Graduate school isn’t easy; the hours are long and the pay is low! However, if you love science and the process of going from idea to discovery, graduate school can be the most rewarding experience of your life. The Hoverman Lab is always looking for highly motivated, hard working, and passionate students that are friendly and ‘fit’ well with the lab. Students are encouraged to develop their own ideas that address novel questions in the field. Students are welcome to explore questions that do or do not overlap with the current research focus of the lab. However, the Hoverman Lab largely focuses on aquatic systems and it’s most logical that students work in such systems.The Department of Forestry and Natural Resources offers graduate study leading to degrees of Master’s of Science and Doctor of Philosophy. The Hoverman Lab is currently accepting applications for both (see Open Positions). If you would like to apply:
- Read some of the lab’s publications to get a feel for the types of questions we ask and the general approaches we use. Come up with ideas about what you would like to work on if you joined the lab.
- Contact Jason and include your GPA, GRE scores, and statements of research experience and research plans.
- Visit the department webpage for information on the graduate program, application process, and deadlines.