Lesser Known Perennials Extend Spring Color Show - Indiana Yard and Garden - Purdue Consumer Horticulture

Lesser Known Perennials Extend Spring Color Show

Tulips, daffodils, and crocus are stars of spring in Midwestern flower gardens. But there’s an array of supporting players that can add variety to your spring bulb show.

Winter Aconite (Eranthis hyemalis) brings a splash of yellow, buttercup-type blooms on dwarf, 3-6-inch plants. Winter aconite is appropriately named for its early arrival, often pushing its blossoms through a cover of snow in February, though sometimes as early as January and as late as March. Plants do well in partial shade to full sun, though they do need a good supply of moisture if in full sun.

Snowdrops (Galanthus sp.) are perfectly named for their snow-white blossoms that gracefully nod toward the ground, which is often still covered with the winter white stuff. Snowdrops are best planted in partial shade.

Glory of the Snow (Chiondoxa sp.) brings clusters of star-shaped blooms in purple, rose or white in late winter or early spring. Glory of the Snow performs best in full sun.

Squill (Scilla sp.) includes a number of species of early-spring bloomers and, though the blue squill is the most common, there are also white and pink selections. Several species are native to woodland habitats and do best in partial shade.

Summer snowflake (Leucojum sp.) blooms a bit later in mid to late spring with white, nodding flowers accented at each petal tip with a greenish-yellow splotch. Summer snowflake does well in partial shade to full sun.

Although many gardeners are familiar with the large lollipop types of Alliums (ornamental onion), the lesser known Lily Leek (Allium moly) bears bright yellow, star-shaped blooms in mid to late spring. Allium does best in full sun.

Local weather conditions and microclimates can affect the season of bloom. Southern areas could be up to three weeks ahead of northern areas. Urban areas tend to be warmer than rural areas, and even certain areas of one garden can be warmer than others. Flowers that receive reflected heat close to buildings and those in sunny spots tend to bloom before those that are out in the yard or in shady areas.

Spring-flowering bulbs should be planted in fall, approximately 6 weeks or so before the ground is expected to freeze. This allows the bulbs a chance to grow an adequate root system before winter. Spring-blooming bulbs also need a period of chilling to initiate their flower buds deep in the bulb.

More information about flowering bulbs can be found in Purdue Extension bulletin HO-86, available on the Web at www.hort.purdue.edu/ext/HO-86.pdf.

Last updated: 6 April 2006


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Indiana Yard and Garden – Purdue Consumer Horticulture - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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