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January Newsletter

From the staff in Parent & Family Connections, we would like to wish you a very happy new year!

In recent years, we have started the first newsletter of the new year with an open letter from President Daniels. This year's letter includes topics of "calculated risks", academic rigor and integrity, and on campus living, just to name a few. We invite you to read the letter in its entirety here.

The newsletter also features information on the 2017-18 FAFSA, the 1098-T, updated prizes for the #URSUCCESS campaign, and we will also continue our series on Mental Wellness. If there are any topics you are wishing to see in future newsletters, let us know.

Boiler Up!

Parent & Family Connections

Mental Wellness Taskforce- Feature of the Month- Core Values

This month Carol La Breche, a member of the Parent & Family Advisory Board and parent of a senior in Environmental & Ecological Engineering, provides insight on the theme of Core Values. Links to information on previous themes can be found below. Watch for additional themes in upcoming newsletters.

Problem solving—understanding that everyone has challenges and asking for help is okay

Failure—the acceptance of which is an important part of learning and success

2017-2018 FAFSA

Families interested in receiving financial aid (including federal loans) at Purdue University for the 2017-2018 academic year must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by March 1 to receive priority consideration for federal, state and university-based financial aid. More.

Obtaining the IRS Form 1098-T online:

Tax credit form will be available on myPurdue in late January.

Families filing a 2016 U.S. tax return may be eligible for educational tax credits when claiming their Purdue student as a dependent. The Bursar's Office will generate the IRS Form 1098-T that may be used by students and families to complete their 2016 tax return.

The 1098Ts will be available online by January 31 to students and "authorized users" that have been given access to the 1098T specifically. This information is provided to help individuals determine and support their eligibility for higher education tax credits. Families should consult with their tax advisor for specific information regarding eligibility, as income requirements apply.

Notation about the 1098T Form:
Purdue University reports the tuition billed to the student's account between January 1 and December 31 of the given tax year (box 2), not as to when payments are made on the account (box 1). Therefore, Box 2 will be filled in and Box 1 will be blank.

1. Students/Authorized Users obtain the 1098T form through Touch Net

  • Log into myPurdue
  • Select the ‘Bills & Payments’ Tab
  • Select ‘1098T Tax Notification’


  • Log into TouchNet
  • Under '1098-T Statement', click 'View' next to the year you need.

**If you do not see the '1098-T Statement' area, you most likely have not been given access to the 1098T specifically by the student, please see 2.

2. Students provide access of 1098T for Authorized User in Touch Net

  • Log into myPurdue
  • Select the ‘Bills & Payments’ tab
  • Select ‘Setup Authorized User'
  • Click 'Edit' by the email address of the person you are wanting to change access for
  • The second question is "Would you like to allow this person to view your 1098-T Tax statement?" This answer must be changed to "Yes" in order for the Authorized User to have access to the 1098-T (as the default to the question is "No.")

Think Ahead registration

This summer, Purdue is offering more than 480 courses — a great opportunity for students to get ahead and graduate quicker. Summer registration tickets this year open Jan. 30.

Purdue Parents Fund Spotlight: Big Give Grant Recipient – The Center for Career Opportunities

The Center for Career Opportunities (CCO) recently received a grant from the Parent’s Fund Big Give Program to continue the availability of CareerBeam. This incredible resource for students is a virtual career success center that is content rich in all aspects of career development including assessments, professional resume and cover letter builders, interview preparation materials, search strategy resources and much more. CareerBeam also provides the best company and industry research tools, employer job postings, and search campaign technology to assist students in all aspects of their career development and strategic search process. “I find CareerBeam to be very helpful in identifying key topics about certain companies. I will most likely revisit the site as I continue in the MBA program and also to help identify future employers.”

-        Anthony Roth, Assistant PGA Professional, Merchandise & Marketing

The Big Give grant ensures that this important tool is available to all students served by CCO to help them achieve their career goals. The current number of registered students is 19,047.

“I refer both students and alumni to Career Beam for a wide variety of reasons. For students, it is incredibly useful for company research. We know that there have been 20,000 + company pages visited in the last year. This tool is accessible 24/7 to students and requires virtually no training from career services professionals for a student to use independently. Having the software available means students and alumni can work on their career development and job search in a meaningful way when it is convenient for them.

I have found Career Beam particularly helpful for alumni who are not located in the Lafayette area and therefore, can’t use the professional career services staff as easily. An individual can do assessments, write personal reflections, do career exploration, and conduct their job search all using the comprehensive services of Career Beam. This is an invaluable service for Purdue University to be able to offer to alumni around the globe.

Career Beam is a resource that I utilize regularly and have found it to be helpful and user-friendly. I count this resource as one of my Top 10 software package picks!”

-        Cher Yazvac, Associate Director for Career Development

For more information about Career Beam or the Center for Career Opportunities, call 765-494-3981 or visit

University Residences

Success Lives On: Contract Renewal continues through February 28

Current residents are now renewing their housing contracts for the 2017-18 academic year. The fourth annual #URSUCCESS contest is currently underway. Contest rules can be found here, the prizes are as follows:

First place: FREE HOUSING for the Fall 2017 semester (meal plan not included)
Second place: FREE MEAL PLAN for the Fall 2017 semester (8-meal plan; student can pay the difference to upgrade to another plan)
Third place: Two tickets to a Convos show and dinner for two at the Sagamore Restaurant
Res Life Staff Award (for RA/SR with the highest number of quality posts on his or her floor): Pizza and milkshakes for up to 20 people at Harrison Grillé


January 16, Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No Classes)

January 17, 5:00 p.m.- Last Day to Register Without a Late Fee

January 23, Last Day to Cancel a Course Assignment Without Appearing on Record

January 30, First Day to Register for Summer Classes

February 28, Last Day to Sign a University Residences Housing Contract

March 13-18, Spring Vacation

See the full 2016-2017 academic calendar

Last modified: February 15, 2017

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

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