MaPSAC Management and Professional Staff Advisory Committee

MaPSAC Seeking New Members

The annual MaPSAC Membership Drive is open in March of each year. Membership terms are for 3 years, unless noted otherwise. Check back here in March for a link to the applicationl

Staff members in an area with an opening will receive an email inviting them to apply. If you have any questions about MaPSAC or the membership drive, please email


MaPSAC serves as a two-way conduit between M/P staff and the administration. As such, MaPSAC serves two distinct constituencies, each with the need to hear the other and to be heard by the other. In its role as a communication facilitator, MaPSAC offers M/P staff a mechanism to voice their interests and concerns as they relate to campus affairs. The following is expected of all MaPSAC members: 

  • Attend the full committee meeting the second Wednesday of each month, 1:30 p.m. -3:30 p.m.
  • Serve on an MaPSAC subcommittee (meet monthly, times and dates vary by subcommittee).
  • Communicate appropriate information to M/P staff in their area(s) on a regular basis.

Composition of the committee

MaPSAC is comprised of up to 30 voting administrative and professional staff representative of all segments of the campus community, including the regional campuses. Appointments to MaPSAC are, generally, for a three-year term beginning June 1. A normal term shall begin at the June meeting, unless other circumstances arise, such as the resignation of a member. There shall be a minimum 12-month waiting period before any member who has served a full term can be eligible for reappointment to the committee. Appointments to MaPSAC are made by the University President, through recommendations by the MaPSAC Membership subcommittee.

Recruitment and selection of new members

The Membership and Communications (herein referred to as MAC) Subcommittee is charged with the responsibility of recruiting, interviewing and selecting all new MaPSAC members except regional campus representatives. Regional campus M/P staff advisory groups are charged with selecting a primary member and an optional secondary member. MaPSAC shall identify, orient and mentor new and existing MaPSAC members to further its mission.

MaPSAC membership drive

MAC accepts applications for new members and conducts interviews early in the spring during the MaPSAC recruitment period. Those who are interested in applying must have their supervisor's approval. Applicants must fill out a brief questionnaire and will be interviewed by up to three current MaPSAC members. New members will be notified of their acceptance to MaPSAC no later than May 1, and their terms officially will begin in June.

Member responsibilities

  • Members are expected to disseminate information that has been gathered at the meetings that may be of use and interest to M/P staff.  The members of each area shall select the most appropriate and effective means of communication. The distributed information should protect any confidences.
  • Attendance at meetings is expected. Members are expected to stay until adjournment unless prior arrangements are made. Members have the responsibility of arranging with their supervisors and/or department heads for attendance at meetings in accordance with HR Policy V.B.2 and subsequent updates.
  • New members are expected to attend the June meeting for orientation to MaPSAC.
For more information on how to become a member, contact any member of MaPSAC.

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