Cristian Salinas joined the Ayllu Agtech Bootcamp at FAO for Latin America and the Caribbean in Santiago (Chile). As part of a FAO bootcamp to train rural youth professionals in Ag innovation and sustainability for Latin America, Cristian Salinas, PhD student at Hoagland’s Lab, was one of the 15 selected over almost 10.000 applicants to[Read More…]
Professor Avtar Handa attended the International Conference on Biochemical and Biotechnological Approaches for Crop Improvement at the National Agricultural Science Complex in New Delhi, India October 30 – November 1. He was an invited member of the advisory committee for the conference. He delivered a lead lecture entitled “Agriculture Biotechnology and Human Health and Longevity”[Read More…]
Our team Good Thyme Gang played against Spoilermakers II Monday afternoon at Mike Aulby’s Arrowhead Bowl for Week 12 of the Purdue Staff and Students league. We won 4 out of 8 points, keeping us 9th place. For the Top Team Scores, Our team placed 1st with team handicap game scoring a 947. In the[Read More…]
Chloe Henscheid Horticulture Crops Research Manager Throckmorton-Purdue Agricultural Center, Purdue University Thursday November 30th, at 3:30pm, HORT117 or join via Zoom “The Meigs Horticulture Facility. One of Purdue’s Leading Vegetable and Fruit Crop Research Centers” Abstract: Chloe Richard is the Horticultural Crops Research Manager at the Meigs Horticultural Facility, which is part of the Purdue[Read More…]
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