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Campus Support Staff Advisory Committee

CSSAC Excellence Awards

Please read the details below and then complete the nomination form on or before March 29 at 5 p.m.

The Campus Support Staff Advisory Committee (CSSAC) accepts nominations for the CSSAC Excellence Award in March/April each year, and the award is presented at the CSSAC luncheon in May. An announcement will be made in February/March via Purdue Today.  Questions regarding this award or the nomination process may be directed to the CSSAC Professional Development Subcommittee.

The CSSAC Excellence Award consists of a plaque and $1,500 honorarium that is subject to tax withholdings. This annual award was created to recognize a benefits-eligible support staff member and a benefits-eligible service staff member (op-tech staff are not eligible for this award) who demonstrate excellence in job performance, conduct and leadership and customer service. This award is for support and service staff on the West Lafayette campus, through sponsorship from the offices of the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer and the Provost.

The nominee must have completed at least three years of continuous service to the University before nominations.

These awards recognize a full-time clerical staff member and a full-time service staff member who demonstrate excellence by:

  • Consistently going above and beyond job requirements
  • Demonstrates exemplary conduct and leadership skills
  • Provides exemplary customer service
  • Shows initiative

The winners of the awards will receive a plaque and $1,500 (subject to withholdings). Any member of the University community may make a nomination.  Current CSSAC members may not be nominated.

Selection will be based on the degree to which the recipient, in service to the University community, demonstrates those qualities listed above.  The nominee must have completed three years of continuous service to the University prior to nomination.

Nominations must include:

  1.  A concise nomination statement, not more than two pages in length, which outlines the nominee's ability to consistently go above and beyond job requirements, demonstrate exemplary conduct and leadership skills, provide exemplary customer service, and show initiative. Please note that this document is the nomination.
  2.  Only two letters of support from any faculty, staff or student. Each not exceeding one page in length.
Winners of these awards include:

In 2023, after lengthy consideration and discussion among the coordinating subcommittee, the nomination period was moved to the spring. This move will allow the award recipients to be acknowledged at the annual CSSAC Recognition Luncheon held in May. The subcommittee is excited to present the awards to a clerical staff and a service staff late this spring.

2023 - Carol Rosenberger and Norvin Bruns
2022 - Ruth Alford and Ali Miloudi
2021 - Pat Carducci and Kathy Obrien
2020 - Sarah Prater
2019 - Cindy Everhart and Lonni Kucik
2018 - Joni Hipsher and Mike Lauderdale
2017 - Cassie McCormick and Victoria Deardurff
2016 - Tina Dexter and Patricia Jaynes
2015 - Melissa Swathwood and Candace Scott
2014 - Aggie Ward
2013 - Andy Linvill and Sandy Formica