Uploading Transcripts
You must upload to the online application transcript(s) and/or academic document(s) for every institution of higher education you attended regardless of whether or not a degree was received. To review a list of required documents by your previous or current institution's country, click here.
If a degree was received then it must be printed on the transcripts. If no degree conferral is printed on the transcripts then a copy of the original diploma (degree certificate) is needed. If the documents are not in English, you must upload an English translation certified by the college or university which issued it.
The uploaded transcript and/or academic document may be from the official or unofficial version of the document. An official transcript bears the original signature of the registrar and/or the original seal of the issuing institution. An unofficial transcript printed from your current/previous institution(s) student system is not an acceptable document. For tips about uploading your transcripts into the online application click here.
All transcripts and/or academic documents uploaded to the online application system by the applicant or program are considered unofficial.
Official Transcripts
You must provide official transcripts and/or academic records at the request of the graduate program.
If you are admitted and choose to enroll at Purdue University, you must submit official transcripts before you can register for your third session. Once you submit official transcripts to Purdue University, they become property of the University and will not be returned. We recognize, in very rare instances, that students may have access to only one transcript (or an extremely limited number of transcripts) or other academic credentials. In this instance, you may submit a written request (at the time you submit your transcripts) to preserve your original documents to the Office of Graduate Admissions.
PFW accepts electronic transcripts from accredited U.S. colleges and universities sent via Parchment Exchange, the National Student Clearinghouse, or directly from the accredited U.S. college and university. The Office of Graduate Admissions will also accept electronic transcripts from international colleges and universities if they are sent through Parchment Exchange or come directly from the Registrar's office of the international college or university. The transcript must be sent to graduate@pfw.edu in order to verify the authenticity of the documents. If any departments receive emails stating that electronic transcripts are waiting for them, please notify that institution of the correct email address.
An official transcript bears the original signature of the registrar and/or the original seal of the issuing institution. Transcripts and/or English translations may be mailed directly from a Registrar’s office to the Office of Graduate Admissions or you can choose to send the transcripts yourself.
Official documents may be mailed to:
Purdue University Fort Wayne
Office of Graduate Admissions
2101 E Coliseum Blvd, KT 140
Fort Wayne, IN 46805
Or emailed from your institution directly to graduate@pfw.edu.
- Degree-Seeking Applicants: If you are applying to a master's, doctoral, or educational specialist degree program, you must upload your transcript into the online application. Your transcripts must be from each college or university you have attended which may include evidence of a baccalaureate degree awarded. This may either be your final transcript showing degree awarded (if applicable) or a copy of your original diploma (degree certificate). If requested by the graduate program or if you are admitted and choose to enroll, you must submit official transcripts and/or academic documents directly to the Office of Graduate Admissions. If you are currently studying for a baccalaureate degree, you will later be required to submit a document that verifies the awarding of that degree.
- Re-entry Applicants: If you are seeking re-entry to a degree program and you attended another college or university since you last attended graduate studies at Purdue, you must upload a transcript of that study into the online application. If requested by the graduate program or if you are admitted and choose to enroll, you must submit official transcripts and/or academic documents directly to the Office of Graduate Admissions.
- Certificate Applicants: If you are applying for certificate classification, you must upload evidence of a baccalaureate degree. Some graduate certificate programs require additional documentation. Please refer to the Graduate Program Requirements Web page for specific details.
- Teacher License: If you are applying for the teacher license classification, you must upload a transcript from the college or university where your baccalaureate degree was awarded. If you are currently studying for a baccalaureate degree, you will later be required to submit a document that verifies the degree has been awarded. Your transcript may be uploaded into the online application. If requested by the graduate program or if you are admitted and choose to enroll, you must submit official transcripts and/or academic documents directly to the Office of Graduate Admissions.
- Non Degree Applicants: If you are applying for non degree classification, you must upload evidence of a baccalaureate degree. This may be a transcript, a copy of the diploma, or a letter from the college or university verifying the degree.
The Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars reserves the right to require official transcripts and/or academic documents at any time during the admissions process.