Dr. Anna Paltseva took the stage at SYNKD Live in Atlanta, where she moderated an engaging panel discussion on how curiosity drives innovation. The session inspired fresh ideas and practical insights for advancing the green industry. In addition, Dr. Paltseva coauthored the study “Nickel phytotoxicity thresholds for ryegrass: Insights from historical copper smelting sites in Bashkortostan, Russia.“ This research[Read More…]
This week at the Soil Science Society of America in San Antonio, Anna Paltseva presented 3 talks where she explored the public health and socioeconomic impacts of heavy metal contamination in Lafayette, Louisiana soils, discussed the development of urban soil health indicators for resilient ecosystems, and introduced The Urban Soil Guide as a community resource to advance[Read More…]
Several HLA faculty members were recently featured in the media. Purdue’s College of Agriculture highlighted the recent grant for Dr. Lori. Hoagland’s TOMI Project: Purdue-led TOMI project receives $3.5M grant to turn a decade of data into new tools and strategies for tomato farmers Purdue’s College of Agriculture also featured Dr. Ariana Torres’s work on[Read More…]