APSAC elects vice chair, four emeritus members for 2019-20
Annual elections for vice chair and emeritus members of APSAC, the Administrative and Professional Staff Advisory Committee, took place at the committee’s April 10 meeting.
Stacey Baisden, graduate coordinator and schedule deputy in the Department of Political Science, was elected vice chair for 2019-20. She is an at-large member of APSAC. Under APSAC's operating procedures, Baisden will become chair for 2020-21. The current vice chair, Dan Vukobratovich, will become chair for 2019-20.
APSAC elected four members whose terms end May 31 to serve an additional year as nonvoting emeritus members. Their role is to assist with continuity, using their knowledge of the University and APSAC's structure and process. The 2019-20 emeritus members will be Katie Brothers, Eric Johnson, Alison Lampley and Brittany Vale. Vale is completing a year as APSAC chair.
All new roles will become effective June 1, the same time at which new members officially join the committee.
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