 2024-25 academic year?

Purdue University will uphold the designated Indiana partner rate for the Midwest Student Exchange Program for transitioning students that were enrolled within their program of study prior to July 1, 2024 throughout the entirety of the teach-out period, extending through the Spring term of 2027.



What physical facilities will be assigned to Purdue?

We will independently operate a 28-acre new site, in addition to current engineering and technology buildings offering nearly 150,000 square feet of space to support research, teaching and learning. We will also create additional locations throughout Indianapolis.

How will the existing neighborhood around IUPUI be impacted?

Purdue plans to integrate with the local community and honor the proud history of the neighborhood surrounding IUPUI’s existing campus. Purdue is in active conversations with the city of Indianapolis during its reimagination of the historic Indiana Avenue neighborhood. Purdue will continue to plan its Indianapolis campus footprint while honoring and participating in those important discussions.

Will any new facilities be constructed?

Purdue University in Indianapolis received $60 million from the Indiana General Assembly to fund an academic and student success building on its 28 acres that will be an integral part of campus life for students and faculty. The working groups are targeting additional building projects, including a possible new residence hall, to support growth in Purdue enrollment.

Which building will students take classes in?

We are working with our Indiana University partners to determine this answer, and the full schedule of fall classes will be published in spring 2024.

Will there be differences in the class registration process from how students at IUPUI register today?

There will be some changes because students will start using Purdue systems. We will have more information about specific registration processes available in spring 2024.



How will research projects be handled during this transition?

The decision tree for submitting Purdue -Indianapolis research projects can be viewed here. Research projects where the lead researcher will remain an Indiana University faculty member will continue to be managed by IU. Research projects where the lead researcher is affiliated with Purdue University in Indianapolis will be reviewed by Purdue’s Sponsored Program Services office to facilitate the transfer of grants and contracts to Purdue. The primary objective is to continue support of existing and new research consistent with the respective mission areas of both universities while minimizing disruption to research activities.

I would like to write a new Purdue University in Indianapolis proposal. What do I do?

If you are a lead investigator transferring to Purdue and are considering a new proposal submission for a project that will be in effect after August 2024, please contact Beth Siple, director of Sponsored Program administration, at, to initiate the process.

Can I continue to collaborate with my IU research partners?

Yes, research proposals and awards involving both Purdue University in Indianapolis and Indiana University Indianapolis investigators should continue as before. To facilitate the collaboration, part of the award may need to be transferred by the home/prime holding institution via a subcontract to the other institution.

Will the facilities and administrative rates change?

For grants and contracts transferred by IU to Purdue, the facilities and administrative rates in place at IUPUI prior to July 1, 2024, will be honored by Purdue until the end of the current project period. If Purdue rates are lower than those of IUPUI, the lower Purdue rate will be charged beginning on the effective date of the award transfer to Purdue. If a new proposal is submitted, Purdue’s rates should be used when developing the budget. For subcontracts between the parties due to the transition, the receiving party (subrecipient) will charge and recover F&A fees. The subcontracting party will waive F&A fees on the subcontracted amount to ensure direct costs are not reduced due to the unanticipated subcontract.

How will intellectual property be managed during the transition year?

Transitioning faculty that will need access to previously disclosed intellectual property should identify it and communicate with the Indiana University Innovation and Commercialization Office. This will start the process of review to determine an appropriate license or transfer. During FY24, IU will share new disclosures made by Purdue University in Indianapolis researchers and students with Purdue’s Office of Technology Commercialization. Both offices will work together with the Purdue University in Indianapolis research team to determine if the newly disclosed intellectual property should be wholly owned and managed by IU, wholly owned and managed by Purdue, or jointly owned and managed under the IU-Purdue master inter-institutional agreement.

How will existing funded grants and contracts be assessed during the transition year?

Purdue business offices and the Purdue Sponsored Program Services office, in collaboration with the Engineering and Technology and Computer Science research administrator and the IU Office of Research Administration, will work with transitioning researchers with active grants to assess the status of existing grants and contracts on a case-by-case basis. The following options may be considered:

  1. Transfer of the grant or contract award to Purdue.
  2. Subcontract a portion or all of the grant or contract to Purdue.
  3. Transfer the grant or contract award to Purdue with a subcontract back to IU for portions of the award.
  4. Close the grant or contract.
  5. Take other appropriate actions as needed.
What Purdue Research Support services are available to Purdue University in Indianapolis researchers?

The complete portfolio of Purdue Office of Research’s funding and grant writing support services are available to Purdue University in Indianapolis researchers. Please see:

Where do I ask research related questions I don’t’ see addressed here?

Purdue’s Office of Research provides a  Purdue Research Concierge service to assist faculty with questions or concerns related to their work. The goal is to connect researchers with resources to overcome administrative challenges as efficiently and effectively as possible. Since its 2023 launch, this service has helped with requests ranging from administrative and legal issues to funding opportunities and communications needs.

Can I access Purdue core research facilities at Purdue internal rates?

Yes,Purdue University in Indianapolis researchers will be able to access Purdue core research facilities at Purdue. Internal rates will apply starting July 1, 2024, unless the award is transferred or established at Purdue prior to July 1, 2024. Purdue Research Cores provide access to instrumentation, equipment and facilities (including databases), software, or professional expertise in the design and conduct of specialized measurements, analysis and interpretation of data, and research collaboration. For more information, see:

What will happen to the current IUPUI research centers and institutes?

Between now and July 1, 2024, Purdue and IU will work together to determine the status of existing IUPUI research centers and institutes based on their alignment with institutional programs and strategic priorities.

Who should researchers contact for information on Purdue high-performance computing support?

Questions on Purdue HPC resources for Purdue University in Indianapolis researchers should be directed to Arman Pazouki, Purdue’s director of scientific applications, at, who will be working with IU to bring on board HPC users.

How are research compliance topics being handled?

Researchers should continue to use their current human subjects review, animal care/use, biosafety, radiation and laser safety, controlled substances, research security, and responsible conduct of research services. Between now and July 1, 2024, Purdue and IU will establish use agreements for these topics, with the goal of not adding any additional approvals or regulatory requirements for researchers.

Where do I find the full terms of the Purdue University in Indianapolis research transfer agreement?

The Purdue University in Indianapolis research transfer agreement can be found in appendix E of the program transfer agreement between IU and Purdue: June 14, 2023, IU-Purdue Program Transfer Agreement IUPUI.pdf.

Whom do I contact at Purdue with additional research transition questions?

Purdue University in Indianapolis researchers can reach out to Purdue’s Office of Research for assistance with research grant questions. Pre-award staff members from Purdue’s Sponsored Program Services team will provide support with proposal development and submission including review of sponsor guidelines, budget preparation assistance, communication with subrecipients, and final review and approvals from the institution. In addition to proposal submissions, Purdue’s Sponsored Program Services office is ready to support you with questions related to the transfer of existing awards, execution of other research-related agreements such as nondisclosure agreements and material transfer agreements, and assistance with intellectual property questions. Any inquiries can be directed to Beth Siple, at, for further guidance.

What research training do I need to take?

Purdue Office of Research’s Researcher Training website guides faculty though the required researcher trainings customized to their discipline and research portfolio.

More FAQs will be added in the coming months.
Ideas and suggestions for Purdue University in Indianapolis can be submitted to