Tag: Engineering Design

Build Your Own Wind Turbine

Thursday, October 24th, 2024

Lesson Overview:  Students create a wind turbine that will be able to give clean power to at least 400 homes! Lesson Scenario:  The federal government has opened the door for offshore wind farms in our area.  Your company has been awarded the contract to design and install the wind farm off the coast of Maryland […]


Thursday, October 24th, 2024

Lesson Overview:  Students must design blades that mitigate the harmful effects on wildlife. Lesson Scenario:  You are working for a renewable energy company – W.I.N.G.S. and your job is to help the company design new blades for wind turbines. W.I.N.G.S. researchers have determined that wind turbine blades must be redesigned to reduce the harm to […]

D-Bait (Exemplary)

Friday, June 7th, 2019

Using principles of ecosystem interactions and buoyancy, students will design and 3D print real fishing lures that imitate the behaviors of aquatic insects.

Ticket to Fly

Friday, June 7th, 2019

Students will study the physics behind different types of flight and using biomimicry design a simple flying machine.

Animal Architects

Thursday, June 6th, 2019

This unit takes biological phenomena such as transpiration of plants, laws of thermodynamics, animal behavior and regulation of body temperature, to create innovative, eco-friendly housing and landscape designs. This unit specifically focuses on the need for sustainable development by implementing biomimicry into landscape/housing designs. Students are tasked to use their knowledge of the aforementioned topics to create a blueprint of a new, ‘better’ house.

Temporary Sanctuary

Tuesday, June 4th, 2019

Lesson focuses on students learning about how sustainability, biomimicry, and architecture can work together to create innovative and feasible housing solutions for those in need. Students will need to collect information on the complications that people encounter when faced with not having shelter, where are some of the most resource deprived areas of the world, and what energy conservation technologies exist that can supplement the function of a shelter to provide adequate living conditions.

Riparian Zone Replacement Design

Tuesday, June 4th, 2019

The students will explore the causes and effects of erosion and how a healthy riparian zone can work. They will test water health based on the aquatic insects they find and compare their water health findings to how the waterway has been eroding.  They will develop a testable replacement riparian zone model based on their research and develop a real-world implementation based upon their designs.

Drone Pollination

Tuesday, June 4th, 2019

Students will be working in groups to create a 3-d printed drone pollination applicator that can be used to pollinate flowers. They will also develop a product and use a persuasive Shark Tank style presentation to try and convince a panel of community partners that their design should be the one to be commercially developed. Content includes design thinking, decision matrix, and forces.

Clean Sweep

Tuesday, June 4th, 2019

Students will describe and illustrate
the feeding relationships of aquatic food webs. They will communicate
environmental issues of plastic pollution in marine habitats in a mass media
format. They will predict buoyancy of an object using mathematics and
predictive analysis. Working in a cross-curricular team they will design,
build, and test a device to collect plastic pollution from an aquatic habitat.

Build a bug: Designing a Predator Insect

Tuesday, June 4th, 2019

The students will research what makes a good predator to design and 3D print a prototype of the ideal predatory insect.

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