Health officials throughout the world continue to battle an outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a novel (new) coronavirus (termed COVID-19) that was first detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China and which has spread throughout the world.
INPREPared.org is following the situation closely, and will provide updates and relevant links on this site as the outbreak progresses.
*** The "Purdue Students, Staff, and Faculty" section below includes information regarding Purdue's COVID-19 response efforts. ***

Information Summary
The U.S. Centers for Disease Controls and Prevention are constantly monitoring the status of the recent coronavirus outbreak throughout the world and in the United States.
The most up-to-date information about the coronavirus can be found on the CDC Coronavirus Summary Page.
Recorded Webinar:
Update for Rural Partners, Stakeholders, and Communities on the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Response
Use of Cloth Face Coverings to Help Slow the Spread of COVID-19- PDF Version
***NEW 5/15/20***
Interim Guidance: Get Your Mass Gatherings or Large Community Events Ready for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Prevention & Treatment
There is currently no vaccine to prevent COVID-19 infection. The best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed to this virus. Everyday preventive actions, which are the same as those used to slow the spread of flu, will help prevent the spread of other respiratory viruses such as COVID-19.
Indiana state chemist warns against false COVID-19 protection claims
FEMA Guidance for Addressing PPE Needs in a Non-Heathcare Setting
Use of Cloth Face Coverings to Help Slow the Spread of COVID-19
- PDF Version
FEMA Coronavirus "Rumor Control" Site
CDC Coronavirus Prevention & Treatment Site
CDC "Fight Flu" Fact Sheet (pdf)
CDC "Show me the science" - Hand washing vs. Hand Sanitizer
CDC Cleaning and Disinfection Guidance
FS-36 How to Prevent Wuhan Coronavirus Infection: Lessons from Norovirus Prevention - Purdue Extension (pdf)
Chinese Translations of FS-36:
FS-36 Traditional Chinese (pdf)
FS-36 Simplified Chinese (pdf)
Getting Your Workplace Ready for COVID-19 - World Health Organization (pdf)
Guide to Producing Homemade Hand Sanitizer - World Health Organization (pdf)

Outbreak Map
Johns Hopkins University is maintaining a real time interactive map highlighting the progress of the disease outbreak throughout the world.
CLICK HERE to access the map.

Purdue Extension Information for Farmers & Agriculturalists
Webinar: Addressing Challenges from Packing Plant Closures
Purdue, Indiana Pork, and BOAH will be hosting a Zoom webinar to assist pork producers in dealing with packing plant closures at 12:00 noon EST, April 29.
***The entire webinar was recorded and can be found at the link (with password-all lowercase) below.
Password: ilovepigs
Purdue Extension COVID-19 Resources
Comprehensive collection of Purdue Extension resources devoted to COVID-19
COVID-19 Information for Farmers (.pdf)
Fact sheet with for farmers which focuses on agriculture's critical infrastructure designation, social distancing, and additional resources
Editorials about COVID-19 and Agriculture from the Purdue Agricultural Safety & Health Program:
Article 1) COVID-19 and its Impact on Production Agriculture
Article 2) Responding to COVID-19 in the Agricultural Community
Article 3) Safety for Farm Children During COVID-19 Stay-at-Home Orders
Article 4) It’s Time to Plant – With or Without COVID-19
Article 5) Be Careful When Employing Youth to Do Farm Work This Spring – Know the Laws
Article 6) Respiratory Protection & PPE for Agricultural Workers during COVID-19 - REVISED JUNE 15, 2020***
Article 7) What's Wrong with this Picture?
Article 8) Sharing a (Tractor) Cab Has Become More Complicated - REVISED JUNE 29, 2020***
Article 9) A Time to Heal
Article 10) Obtaining PPE for Agricultural Work during COVID-19
Article 11) Gasoline and COVID-19
Article 12) If you got time to lean...

Purdue Students, Staff, & Faculty
Information and guidance for Purdue West Lafayette, Purdue Fort Wayne, Purdue Northwest and all Purdue Research Park locations - Things you need to know about COVID-19
***March 16 - President Daniels' letter announcing remote instruction through end of semester***
Purdue University Student Health Services
Novel Coronavirus Frequently Asked Questions (PUSH)
Purdue Suspends Travel to China (Feb. 1)
Balancing flu risks and deaths while everyone’s talking about coronavirus (Purdue News - Feb. 14)
Purdue suspends university-sponsored travel to additional countries (Feb. 27)
Coronavirus Preparation Update from President Daniels and Provost Akridge (March 2)
Purdue suspends all international study abroad spring break programs - March 5

Online Pandemic/Epidemic Trainings
Community leaders, emergency personnel, and others involved with emergency response can access the following online training programs to learn more about managing disease outbreaks.
***Upcoming CDC Training - March 23***
Update for Rural Partners, Stakeholders, and Communities on the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Response
Epidemic Preparedness For Community Organizations (Extension Disaster Education Network)
Introduction to Continuity of Operations Planning for Pandemic Influenzas (Federal Emergency Management Agency)

Coronavirus and Disability
The National AgrAbility Project has assembled numerous resources to address the needs of people with disabilities in regards to coronavirus.

Travel Information
The CDC has recommended travel restrictions for several countries that are currently experiencing COVID-19 outbreaks. In addition, CDC recommends travelers, particularly those with underlying health issues, defer all cruise ship travel worldwide. If you or your family members plan to travel overseas soon, please check the CDC Travelers' Health site regularly.
Indiana State Government Departments' COVID-19 Resources
Indiana State Department of Health COVID-19 Resources
The Indiana State Department of Health maintains a COVID-19 Information site. Included on this site are details regarding the guidance for citizens, communities, schools, and businesses.
Indiana Department of Homeland Security Home Page
The Indiana State Department of Homeland Security monitors, assists, and oversees the statewide emergency response to natural and man-caused disasters, including COVID-19.
Indiana State Board of Animal Health Home Page
BOAH oversees the health of Indiana livestock and pets and has been instrumental in agriculture's response to COVID-19.
Indiana State Department of Agriculture Home Page
The ISDA is coordinating efforts with other state agencies in supporting the the Indiana agricultural industry through the coronavirus pandemic.

COVID-19 and Medical Needs Projections by State
The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) is an independent global health research center at the University of Washington. The Institute has developed state-by-state projections for COVID-19 cases, deaths, hospital/ICU needs, and ventilator needs.
CLICK HERE to access the projections.
Additional Purdue Extension COVID-19 Resources: This INPREPared.org Coronavirus Resource site contains information useful to most audiences, and provides general information about the disease itself, treatment and prevention, travel, and more. However, with the huge amount of information available, it would be impractical to try to contain all on one site. Our partners in Purdue Extension have developed the two sites below, and we encourage you to visit them for additional resources.
Purdue Extension COVID-19 Response
Resources from all Purdue Extension departments on topics related to COVID-19. Includes information relating to Agriculture, Community, Environment, Food, Family, Gardening, and Youth.
COVID-19 Resources for Local Government
Developed by Purdue Extension Community Development staff, this site is primarily targeted for local government officials and provides numerous resources for implementing/enacting responses to COVID-19.
If you need more information contact: inprepared@purdue.edu.
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615 West State Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2053
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