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Benefits/Health Insurance

PURA Benefits Committee

PURA Benefits Committee Purpose and Contact Information

Purdue Human Resources Support/Contact Information for Retiree Health/Benefits Questions

Purdue University Retiree's Association Helpful Contact Information

PURA Health Information

PURA Health Insurance Plans Renewed for 2025

PURA Health Insurance Plans Renewed for 2024

New PURcare and Medicare Advantage PPO Enrollment Eligibility Policy, Effective Fall 2019

RIPEA Group Health Insurance Plans

Guidelines Utilized by the PURA Benefits Committee to Select Health Insurance Plans

Paying Your Insurance Premiums

effective September 1, 2015; revised May 2021

PURCare Benefit Plan Vision Coverage 

Renew Active Fitness Program

Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

Emergency Room Services

Insurance Assistance to Official Retirees Under Age 65 Available

Official Purdue University Retiree Benefits

List of Benefits Available to Purdue University Retirees

Are you concerned about Medical and Prescription Drug Insurance after you retire?

Learn How to Retire Smart

Helpful Medicare/Supplement Coverage Information

Federal Hospital Pricing Requirement

Prescription Drugs Administered While in the Hospital

Hospital Inpatient Admission or Observation - Does it Make a Difference?

Helpful End of Life Planning Information

Recap & Slides from Nov. 2018 PURA “Planning for Your Future” Seminar 

Planning and Managing End of Life Issues: Open Letter to Retirees

What to Do When a Loved One Passes Away-A Survivor's Checklist

Organizing My Affairs    Document     Instructions

PURA Benefits Committee

Benefits Committee Purpose and Contact Information

The Benefits Committee monitors the medical plans for retirees, evaluates changes, and investigates alternatives where advantages may be gained.

A key part of the execution of this committee's responsibilities is through the support provided by the Purdue University Human Resource Services department that handles the communication, gathers additional vital data, and provides a focal point for problem resolution.

The committee also strives to keep retirees aware of additional University benefits and privileges and promotes program improvements where possible.

Questions concerning the PURA health care plan should be sent to Larry Pherson, Chair, at lpherson3744@gmail.com

Purdue retirees and spouses are eligible for membership to this or any other PURA committee. Due to the Benefits Committee's responsibilities, priorities and processes and the time involved in researching and resolving complex issues affecting retirees, this committee has elected to have no term limits for its members. Anyone interested in joining this or any other committee should contact the committee chair.

Last updated: March 2022

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Purdue Human Resources Support

PURA members continue to receive outstanding support from Purdue Human Resources. Our support person for health insurance is Kate LaMar. Please email or phone Kate with questions at klamar@purdue.edu or 765-494-1694.

Any questions related to PURA activities, or to update your contact information (mailing address, email address) please email pura@purdue.edu.

Last Update:  March 2022

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PURA Health Information

PURA Health Insurance Plans Renewed for 2025

The Benefits Committee of the Purdue University Retirees Association (PURA) has renewed the PURcare and Medicare Advantage PPO group health insurance plans with UnitedHealthcare (UHC) for 2025. This year the Committee’s job was to negotiate the best possible premium, given the Part D Drug Plan enhancements from the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. The improved 2025 Part D benefits include replacing the Donut Hole with a $2000 maximum out-of-pocket. Please see more about 2025 Medicare Part D changes on the included Additional Information page.

Your committee is announcing the following monthly premiums for 2025:

PURcare (UHC Senior Supplement plus Part D prescription plan) $355.94/member

UHC Group Medicare Advantage PPO (including Part D prescription plan) $241.94/member

The 2025 PURcare premium has increased $57.55 /month. The Committee is extremely disappointed by the 19.2% increase, but believe we have met the objective of maintaining the custom benefits of the plan with the lowest possible premium increase.

The 2025 PURcare Senior Supplement annual deductible of $300 has not increased, and the Part D prescription plan, unlike many plans on the individual market, continues to have no deductible.

Historically, the PURcare premium (per member per month) has been:

Plan Year 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
$281.80 $281.43 $280.77 $290.97 $298.39

For PURcare members with prescription coverage from the Veterans Administration, the 2025 supplement-only premium will be $219.88/member/month, an increase of $27.03.

The 2025 Group Medicare Advantage PPO Plan will have an increase of $69.03/member. The premium for 2025 will be $241.94/member/month. There is no increase to the Hospital and Medical Co-pays, and the Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum is unchanged at $3,400. Members in this plan can use any Medicare provider in the country that will accept this insurance plan. The plan continues to feature no deductible for either Hospital/Medical services or prescription purchases. 2025 Medicare Part D changes are on the Additional Information page.

Your Benefits Committee has, as we have in past years, placed a high priority on protecting PURA members’ life assets at the expense of higher monthly premiums. The 2025 plan does not change co-pays or deductibles, and drug costs may be significantly reduced for those members with high-cost drugs. The result of keeping these out-of-pocket costs low is a higher premium. We understand that the announced increase is surprising. If you wish to do some market comparisons remember to compare, in addition to premiums, the Deductibles, Co-pays and Out-of-Pocket maximum.

If you elect to terminate your PURA insurance for non-PURA insurance, you will not be eligible to return to the group plans in the future.

An open forum has been scheduled immediately following the November 4, 2024, Monthly PURA Meeting. We expect that the forum will begin at approximately 11:30am. The Monthly PURA meeting is held at the VFW, 2660 Duncan Rd, Lafayette IN. If you wish to attend virtually, you may do so by connecting to the Zoom link provided in emails from PURA. You can request the Zoom link by emailing pura@purdue.edu.

Important! If you are currently enrolled in either of the plans, PURcare or Group Medicare Advantage PPO, and you do not want to make a change, no action is required. Your coverage will automatically continue for 2025. Re-enrollment is not required!

PURA members continue to receive outstanding support from Purdue Human Resources, and for that, we are most thankful. PURA’s plans support a portion of the costs of these staff.

Please contact Kate LaMar with questions about plan details or enrollment at klamar@purdue.edu or
(765) 494-1694.

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PURA Health Insurance Plans Renewed for 2024

The Benefits Committee of the Purdue University Retirees Association (PURA) has renewed the PURcare and Medicare Advantage PPO group health insurance plans with UnitedHealthcare (UHC) for 2024.  As in the past, the objective was to maintain the best medical and drug insurance plans, at the lowest premium possible, while preserving your ability to see the Medicare provider of your choice.

Your committee is announcing the following monthly premiums for 2024:

PURcare (UHC Senior Supplement plus Part D prescription plan).                                                     $298.39/member

UHC Group Medicare Advantage PPO (including Part D prescription plan).                                   $172.91/member

The 2024 monthly PURcare premium has increased $7.42 /month. The Committee is disappointed by the 2.5% increase, but considering current economic conditions, we believe that we have met the objective of obtaining the lowest premium possible while maintaining an outstanding medical and drug insurance plan.

Historically, the PURcare premium (per member per month) has been:

Plan Year






Monthly Premium







For PURcare members with prescription coverage from the Veteran’s Administration, the 2024 supplement-only monthly premium will be $192.85/member, an increase of $7.42.

The 2024 monthly premium for the Group Medicare Advantage PPO Plan does not increase and will remain $172.91/member. There will be no change to Hospital and Medical co-pays or the Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum for the Medicare Advantage PPO Plan.

There will be no change in the PURcare benefits for 2024.There is one significant change in the benefits provided by Medicare Advantage PPO Plan.  Effective January 1, 2024, Medicare Advantage PPO Plan members will be eligible to receive the Lifeline Personal Emergency Response System (PERS), without medical requirement at no additional cost to them. PERS provides fast and simple access to assistance 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. Additional information will be forthcoming from United Healthcare. Unfortunately, this benefit will not be available to those participating in the PURcare plan.

The PURA Benefits Committee’s goal for the future is to continue to provide access to outstanding group health insurance plans while maintaining stability in monthly premiums. PURA members continue to receive outstanding support from Purdue Human Resources and for that we are most thankful. PURA’s plans support a portion of the costs of these staff. 

If you are currently enrolled in either of the plans, PURcare or Group Medicare Advantage PPO, and you do not want to make a change, no action is required. Your coverage will automatically continue for 2024. Re-enrollment is not required!

If you elect to terminate your PURA group coverage for a non-PURA plan, you will not be permitted to rejoin later.

Please contact Kate LaMar with questions about plan details or enrollment at klamar@purdue.edu or (765) 494-1694.

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New PURcare and Medicare Advantage PPO Enrollment Eligibility Policy, Effective Fall 2019

By PURA Benefits Committee

In fall 2019, the PURA Benefits Committee enacted a new enrollment eligibility policy for PURcare and Medicare Advantage PPO, the two health plans for eligible Purdue University retirees. This new policy went into effect in September 2019.

Previously, Purdue retirees 65 years old or older had to decide at their date of retirement if they wished to join one of the two health plans offered by the University.  If this coverage was waived, the retiree was not eligible for Purdue-sponsored retiree health care coverage in the future.  With this new policy, the Benefits Committee has extended the timeline for retirees to decide if they want to join or waive PURA coverage.

Now, Purdue retirees 65 years old or older when retiring now have a one-time option to join a PURA retiree group plan during the first or second Medicare Open Enrollment period after their date of retirement when starting Medicare at age 65. For example, a university employee who retires in October of a given year has that same year and the following year's Medicare Open Enrhollment annual periods (October 15 to December 7) to enroll in one of the PURA health plans. An employee with a retirement date in December through November will be eligible to enroll during the Medicare Open Enrollment periods (October 15 to December 7) in the following two consecutive years.

There are no additional requirements to this new enrollment policy. However once a retiree waives coverage after his/her two post-retirement Medicare enrollment periods, that individual will not be eligible for Purdue-sponsored retiree health care coverage in the future.

The PURA Benefits Committee continues to be committed to offering comprehensive and affordable medical plans for university retirees. The additional time and flexibility this new enrollment policy provides will assist university employees as they transition to retirement.

Last Updated:  March 2022

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RIPEA Group Health Insurance Plans

The Retired Indiana Public Employees Association (RIPEA) sponsors group health insurance plans for its members covered by Medicare.  There is an annual membership fee, currently $18, to join RIPEA.

If you are PERF eligible, and feel that PURCare and PURA Medicare Advantage plans do not meet your needs, you may want to consider the healthcare plans offered by RIPEA.

There are two options for Medicare Supplement plans, as well as Medicare Advantage plans. The plans are provided by Anthem Insurance Company. 

Visit the website www.ripea.org or call 1-800-345-9214.

Last updated March 2022

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Guidelines Utilized by the PURA Benefits Committee to Select Health Insurance Plans 

Medicare Senior Supplement Plan (PURcare):

  • Any Senior Supplement plan and provider of the insurance should be able to serve our PURA members wherever they live.
  • The plan should give complete freedom for the member to select any doctor or provider of health services that accept Medicare patients.
  • The plan should cover medical and prescription drugs.
  • Any prescription drug plan should cover any legal drug prescribed by a doctor and approved by Medicare.
  • The insurance company should have a good reputation for service in the industry.
  • The plan should cover emergency healthcare services while the member is traveling outside the United States.
  • The plan should have a market competitive premium with the lowest possible annual deductible rate and with no or very low co-pays or other out-of-pocket costs to the member.
  • The plan should be comprehensive with marketing advantages over off the shelf plans provided by the insurance company.

Medicare Advantage or Preferred Provider Organization Plan

  • The Plan and provider of the insurance should be able to serve our PURA members wherever they live in the State of Indiana.
  • The plan should cover medical and prescription drugs.
  • The insurance company should have a good reputation for service in the industry.
  • The plan should have a market competitive premium with competitive co-pays and other out-of-pocket costs to the member.

Last Updated:  March 2022

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Paying Your Insurance Premiums

Members of PURA Health Insurance plans may pay their premiums for the entire year, pay by the month or use automatic monthly bank debits for the premium payments, known as Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). EFT is highly recommended as a reliable and convenient way to make your premium payments. A member can change their method of payment anytime throughout the year. A large number of our members use this method and have experienced no problems. If you are interested in making a change in your payment method, contact Kate LaMar at 765-494-1694.

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PURA Health Insurance PAST DUE PREMIUMS and TERMINATION POLICY Effective September 1, 2015; Revised May 2021

The Purdue University Retirees Association (PURA) Benefits Committee and Purdue University Human Resources desire to have in place a member eligibility for enrollment and continuation in any Health Insurance Plan offered by PURA and a termination policy to govern members with past due health insurance premiums. 

The Benefits Committee of PURA approved the following member eligibility statement for participation in and renewal of one of the PURA United Healthcare insurance plans, effective September 1, 2015.  The Benefits Committee has asked the insurance provider United Healthcare to administer the billing process to individual members and to collect the premiums for all plans.

Eligibility and Enrollment

All official retirees of Purdue University (55 years of age with 10 or more years of service), a spouse who is Medicare eligible and their Medicare eligible dependents under the age of 26 may enroll in Health Insurance options offers by PURA in partnership with Purdue University.

All individuals desiring health insurance through one of the PURA plans must individually enroll in the selected plan through the designated staff of Purdue Human Resources.  A designated representative of the Purdue Human Resources Department will enroll members using the eligibility criteria for new and continuing members approved by the PURA Benefits Committee.

All members of any PURA sponsored health insurance program plan must pay their premiums on the schedule set forth by United Healthcare (UHC).  UHC sends invoices and collects premiums for enrolled members.  Failure to pay the health plan premiums will result in plan and benefit coverage cancellation as set forth below and as stated in the plan policy documents.

Involuntary Termination Policy

All members of any plan must pay their premiums to UHC on a schedule determined by UHC.  Failure to pay premiums will result in the member receiving a past due invoice.  The designated representative of the Purdue Human Resources Department will receive a report each month with names of members who have failed in paying their premiums for 60 or 90 days (equivalent of two or three months of total premium due) so that confirmation can be given to UHC for termination of specified member’s health insurance coverage in accordance with the involuntary termination policy stated below.  No member will have their health insurance plan involuntarily terminated in regards to delinquent premium payments without the specific approval of Purdue/PURA.

Members who disagree with UHC on any past due premiums by reason of payments made and not recorded or other reasons for disagreement of payment due shall have an appeal process to resolve such disagreements.  This appeal will be made to the address provided in your UHC Senior Supplement Certificate of Coverage or your UHC Medicare Rx Evidence of Coverage.

Failure to pay premiums will result in the forfeiture of eligibility and termination from the plan.  No action will be taken to terminate coverage during the first 60 days of delinquency (grace period).

The PURA Benefits Committee has established the following policy that will determine involuntary termination of the policy and benefits for any individual member:

  • UHC reports to PURA/Purdue names of members who are 60 or 90 days delinquent in premium payments each month. The Purdue Human Resources Department will contact members who have past due premiums of 60 or more days to work out a plan for each member, if they desire to continue health insurance through PURA.
  • PURA/Purdue reviews list for termination and confirms to UHC that termination of members who are 90 days delinquent is appropriate under PURA policy.
  • Members who are 90 days (equivalent of three months of total premiums due) delinquent in payments will be involuntarily terminated from the selected plan by Purdue/PURA.
  • No action will be taken to terminate coverage during the first 60 days of delinquency (grace period). At the end of 90 days with past due premiums, if the member has not responded to the past due invoice from UHC by making a full payment of all delinquent premiums, a letter will be sent by UHC at the request of PURA indicating that the member’s coverage will be terminated due to no longer meeting the eligibility requirements for Purdue’s employer sponsored coverage through PURA.  This letter will be sent at least 21 days prior to the effective termination date to provide the member opportunity to purchase another plan so that they will not have any gap in coverage.
  • Claims with a date of service after the specified termination date will not be considered for payment by UHC. Any claims with a valid date of service provided prior to the termination date will be adjudicated and paid according to the plan benefits by UHC.

Voluntary Termination

Voluntary termination will result from death of the member, member ineligibility due to moving outside of the United States or by cancellation of the policy at the end of the calendar year.  Voluntary termination does not remove the member’s obligation to pay premiums until the time of termination.

Having these guidelines and policies in place will allow UHC to properly administer the plan and to ensure the administration of the plans complies with Center for Medicare and Medicare Services (CMS) requirements.

Last updated March 2022      

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Renew Active Fitness Program


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Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) is a United States federal law which aims to curb inflation by reducing the Federal deficit, lowering prescription drug prices and investing into domestic energy production while promoting clean energy. In order to comply with the provisions of IRA, United Healthcare (UHC) has provided the following update regarding insulin and vaccine coverage for PURA members enrolled in a plan with Part D prescription Drug coverage.  Both PURCare (UHC Senior Supplement plus Part D prescription plan and the PURA/UHC Group Medicare Advantage PPO including Part D prescription plan) are impacted.

Effective January 1, 2023 for Insulin:

  1. The IRA implements copay caps for insulin. The caps set the maximum cost-share per month supply at $35.00/$75.00/ $105.00 for a 1-month/2-month/3-month supply .
  2. The caps are agnostic to preferred, non-preferred or non-formulary status (when covered by the plan).
  3. The caps apply to both retail and mail order purchases.
  4. In order to comply with IRA, UHC is implementing the IRA caps to ensure that members pay the lesser of their standard cost-share or the IRA cost-share.
  5. PURA insureds should expect that their cost-share for insulin purchases will either be reduced or remain the same as pre-IRA.

Effective January 1,2023 for Vaccines:

IRA reduces cost and improves coverage for adult vaccine coverage under Medicare Part D, effective January 1, 2023. The following is a list of $0 copay vaccines under IRA:

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis B

Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

Japanese encephalitis

Measles-mumps-Rubella (Combinations)

Meningococcal bacteria (Combinations)





Tetanus-Diphtheria-Pertussis (Select combinations)

Tick-borne encephalitis


Typhoid fever


Yellow fever

Reminder, vaccinations for influenza and COVID are covered under Medicare Part B.

The IRA provides the means for impacting prescription drug prices in 2024 and beyond. Further information regarding the IRA’s impact on PURA insureds will be provided as it becomes available.

Last Updated:  March 2023

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Emergency Room Services

Several media outlets reported that United Healthcare intended, effective July 1, 2021, to withhold payment for emergency room services not determined to be emergencies. Hospitals, medical care providers and many social service organizations made their concerns known to United Healthcare.

Since United Healthcare is the insurance provider for PURA’s PURCare and Medicare Advantage plans, PURA likewise was concerned when we learned United Healthcare's intentions. The Benefits Committee contacted United Healthcare to make them aware of our concerns.

We are pleased to report United Healthcare's decision to delay implementation of their new Emergency Room policy, at least, until the end of the COVID pandemic. United Healthcare also confirmed that the proposed practice will not be applicable to PURA's PURCare and Medicare Supplement Plans.

Utilization data provided to us by United Healthcare shows that PURA members covered by PURCare have over the years been careful to use the Emergency Room for emergency situations. We hope that will continue, as it has a positive impact on our premiums. Likewise, if you are facing a health situation of an emergency nature, do not delay getting to the Emergency Room for treatment.

Last Updated:  March 2022

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Insurance Assistance to Official Retirees Under Age 65 Available

Purdue University, in partnership with the Purdue University Retirees Association and the Henriott Group, Inc., has arranged assistance for official Purdue retirees under the age of 65 and not yet eligible for Medicare, to help you understand your health insurance options in retirement.

The Health Insurance Marketplace (also known as the Exchange), created as part of the Affordable Care Act, offers health insurance options to ensure everyone in the United States has access to affordable health care.

It is likely that some number of Purdue retirees would be eligible for a premium tax credit (also known as a subsidy) to assist with the cost of healthcare through the Marketplace.  There are several plans available and it can be difficult to find a well-matched plan. That’s where Henriott comes in.  They are knowledgeable and experienced in helping you shop for a plan that best suits your needs.

Purdue University and PURA are pleased to be able to offer this assistance, and we encourage you to review your options.

Last Updated:  March 2022

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Official Purdue University Retiree Benefits


Are you concerned about Medical and Prescription Drug Insurance after you retire?

As you plan for your retirement the decision you make on Supplemental Medical and Prescription Drug health insurance will be one of your most important decisions.  There are lots of choices and if you are healthy now you may be tempted to buy the cheapest available plan.  However, we suggest that you consider that as you grow older your medical and drug needs will most likely increase—maybe exponentially.  The old adage of “pay me now or pay me later” applies here. Find out more about the Purdue retiree's group insurance plan, PURcare, here.

Last Updated:  March 2022


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Helpful Medicare/Supplement Coverage Information

Federal Hospital Pricing Requirement

By PURA Benefits Committee
January 2019

As of January 1, 2019, all hospitals must post online all the costs for the goods and services they provide. It is a requirement of the Affordable Care Act and is part of an effort to bring greater transparency to health care. Hospitals provide the prices they have set for their procedures, services, drugs and supplies on spreadsheets called chargemaster lists.

Finding the chargemaster information on a hospital’s website takes diligence. Typing in the hospital’s name along with keywords “billing” or “chargemaster” might produce a link. If lists are located, the numbers can be misleading and will not help patients figure out their true costs. Most consumers will not be paying the chargemaster prices.

Hospital officials and health care professionals are warning that the chargemaster lists will be of limited use to people with insurance coverage, because the listed prices do not represent consumers’ out-of-pocket responsibility. In addition, the lists contain a hodgepodge of numbers, abbreviations, technical medical terms and codes that may be difficult to decipher. Different hospitals may not display the same items the same way.

Due to the complexity and opaque nature of hospital pricing, the chargemaster lists are unlikely to provide clarity and usefulness to the average person. There are other sources that may be of greater assistance in helping consumers evaluate hospital costs:

1) FAIR Health makes available resources that help consumers understand their health benefits, plan their costs and make the most of their medical and dental coverage. www.fairhealthconsumer.org 

2) Health Care Bluebook Fair Price is the reasonable amount one should pay for a medical service. It is calculated from a nationwide database of medical payment data and customized to an individual’s geographic area. www.healthcarebluebook.com 

3) Indiana Hospital Association has a website which calculates the overall cost of a procedure and allows users to compare hospital charges and quality ratings. www.mycareINsight.org 

When using the above tools, keep in mind they do not take a person’s insurance into account. However, these sources provide helpful resources for estimating health care costs.

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Prescription Drugs Administered While in the Hospital

In the event that an individual on the PURcare plan (Senior Supplement + Part D) is admitted to the hospital as an inpatient, Medicare Part A will pay for all drugs that are received, including self-administered drugs.  “Self-administered drugs” are drugs prescribed by a doctor prior to entering the hospital that you would normally take on your own.   The only responsibility of the plan participant will be that of their typical cost share for the inpatient hospital stay. 

A retiree enrolled in the Group Medicare Advantage plan who is admitted as an inpatient will pay only their Hospital per-day copayment; self-administered drugs will be covered.

When a member of the PURcare plan is kept in the hospital on an observation basis, payments for the medical services would be covered under Medicare Part B, which does not cover self-administered drugs under any circumstance.

Under observation, the plan member in PURcare or the Medicare Advantage plan will be billed for self-administered drugs and will be expected to pay the hospital. The member must file a claim for reimbursement under their Part D prescription drug plan.  The Part D plan will reimburse the member on an out-of-network basis which will put all the prescription drugs in a Tier 3 level cost share or copay. The plan will only reimburse the cost of the drug up to an amount that is comparable to a contracted rate; any difference between the charged amount and the reimbursed amount will be the responsibility of the plan member.

Contact the UnitedHealthcare Customer Service number on the back of your Part D or Medicare Advantage ID card to ask for the “Direct Member Reimbursement Form” for prescription reimbursement.  If you have questions or problems, please contact Kate LaMar, Human Resources, at klamar@purdue.edu or (765) 494-1694.

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Hospital Inpatient admission or Observation - Does it Make a Difference?

Yes!  The inpatient or observation status of the patient affects Medicare and supplement insurance payments to the hospital, to skilled nursing or rehabilitation facilities, and for prescription drugs.  Administrative personnel at Lafayette area hospitals, St. Elizabeth East Hospital and IU-Arnett Hospital, responsible for compliance with Medicare rules provided the following information. A hospital’s failure to comply with Medicare rules can result in the hospital not being reimbursed for services and possible fines.

Inpatient admitted status is covered by Medicare Part A.  Observation status is covered by Medicare Part B.  Currently the hospital is reimbursed $4400 a day for Part A inpatient admission and $400 a day for observation.  Insurance coverage with PURcare and other Medicare supplement plans and different Medicare Advantage plans varies depending on the plan. 

Important information for you or an advocate to remember when you or a loved one is hospitalized:

  • You should select an advocate before you enter the hospital to speak for you and ask questions in case you cannot.
  • The admitting physician determines whether the patient is admitted as an “inpatient” or admitted “for observation”.
  • Observation—the admitting physician believes the problem can be resolved in less than a 2 midnights stay.  If not resolved in 2 midnights, the status may be changed to inpatient.  However, this does not happen automatically. 
  • Inpatient Admission—the admitting physician believes 3 or more midnights and specialized treatment or care is needed.
  • A patient is not necessarily told whether he/she is admitted as an inpatient or under observation.  The patient or the advocate must ask.
  • The physician’s decision on inpatient admission or observation status is reviewed by a case management team to insure that Medicare rules are met.  If more information is needed, a hospitalist or a specialist’s opinion may be sought.  Medicare rules state that observation status cannot be appealed.  However, one hospital administrator suggested talking to the case management nurse if there are questions about the patient’s observation status.
  • After outpatient surgery certain conditions may warrant further outpatient observation.  Depending of care needed, the patient or advocate must ask whether the status is observation or inpatient admission.
  • There is no Medicare coverage for prescription costs when in observation status.  The prescription bill must be paid by the patient.  The patient can then file a claim with his/her Part D prescription plan for reimbursement.  The claim may or may not be paid depending on the insurance policy.
  • A patient must have inpatient admission status over 3 midnights to be eligible for Medicare to cover a skilled nursing or rehabilitation facility stay.  Medicare covers up to 100 days in a skilled nursing facility when meeting Medicare requirements. 
    •  PURcare Senior Supplement coverages continue for day 101 and beyond, if the patient continues to meet Medicare requirements.
    • Medicare Advantage plans do not have a 3 midnight inpatient requirement to be eligible for a skilled nursing or rehabilitation facility.  Coverage is provided up to 100 days if the patient continues to meet Medicare requirements.

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Helpful End of Life Planning Information

Recap & Slides from Nov. 2018 PURA “Planning for Your Future” Seminar 

Organized by PURA’s Program Committee, the “Planning for Your Future” seminar, held on November 26, attracted more than 140 Purdue retirees and retirees-to-be for an informative afternoon.

Included was important advice about financial and health care issues, senior living options, and more, featuring local experts sharing their expertise on issues which all senior citizens face as they age, including these, and more.

  • Medical & legal powers of attorney, wills and trusts and related tax implications.
  • The impact of the new tax law on income and other taxes, possible adjustments to financial planning; the benefits of planned giving and/or donating stocks to charities.
  • Having enough income to live comfortably.
  • Services that can be provided by home healthcare agencies to help seniors remain in their homes permanently.
  • Costs of the various care options, and how they impact seniors’ estates.

Evaluations from those in attendance were overwhelmingly positive and generated discussion about repeating this content in future years. With our ever-changing economy, new medical research, the rising cost of prescription drugs and other issues, there certainly will be new information to share. With seminars such as this, the Purposeful Living in Retirement program in the spring, and programs at PURA’s monthly luncheon meetings, we’ll do our best to keep everyone up-to-date.

If you were unable to attend, slides from the seminar may be downloaded here.

For more information for Purdue retirees visit

Purdue University's Human Resources' Benefit webpage.

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