A stated meeting of the Purdue University Board of Trustees convened on Friday, October 1, 2021, at 9:37 a.m. in Room 326 of Stewart Center on the campus of Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. Everyone in the room was wearing a mask amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
All trustees were present: Michael Berghoff, chairman; Sonny Beck; JoAnn Brouillette; Vanessa Castagna; Theresa Carter; Malcolm DeKryger; Mark Gee; Michael Klipsch; Gary Lehman, vice chairman; and Don Thompson.
Officers and administrators in attendance were: Mitch Daniels, president; Jay Akridge, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs and diversity; Chris Ruhl, chief financial officer and treasurer; Jim Almond, senior vice president, assistant treasurer, and assistant secretary; Steve Schultz, general counsel; Trent Klingerman, deputy general counsel; and Janice Indrutz, corporate secretary and senior executive assistant to the Board.
Chairman Berghoff called the meeting to order and noted all trustees were in attendance.
The Compensation Committee, Academic and Student Affairs Committee, and Audit and Enterprise Risk Committee all convened public meetings immediately prior to this Stated Meeting. Chairman Berghoff read the list of items on which the Committees voted to recommend full Board approval, which composed the unanimous consent agenda along with other routine items, as follows:
Chairman Berghoff then asked if any of the Board members wished to have an item removed from the consent agenda for further discussion. Hearing no such request, and upon proper motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve the unanimous consent agenda. All supporting materials were filed with the minutes.
Provost Akridge respectfully requested approval to appoint Dr. Harm HogenEsch as Distinguished Professor of Immunopathology. He described Dr. HogenEsch as an exceptional scientist with a stellar reputation in the area of immunopathology whose instrumental research in the formulation of vaccines not only impacted global public health but also significantly advanced understanding of vaccines for companion and production animals. Provost Akridge discussed Dr. HogenEsch’s university and professional service and informed the Committee that Dr. HogenEsch held two U.S. patents and two patents with the World Intellectual Property Organization. To conclude his recommendation, Provost Akridge cited one of five letters received in support of Dr. HogenEsch’s appointment. Upon proper motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to ratify Dr. Harm HogenEsch as Distinguished Professor of Immunopathology. Supporting materials were filed with the minutes.
Dr. HogenEsch expressed his gratitude. He said he was fortunate and it was a privilege to work with many talented students, and he never regretted his decision to come to Purdue.
President Daniels profiled the gifts of $1,000,000 or more which the university had received since the Board’s Stated Meeting on August 6, 2021. The donors of these gifts were recognized in the following Resolution of Appreciation:
WHEREAS, the following friends of Purdue University have generously contributed $1,000,000 or more to move Purdue to greater excellence and preeminence; and
WHEREAS, the University wishes to acknowledge the significance of these gifts to new directions, advancements, and momentum in Purdue’s history, progress, and future;
1. That the University and the Trustees are grateful to these individuals for their leadership and support of Purdue University; and
2. That this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Board of Trustees as part of the permanent record of the University.
FRIENDS: Howard Atlas, to support University Initiatives; Wu-Huang “Mike” Yang and Li-Jung Cheng, to support the College of Pharmacy; Robert Cromwell, to support Purdue University; Katharine Crook; to support the College of Agriculture and Purdue Polytechnic Institute; Peter Gallios, to support Purdue University; Jane and Sam Ogrizovich, to support the College of Agriculture and the College of Health and Human Sciences; Ravi and Eleanor Talwar, to support the School of Industrial Engineering; Bruce and Elizabeth White, to support the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management; and Anonymous, to support the Davidson School of Chemical Engineering and Intercollegiate Athletics.
Upon proper motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve the Resolution. Supporting materials and a formal copy of the resolution were filed with the minutes.
President Daniels began his report on enrollment and graduation by highlighting the fall record undergraduate enrollment of 37,101 students and record graduate enrollment of 11,613 students, making total enrollment almost 50,000 students. President Daniels attributed the record enrollment to the unforeseen and unprecedented yield in out-of-state students, and he outlined the top states from which the freshmen had hailed. In response to a question from Trustee Beck, President Daniels affirmed that there had also been record enrollment of Indiana students, and he shared that fewer international students had been admitted by design. President Daniels presented survey findings which indicated that admitted students chose to attend Purdue due to its reputation for quality, ongoing commitment to affordability, and the university’s effective management through the COVID-19 pandemic. He added that many survey respondents mentioned Purdue as having been the only university open for them to visit during the pandemic. Chairman Berghoff stated his belief that the successful efforts of the university’s Marketing and Communications team also contributed to the higher yield rate. President Daniels went on to explain how the higher yield rate had impacted housing and dining, and he informed the Board that more faculty would be hired in response to the enrollment growth. Provost Akridge interjected that FY23 would be the largest faculty hiring year in Purdue history to increase both instructional and research capacity. President Daniels illustrated graduation rates, time to degree, and retention rates, and he highlighted the percentage of undergraduate degrees awarded in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) disciplines. He also presented the number of specific degrees awarded at the West Lafayette campus for the last five years, with 8,008 degrees awarded in 2020-2021. He assured the Board that, once a student arrived at Purdue, the university would do everything it could to ensure the student’s success. To conclude his report, President Daniels was pleased to share that Purdue Global awarded 10,000 diplomas in 2020-2021, with the majority of those being undergraduate degrees.
The Board discussed the impact of enrollment growth on housing. President Daniels said, based on the experience this fall, the university had already begun to anticipate housing needs for next year should it be another record year for enrollment. Chairman Berghoff said the alternative to putting 1,500 new students in temporary housing was to tell them they could not attend Purdue but that simply was not an option. Provost Akridge confirmed that all students were now in permanent housing. Trustee Beck expressed his belief that the housing team had done a remarkable job of placing 1,500 additional students into permanent housing before classes began. A copy of President Daniels’ report presentation was filed with the minutes.
A number of students were in attendance for the meeting, some seated in the room and many standing in the hallway, to demonstrate their concerns regarding recent sexual assaults on campus. Though it was the Board’s practice not to allow public comment during meetings, Chairman Berghoff agreed to allow one of the student demonstrators to speak. The student acknowledged the university’s efforts toward student affordability and student success but expressed concern that the Board and administration were not hearing the students’ fears for their safety in the wake of the recent sexual assaults. Chairman Berghoff responded that the Board’s role was to ensure that departments like Student Life and resources were in place to enact change because the problem could not be solved in the boardroom. However, he said, “we hear you and we understand.” Trustee Thompson thanked the students for representing themselves in a professional manner and echoed Chairman Berghoff’s remarks that the issues could not be resolved during a Board meeting. He explained that the Board would, however, listen and engage the right people, and he assured the students they were being heard. He went on to say that Trustee Brouillette, chair of the Academic and Student Affairs Committee, was working with university leaders who could better address the students’ concerns, and students would have a voice at the table. Trustee Thompson used his experience as chair of the Equity Task Force to demonstrate that “something will get done, but you have to believe it and we will need your help. You can push, push, push, but push the right way – at the table with ideas and thoughts about what needs to change.”
Provost Akridge thanked the Board for its extraordinary commitment to the undergraduate program and said he was excited to share what had been accomplished toward the Transformative Education 2.0 initiative in the months since it was approved by the Board in April 2021. Provost Akridge reviewed the goal of the initiative – to make Purdue University the most innovative residential learning program in the country among large research universities – and he discussed the methods by which this goal would be accomplished. Provost Akridge then outlined five broad areas in which efforts would be concentrated – degree planning and auditing, student data and reporting, student communication and engagement, Innovation College–experiential education, and Innovation College–innovation hub, and he discussed initial actions taken in each area. He explained that the Innovation College was a virtual entity to catalyze academic change and was being led by Dr. Jenna Rickus, vice provost for teaching and learning, and Dr. Gary Bertoline, senior vice president for Purdue Online and Learning Innovation. Provost Akridge indicated that Purdue had the opportunity to seek external funding to support the Innovation College because of its transformative activities, as evidenced by gifts from the Lilly Endowment. To conclude his report, Provost Akridge expressed his belief that the investment in the Transformative Education 2.0 initiative spoke volumes about the university’s commitment to undergraduate education.
Chairman Berghoff said he was pleased to hear about the Lilly Endowment’s confidence in the initiative, and Trustee Castagna expressed her excitement about how the new faculty hires President Daniels had mentioned in his report would be able to contribute to the initiative.
Dr. Beth McNeil, dean of Libraries and School of Information Studies since July 1, 2019, delivered her report around the general theme “More than Books.” She began by providing a snapshot of data, which included Libraries being one of the largest employers of students on campus. She discussed the libraries’ hours of operation and said their resources were available 24/7 because they could be accessed electronically. Dean McNeil said the School of Information Studies represented the Libraries faculty members’ teaching and growing research, and she was pleased to report about increasing enrollment in Information Studies courses. She pointed out that the School offered two certificates to students, and she informed the Board that faculty members were involved in Purdue’s IMPACT and CURE programs (Instruction Matters: Purdue Academic Course Transformation and Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences). Dean McNeil discussed in what ways the School was also a vital part of students’ residential experience, and she informed the Board that Libraries and the School of Information Studies was focused on becoming the Big Ten leader with regard to open access, open scholarship, and open science while meeting Purdue’s curricular and research needs with library resources. She was also pleased to report that successful negotiations with publisher Elsevier resulted in a $1.5 million savings to the university. Dean McNeil said the year ahead would be exciting due to undertaking a master plan exercise, focusing on six goals of the strategic plan, and implementing recommendations from the recently completed external review of Archives and Special Collections. She expressed her belief that Archives and Special Collections would need to grow its physical footprint because it housed Purdue’s history. Supporting materials and a copy of Dean McNeil’s report presentation were filed with the minutes.
President Daniels requested the Board’s approval to name the Atlas Family Marketplace in the Purdue Memorial Union upon completion of the Union’s ground floor renovation currently underway. He said the 87,000 square foot space would continue to serve as a campus hub for students, faculty, staff, and alumni, and naming it for alumnus Howard Atlas and his late father, also a Purdue alumnus, would serve to honor their $2.5 million gift to the university. Upon proper motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to name the Atlas Family Marketplace. Supporting materials were filed with the minutes.
President Daniels requested the Board’s approval to name an innovation laboratory in the Hampton Hall of Civil Engineering for Joe and Lisa Shetterley to honor their generous gift of $1.1 million. The Shetterleys’ gift was inspired by the research and innovation of Dr. Luna Lu, ACPA Professor in the Lyles School of Civil Engineering, and the Shetterleys’ desire to support ongoing research in an area of interest to them. Upon proper motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to name the Joe and Lisa Shetterley Innovation Laboratory. Supporting materials were filed with the minutes.
Chairman Berghoff recommended to the Board that Sonny Beck be designated as a group II director for the Purdue Research Foundation board for another three-year term. Upon proper motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve Sonny’s continued service on the PRF board.
By consent, the meeting adjourned at 10:42 a.m.