MaPSAC Management and Professional Staff Advisory Committee

MaPSAC Frequently Asked Questions

What does MaPSAC do for me?

MaPSAC representatives serve as liaisons between Purdue’s administrative and professional staff members and the senior administration by building relationships with colleagues and senior administrators, as well as providing and supporting professional development opportunities.

How do I become an MaPSAC member?

MaPSAC vacancies are filled each spring. Contact an MaPSAC member for more information about the application process, or read additional details here.

What is the time commitment for an MaPSAC member?

MaPSAC terms run for a minimum of three years, with the possibility of a 1-year extension for emeritus status. In addition to attending monthly 2-hour meetings, APSAC members should be available and accessible whenever his or her peers have a problem or concern. Members also carry out additional duties resulting from MaPSAC subcommittee meetings, University committees and/or ad hoc meetings.

How much can members do or be involved in?

In addition to the full committee, all representatives serve on at least one of three subcommittees: Membership & Communications; Compensation & Benefits; and Professional Development. MaPSAC members also have the opportunity to serve A/P staff on various University committees.

Can I attend an MaPSAC meeting?

Guests are welcome to observe regular meetings.  Contact an MaPSAC member if you are interested in observing a meeting.

What happens during a typical MaPSAC meeting?

MaPSAC members discuss topics including Purdue policy and ways to help make Purdue better. Each month we hear a report from the University Officer as well as reports from each of the MAPSAC subcommittees.  We also discuss any current hot topics that may be affecting A/P staff. We often have a guest speaker who gives a 30-minute presentation. Past presentations have been about the Healthy Purdue Initiatives, the Reduction in Workforce policy, and a Q&A with the Provost.

What is MaPSAC’s role in relation to Purdue’s regional campuses?

MaPSAC collaborates with the regional campuses to identify and pursue common objectives. The regional campuses, Purdue Fort Wayne and Purdue Northwest all have at least one MaPSAC member who attends monthly meetings. Regional members have the same roles and responsibilities as West Lafayette members, including time commitment and voting rights. One meeting per year is hosted by one of the regional campuses on a rotating basis.

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

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