2013 Borlaug Summer Institute on Global Food Security
The 2013 Borlaug Summer Institute on Global Food Security was held May 28- June 8, 2013 at Purdue University's Discovery Park. Thirty-five graduate students representing twenty-two universities across the United States participated in lectures, practicums, farm tours, field trips, and social gatherings. The two-week institute began with a day of guest presentations from individuals including Julie Borlaug (Norman Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture), Rob Bertram (USAID), and Pamela Anderson (CIP) and concluded with a small group project competition.
2013 Schedule of Events (PDF)
2013 Speaker Bios (PDF)
Full List of Borlaug Summer Institute Participants
"It was a great experience attending the Summer Institute. I was impressed by the diversity among students that participated, and the depth of information that was made available to us at this training program. The Summer Institute has greatly shaped my understanding of global food security, adding an interdisciplinary perspective. I have also learnt about various factors which I previously never thought about as influencing food security. My appreciation of the role of various disciplines in addressing the global challenge of food security has also been heightened. The encouraging and challenging part of it all was knowing how much effort various research centers are putting into addressing this global challenge." - Seth Armah, PhD Nutrition, Iowa State University
“It’s an antidote to jadedness.” - Elena Broaddus, MSPH International Health, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
"The 2013 Borlaug Summer Institute on Global Food Security was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. It was not only a feast of knowledge of global food security and international agriculture development, but also a great festival for networking and most importantly, friendship. The mentors and speakers--from World Food Prize laureates to university professors, from key figures in international research centers to leaders in agricultural business--were all inspiring and willing to help. The peer-students were brilliant, open-minded, communicative and cooperative. The lectures and fields trips provided systematic knowledge base, and the group project gave hands-on practice in project development and team work. This is a fantastic opportunity for anyone who wants to join the community of international development and global food security." - Wenjuan Chen, PhD Forestry, Texas A&M University
"Taking part in the 2013 Borlaug summer institute was an experience of a life time as I had the unique opportunity of meeting and listening to specialists who work on different aspects of global food security. The state of the art presentations and workshops by the finest experts on global food security issues helped me to understand how vital an interdisciplinary approach is needed to solving global hunger while interacting with the very talented students selected from different parts of the world set the stage for future international collaboration. As the speakers clarified the problem and brought together different parts of the puzzle, I was humbled by how much I didn’t know, excited by the learning opportunity to be seating in that hall, but most importantly, reminded of the opportunity we as participants in the summer institute have to become an integral part of solution seekers and make a difference through improved agricultural production of nutritious food, and bring hope to the hopeless. The benefits of attending the summer institute are immeasurable. They simply represent a lifetime of opportunities and I encourage every student who has a genuine interest in contributing to solving global hunger and International agriculture development to apply for the program. It is not just about agricultural research, it is about how to shape policy that influences agricultural research in ways yet untold." - Godwill Mih Chewachong, PhD Plant Pathology, The Ohio State University
"The Institute was an amazing opportunity for any student interested in the issues surrounding global food security. Going in I had no idea what to expect, but the Institute was beyond anything I could have expected. I was challenged and inspired by the speakers, organizers, and my fellow students. It was an honor to meet everyone and be a part of such an influential group – I am excited to stay in touch with everyone and see how each of us continues to improve global food security. There is no doubt that every participant will emerge to be a leader in his or her field. Lastly, I can honestly say I learned as much in these 2 weeks as I have in the past year and I know I will continue to learn from this experience for years to come." - Angel Cruz, MS Crop Science, North Carolina State University
"The strength of the Summer Institute is the people. Speakers, panel members, and above all fellow students brought a depth of experience that provided an opportunity to broaden horizons and stretch my worldview. I have never been in a group that was so focused on a singular issue with such a wide diversity of interests, fields of study and personal backgrounds. The shared passion was inspiring, extremely motivational, and I am grateful for the opportunity to take part in this amazing experience!" - Nic Jelinski, PhD Land and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Minnesota