Shipping FAQs

Q: How do I ship an item domestically or internationally? 

A: Use the eShipGlobal application to initiate any domestic or international shipment.

Q: How do I ship dry ice or hazardous materials?

A: Use the eShipGlobal application to initiate either a domestic or international shipment containing hazardous materials such as dry ice.

Q: What is eShipGlobal, and do I have to use it? 

A: eShipGlobal is the software used for all domestic, international and all hazardous materials shipments. International and hazardous materials shipments must go through the eShipGlobal process to ensure that all applicable shipping and export laws are followed, as well as all required labeling and paperwork is included and correct.

Q: How do I access eShipGlobal? 

A: Any Purdue faculty or staff can access eShipGlobal using their Purdue Login credentials and registering as a new user. Additional information and the link to eShipGlobal is included on the eShipGlobal overview webpage.

Q: Can I use eShipGlobal to send personal items domestically or internationally? 

A: No; eShipGlobal is to be used only for university business and/or research purposes. Any personal shipments cannot be processed through the application. For domestic personal shipping purposes, Purdue faculty, staff and students can now use PersonalShip.

Q: What if I need a return label to ship something back to myself?

A: Initiate the shipment through the eShipGlobal application. Add the vendor or collaborator as the shipper with your name and information listed as the recipient in the entry.

Q: What if I need to ship something on dry ice?

A: Use the eShipGlobal application to initiate the shipment, which will be reviewed and/or processed by the Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) department. This ensures that all required documentation is included and Department of Transportation regulations are followed. 

Q: Do you supply UPS and FedEx boxes/envelopes?

A: Yes, please find our Supply Request Form under the Forms tab.

Q: What time do UPS and FedEx pick up at MMDC?

A: DHL Express picks up at 3:30 p.m., FedEx picks up at 4:30 p.m., and UPS picks up at 4:30 p.m.

Q: What if I am shipping a capital asset (inventoried Purdue property)?

A: Refer to the shipping overview webpage for more information.

Q: How do I put my shipping label on a round mailing tube?


Q: Can I reuse an old box?

A: Yes, as long as all old labels are removed or covered completely. Crossing out an old label with a black marker is not sufficient.

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