On a windy, chilly Saturday HLA’s Spring Fest tent was abuzzed with excited attendees. Children and adults were lined up to get our famous plant necklaces. Our Purdue Extension Master Gardener Volunteers from Tippecanoe County recorded 350 educational contacts and 134 people taking the “Lawn Weed Challenge.” Children of all ages learned about landscape architecture through models and coloring activities. And people took advantage of the plant sale in the HORT Greenhouse.
Thanks to the Purdue Student Farm Organization and the Purdue Horticulture Society for organizing the plant sale. Thanks to John Orick, Karen Mitchell, and the Tippecanoe County Extension Master Gardeners for organizing the “Lawn Weed Challenge,” container gardening demonstrations, and answering lawn and garden questions from the public. Thanks to PASLA for organizing the modeling and coloring activities. Thanks to Dr. Linda Prokopy and our graduate student volunteers for helping out with the plant necklaces: Liang Tang, Xiaojin Wang, Patrick Oelschlager, Jeanine Arana, Vera Vukovic, Emmanuel Cooper, Katherine Pivaral, Sanchez Philocles. And thanks to Jamie Moffatt & Pam Fisher for organizing everything.

Sanchez Philocles, Katherine Pivaral, and Dr. Linda Prokopy helping out with the plant necklaces.

PASLA members teaching children about landscape architecture.

Purdue Extension Master Gardener’s weed quiz set-up.