July 9, 2018

General Ledger (Finance) transformation project deploys, business activities resume, help resources available

The highly anticipated new financial structure and SAP upgrade -- as part of the Transform Purdue initiative to streamline, simplify, organize and automate Purdue business processes and related systems -- is complete.

Business activities have resumed

At this time, business is considered “fully resumed.” There are no limitations to the use of any of the systems affected by the pause (SAP, Concur, Ariba, SEEMLESS, Fix It, etc.).

To help employees navigate through the successful implementation, an informational document is now available via the Changes in Finance webpage. The “New Account Numbers and You” document provides faculty and staff an overview of the streamlined financial structure and easy-to-use account numbers, including how to use the new account numbers in Concur and Ariba.

The checklist below shows an overall look at resumed business activities: 

* Employee Self Services (ESS) / Manager Self Service (MSS) functionality is active. Employees can view pay statements, request leaves, etc.

* Concur travel requests and expense reports resume with the new account numbers. (Be sure to reassign existing requests and expense reports with the new account number.)

* Ariba purchases can resume.

* SEEMLESS application is available to continue processing summer pay.

* Grant establishment through SAP resumes.

* Wires processed through Treasury resumes.

* Accounts Payable Activities resume with invoices processed through SAP.

* The new Accounts Receivables processes are active.

Resources and questions

Account-management questions should be directed to respective employees’ business or financial managers. Project managers have help resources at their fingertips to help them work through employee questions. Financial units can access open labs or contact help via phone, WebEx and email to quickly work through any questions and answers. The recent Transform@Purdue article highlights the help resources currently in place.

General questions can be directed to bpr@purdue.edu


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