Faculty Associates

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Name Position Email
Fan, Alei, PhD Associate Professor, White Lodging-J.W. Marriott, Jr. School of Hospitality and Tourism Management fan182@purdue.edu
Fernandes, Igor A., PhD Assistant Professor of Health and Kinesiology. iafernan@purdue.edu
Ferraro, Kenneth F., PhD Distinguished Professor of Sociology ferraro@purdue.edu
Francis, Alexander L., PhD Professor of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences francisa@purdue.edu
Franks, Melissa M., PhD Director, Center for Families
Associate Professor of Human Development and Family Science
Freeman, Jennifer L., PhD Professor of Toxicology jfreema@purdue.edu
Friedman, Elliot M., PhD William and Sally Berner Hanley Professor of Gerontology, Department of Human Development and Family Science efriedman@purdue.edu
Furuya, Shiro, PhD Assistant Professor of Sociology sfuruya@purdue.edu