APSAC seeking new members
The Administrative and Professional Staff Advisory Committee is now accepting applications to fill seven seats that will become vacant on May 31, 2019. A few dozen staff members serve on APSAC and are representative of administrative and professional staff from all segments of the Purdue community, including regional campuses.
One staff member is needed in each of the following groupings of areas to fill upcoming vacancies for three-year terms (June 1, 2019, to May 31, 2022):
- College of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service, and College of Veterinary Medicine
- Office of the President and Areas Reporting Directly to Provost, Board of Trustees, Vice President of Marketing and Media
- Intercollegiate Athletics
- Areas Reporting to the Vice President for Information Technology
- Areas Reporting to the Vice President for Physical Facilities
For an additional grouping of areas, two staff members are needed; one will serve a 3-year term (June 1, 2019, to May 31, 2022) and the other will serve a 1-year term (June 1, 2019, to May 31, 2020):
- Senior Vice President and Assistant Treasurer, Internal Audit, Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer, and Vice President for Human Resources
- Attend the full committee meeting the second Wednesday of each month, 1:30–3:30 p.m.
- Serve on an APSAC subcommittee (meet monthly; times and dates vary by subcommittee).
- Communicate appropriate information to A/P staff in their areas on a regular basis.
To submit an application, please complete the online survey at https://purdue.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cU8MYttVB5wOeoJ. The deadline for application submission is March 8, 2019. Interviews will take place during weeks of March 11 and/or 18. For more information, contact Jason FitzSimmons, chair, APSAC Membership & Communications Subcommittee, at 765-496-6422 or apsac-mac@lists.purdue.edu.