A stated meeting of the Purdue University Board of Trustees convened on Friday, December 2, 2022, at 10:53 a.m. in Room 326 of Stewart Center on the campus of Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana.
Trustees present: Michael Berghoff, chairman; Sonny Beck; JoAnn Brouillette; Theresa Carter; Vanessa Castagna; Malcolm DeKryger; Mark Gee; Michael Klipsch; Gary Lehman, vice chairman; and Shawn Taylor.
Officers and administrators in attendance were: Mitch Daniels, president; Jay Akridge, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs and diversity; Chris Ruhl, chief financial officer and treasurer; Eva Nodine, senior vice president, assistant treasurer, and assistant secretary; Steve Schultz, general counsel; Cindy Ream, corporate secretary and senior executive assistant to the Board; Ron Elsenbaumer, chancellor, Purdue Fort Wayne; and Tom Keon, chancellor, Purdue Northwest.
Chairman Berghoff called the meeting to order and noted all trustees were in attendance.
The Compensation Committee, Audit and Enterprise Risk Committee, Academic and Student Affairs Committee, Finance Committee, and Physical Facilities Committee all convened in public meetings immediately prior to this Stated Meeting. Chairman Berghoff read the list of items on which the Committees voted to recommend full Board approval, which includes the unanimous consent agenda along with other routine items, as follows:
- Approval of Emeritus Package
- (WL) Approval to Award Posthumous Degree to Vijay Viswan and William Charles Thornhill;
- (WL) Ratification; Elmore Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering;
- (WL) Ratification; Elmore Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering;
- (WL) Ratification; Vincent P. Reilly Professor of Biomedical Engineering;
- (WL) Ratification; 150th Anniversary Professor;
- (WL) Approval of Don and Liz Thompson Minority Engineering Program;
- (WL) Approval of Klipsch Student Success Crossroads;
- (WL) Approval to Change Department of Human Development and Family Studies to Department of Human Development and Family Science;
- (WL) Approval to Rename Recitation Hall to Helen B. Schleman Hall;
- (WL) Approval to Name the Dr. Norman and Dr. Jane Li Chemical Engineering Separations Area;
- (WL) Approval to Name the Evan and Sue Ann Werling Comparative Oncology Research Center;
- (WL) Approval of Organizational Changes Associated with Newly Designated Purdue Institutes for Biomedical and Health Sciences Unit;
- (WL) Approval to Plan, Finance, Construct and Award Construction Contracts for:
- Mechanical Engineering Building Renovation;
- (FW) Approval of Actions Preparatory to Project Commencement: Purdue Fort Wayne Student Housing;
- (WL) Approval to Rename J. William Uhrig and Anastasia Vournas Head of Aeronautics and Astronautics to The Uhrig & Vournas Head of Aeronautics and Astronautics;
- (SW) Approval of Conflict of Interest Disclosures;
- (SW) Approval of Exceptions to Nepotism Policy
Chairman Berghoff asked if any of the Board members wished to have an item removed from the consent agenda for further discussion. Hearing no such request, and upon proper motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve the unanimous consent agenda. Supporting materials were filed with the minutes.
President Daniels began by thanking the friends who have shown their generous support. He profiled the gifts of $1,000,000 or more, which the university received since the Board’s Stated Meeting on October 7, 2022. He commented on the significance of the Lilly gift, not only for its size but also its nature. He noted that Lilly will fund 75 to 100 students with full scholarships starting from their first day. He shared that it was a new kind of relationship in higher ed and said that other companies are interested in doing the same thing. President Daniels made mention of the gift from Mike and Paula Klipsch which supports the consolidation of student facing services into one convenient location. The donors of these gifts were recognized in the following Resolution of Appreciation:
WHEREAS, the following friends of Purdue University have generously contributed $1,000,000 or more to move Purdue to greater excellence and preeminence; and
WHEREAS, the University wishes to acknowledge the significance of these gifts to new directions, advancements, and momentum in Purdue’s history, progress, and future;
1. That the University and the Trustees are grateful to these individuals for their leadership and support of Purdue University; and
2. That this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Board of Trustees as part of the permanent record of the University.
FRIENDS: Steven and Lynne Cosler, to support Intercollegiate Athletics; Eli Lilly and Company, to support the Division of Financial Aid; Nancy Clifton Lilly and Marie-Odile Froment; to support the College of Pharmacy and Student Life; Glenn Kautt, to support Purdue Polytechnic Institute and the College of Science; Michael and Paula Klipsch, to support Student Life; The Li Family Foundation; to support the Davidson School of Chemical Engineering; Paula and Rodger Riney Foundation, to support the Purdue Center for Cancer Research; Raj and Melissa Singh, to support the College of Veterinary Medicine; Evan and Sue Ann Werling, to support the College of Veterinary Medicine; and Anonymous, to support the School of Business.
Upon proper motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve the resolution. Supporting materials and a formal copy of the resolution were filed with the minutes.
President Daniels mentioned the accountability calendar noting that December is the month for institutional reputation. He stated this can be difficult in some ways to measure and quantify than some of the others. One way to measure is how the world recognizes Purdue and he shared rankings and honors our faculty and schools have received. He noted recognition for innovation, online learning, patents, and tech transfer. He highlighted one area of particular importance being a rank of #4 for most trusted public university in the nation and #1 for both Indiana Public Universities and the Big Ten. He commented that our university is being seen more and more often as better and better. He referenced in the last year Purdue’s increasing commitment to research success particularly in the area of national security.
He mentioned the very conscious effort in identifying students who would be candidates for fellowships and scholarships and bringing the opportunity to their attention. The effort brought good results, basically tripling that number. He stated that those numbers should be bigger with all the fully qualified students and that we should continue to work on it.
President Daniels said that our marketing group has done a terrific job of taking a lot of good substance and sharing it with the country. He commented that no one is doing a better job of bringing Purdue research and attractiveness to young students, and catching the attention of people young and old, all over the country and beyond. He shared that in Fast Company’s Brands that Matter, Purdue was the only University to make the list both in 2021 and 2022.
In conclusion, he mentioned what is likely the best measure of how our reputation is growing or not, that is by how many young people among all their choices decide to apply and come to Purdue. He shared that current numbers are running 9% or 10% ahead of last year’s record. Provost Akridge confirmed the applicant number could end up in the low 70,000’s. President Daniels noted that very clearly the reputation of Purdue is reaching people outside of Indiana with the largest surge in numbers being out of state. A copy of President Daniels’ report was filed with the minutes.
Chairman Berghoff mentioned what a coincidence it was that the topic for today’s presentation by President Daniels happened to be reputation. He stated that if there’s one accomplishment that the Board could point to that had the rare combination of being incredibly important to the Board, the students, the alumni, parents of students, it’s the reputation of Purdue University. He noted when you combine that with the level of importance, the primary reason for this is President Daniels, he made it a priority. He pointed out that if you look at the data in the report it is no coincidence that many bars in the chart were in a flat space in 2013 and then started to grow. He commented that the way President Daniels organized the entire University leadership behind key initiatives like this helped to make this happen. Chairman Berghoff noted that in his mind enhancing the university’s reputation would have been listed as a chief priority in 2012 and he feels that was accomplished. President Daniels mentioned that reputation is a reflection of quality and that it is what our faculty have done, the quality of students who come here, all the great work that has gone into this.
Chairman Berghoff noted the next item of business is approval to co-name the Kampen-Cosler Course at the Birck Boilermaker Golf Complex. This will recognize gifts by Lynn and Steve Cosler and moving forward, if approved will be called the Kampen-Cosler Course at the Birck Boilermaker Golf Complex. Upon proper motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve the co-naming of the Kampen-Cosler Course at the Birck Boilermaker Golf Complex.
Provost Akridge respectfully requested approval to ratify Dr. Andrew Mesecar as Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry in the College of Agriculture. He informed the Board that Dr. Mesecar has a strong commitment to translational research and has an equally strong international reputation in biology and structural biology fields. Dr. Mesecar’s work has influenced the direction of research in many areas such as cancer prevention and coronaviruses, including COVID-19. Dr. Mesecar has been recognized not only as a scholar but also for being an exceptional teacher and leader. Provost Akridge noted that Dr. Mesecar has served as the Head of the Department of Biochemistry since 2015 and currently serves as interim director of the Purdue Center for Cancer Research.
Upon proper motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to ratify Dr. Andrew Mesecar as the Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry in the College of Agriculture. Supporting materials were filed with the minutes.
Dr. Mesecar noted that it was an incredible honor and was not expected. He shared his Purdue story as a student and as faculty. He thanked the Board for everything they do and thanked his family and colleagues for their support.
Provost Akridge respectfully requested approval to ratify Dr. Santokh Badesha as the Distinguished Professor for Innovation in the Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Dr. Badesha came to Purdue in 2020 as an adjunct innovation professor in ECE after a long and distinguished career at Xerox Corporation where he is one of the most prolific inventors in the history of the corporation. Dr. Badesha’s inventions can be found in virtually every Xerox product today. He is co-inventor on more than 260 issue US patents. Dr. Badesha has worked across government, academia, and industry to open new opportunities for technological innovation and commercial success. As an adjunct professor at Purdue he has been very active in shaping our engineering professional masters program, both in terms of designing the curriculum and in making connections to distinguished industry speakers.
Upon proper motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to ratify Dr. Santokh Badesha as the Distinguished Professor for Innovation in the Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Supporting materials were filed with the minutes.
Dr. Badesha thanked the Board for the confidence and stated it is very humbling. He also thanked his wife for her support.
President-elect Mung Chiang recommended to the Board that Dr. Jay Akridge be named The Trustees Chair Professor of Teaching and Learning Excellence. In addition to many other achievements, Professor Akridge has been a pioneering, creative, outstanding teacher at Purdue. He was a pioneer of distance and hybrid learning at Purdue, developing an influential, high-impact MS-MBA program and taking it and related programs to the nation and the world in collaboration with academic partner institutions. He is the recipient of every teaching award available to him at Purdue and is a founding member of the Teaching Academy and Book of Great Teachers. He was also recognized nationally for his landmark teaching impact by the Agriculture and Applied Economics Association and has received national leadership awards from the APLU and the Farm Bureau President.
Upon proper motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to name Dr. Jay Akridge as the Trustees Chair Professor of Teaching and Learning Excellence.
Dr. Akridge thanked President-elect Chiang, President Daniels, and the board for the recognition. He stated that teaching and learning is really deeply meaningful to him on a personal level. He noted he is thankful that for over 40 years Purdue has given a kid from Fredonia, Kentucky some pretty amazing opportunities. He thanked his wife, Michelle, for her love and support and being there through all of the ups and downs. He thanked the Board for all the kind words, the unwavering support and the commitment to teaching excellence. He thanked President Daniels, noting the depth of his gratitude for the opportunity and that it has been the privilege of a lifetime.
Chairman Berghoff shared the Resolution of Appreciation for Jay Akridge and thanked him again for all he has done for the University.
Upon proper motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve the following Resolution of Appreciation for Jay Akridge, a formal copy of which was filed with the minutes:
WHEREAS, Jay Akridge served as Purdue University’s provost and executive vice president for academic affairs and diversity from 2017 to 2022 – his most recent role in more than 40 years of great service contributing to teaching and learning excellence at the university; and
WHERAS, Jay provided valued leadership in Purdue’s growth as a 21st-century land-grant institution; and
WHEREAS, Jay was fully dedicated to the success of the university and its faculty, staff and students – student enrollment of more than 50,000 and 10 academic colleges with 2,700 faculty members and 8,000 staff; and
WHEREAS, Jay championed student success initiatives that led to Purdue’s highest ever retention and graduation rates; and
WHEREAS, Jay was responsible for the recruitment, hiring and review of deans and ensuring that the university’s functions of teaching and learning, faculty affairs, student life, enrollment management, diversity and inclusion, engagement, and strategic initiatives were delivered with a focus on student success and the effective use of resources; and
WHEREAS, Jay oversaw a strategic growth initiative that added more than 7,000 undergraduates and 200 new faculty during his tenure; and
WHEREAS, Jay led the development and ongoing implementation of the Purdue Next Moves initiatives Transformative Education 2.0 and the Equity Task Force; and
WHEREAS, Jay directed other initiatives that included WinterFlex, Steps to Leaps, the Data Mine, continued expansion of summer enrollment, restructuring institutional data management (IDA+A) and the expansion of Purdue Online degrees and credentials; and
WHEREAS, Jay was instrumental in the university adopting a civics literacy graduation requirement for all undergraduate students to enhance the educational experience and graduate a more informed citizenry; and
WHEREAS, Jay shepherded a commitment to an active role in mentoring, advising and supporting the academic success of students and postdoctoral scientists as part of the process that defines tenure and promotion; and
WHEREAS, Jay played an integral role in leading Purdue through the COVID-19 pandemic; and
WHEREAS, Jay previously served for more than eight years as the Glenn W. Sample Dean of Agriculture, leading the college’s academic, research, Extension and international programs; and
WHEREAS, Jay served as interim vice provost for engagement in 2007-08 and as interim dean of agriculture in 2008-09; and
WHEREAS, prior to moving into administration, Jay was the James and Lois Ackerman Professor of Agricultural Economics, director of the Center for Food and Agricultural Business, and founder and director of the MS-MBA in Food and Agribusiness Management program; and
WHEREAS, Jay was a recipient of Purdue’s Charles Murphy Award for Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching in 1996, was inducted as a founding member of the Purdue University Teaching Academy in 1997, is listed in Purdue’s Book of Great Teachers (2003) and was named a University Faculty Scholar in 2000; and
WHEREAS, Jay received the Lt. Governor’s AgriVision Award for contributions to the state’s agriculture industry in 2017; and
WHEREAS, Jay has served in a variety of leadership roles with the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities, including chair of the Policy Board of Directors for the Board on Agriculture Assembly, and the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, as well as chair of the Executive Steering Committee for AgriNovus Indiana and a member of the board of directors of Agriculture Future of America and the Farm Foundation Round Table;
1. That the Trustees recognize the positive impact of Jay Akridge as provost and executive vice president for academic affairs and diversity of Purdue University – his most recent role in more than 40 years of great service to the university; and
2. That enormous gratitude and appreciation are expressed to Jay for his loyalty and service to Purdue; and
3. That Jay is to be congratulated and thanked for his tremendous contributions to our university; and
4. That his achievements are part of the great, permanent history of Purdue and will never be forgotten; and
5. That this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Trustees as part of the permanent record of the university.
Chairman Berghoff shared the Resolution of Appreciation for Mitch Daniels.
Upon proper motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve the following Resolution of Appreciation for Mitch Daniels, a formal copy of which was filed with the minutes:
WHEREAS, Mitch Daniels served as the 12th president of Purdue University from 2013 to 2022, following two terms as the 49th governor of Indiana; and
WHEREAS, Purdue enjoyed unprecedented growth of its student body – eight straight record enrollments, including 50,884 in 2022-23 – and faculty, as well as heightened rankings across the board for the university, its colleges and programs; and
WHEREAS, Mitch made student affordability and student success top priorities, pledging to keep a Purdue education within reach for students and families – providing higher education at the highest proven value; and
WHEREAS, thanks to bold and innovative moves like an 11-year commitment to no tuition or fee increases and a decrease in room and board rates, Purdue students and their families collectively saved more than $1 billion, and 60,000 students – eight graduating classes – never experienced a tuition increase; and
WHEREAS, investments in student success and STEM research have undergone unprecedented growth; and
WHEREAS, Purdue launched Purdue Moves in 2013 and Purdue’s Next Moves in 2021 – two series of distinct strategic initiatives designed to advance the university’s competitive advantage in its continuing quest for leadership among the world’s top research and teaching institutions; and
WHEREAS, to support student growth, Purdue added hundreds of faculty members – including one of the university’s largest hiring initiatives in 2022; and
WHEREAS, Purdue reimagined the School of Management into a new School of Business that will redefine the preparation of business leaders for today’s technology-driven world and tomorrow’s unknowns; and
WHEREAS, Mitch advocated for numerous transformative education initiatives, including Degree-in-3 programs across campus, a civics literacy requirement and assessment of the growth in critical thinking for all students; and
WHEREAS, Purdue experienced record growth in fundraising, including the Ever True campaign – raising more than $2.5 billion – and the launch of Purdue Day of Giving, an annual celebration that achieved record donors and donations each year since 2014; and
WHEREAS, Mitch oversaw expansion of the campus physical plant, including over a half billion dollars in recent facility improvement projects – among them the Wilmeth Active Learning Center, Dudley Hall and Lambertus Hall, the David and Bonnie Brunner Purdue Veterinary Medical Hospital Complex, Chaney-Hale Hall of Science, College of Agricultural and Biological Engineering building renovation, Hagle Hall, Schleman Hall of Student Services and Stewart Center renovations, and the High-Speed Propulsion Laboratory – as well as the transformation of the State Street corridor; and
WHEREAS, Mitch conceived and championed for the growth and expansion of Discovery Park District at Purdue – leading to new vital partnerships with and corporate locations for Rolls-Royce, Saab, Schweitzer Engineering Labs, SkyWater Technology, MediaTek, among others, along with record innovation and commercialization activity, including growth in patents and startups based on Purdue faculty and student research and discovery; and
WHEREAS, Purdue expanded its land-grant mission with the creation of Purdue Global in 2018, giving working adults the opportunity to earn academic credentials from a proven, trusted name brand in higher education; and
WHEREAS, Purdue created a pipeline to the university, specifically for urban Hoosier students who are underserved by traditional high schools and underrepresented in higher education, with the establishment of Purdue Polytechnic High Schools in 2017 – now three schools strong in Indianapolis and South Bend; and
WHEREAS, Purdue and Indiana University took the first steps on a bold new vision for higher education in Indianapolis – transforming IUPUI into separate academic organizations in which Indiana and Purdue will each govern their own programs – designed to increase the number of job-ready graduates in an innovation-led economy, fuel economic growth in the region and the state, and enhance service to the Indianapolis community and beyond; and
WHEREAS, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Mitch’s advocacy, and persistence early on for committing to return to in-person classes in Fall 2020 – based on the very best available science and public health guidelines – led to the ambitious and comprehensive Protect Purdue Plan that set the standard for United States universities reopening safely for in-person learning; and
WHEREAS, Mitch demonstrated a commitment to Freedom of Expression, with Purdue becoming the first public institution of higher education to adopt a free speech policy called the “Chicago principles”; and
WHEREAS, Purdue is an institution that people want to associate with, ignited by an ever-growing reputation – including being voted America’s No. 4 most trusted public university and a top 10 public university in the country in 2022; and
WHEREAS, in recognition of his leadership as both a governor and a university president, Mitch was named among the Top 50 World Leaders by Fortune Magazine in 2015 and was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2019; and
WHEREAS, Mitch is a contributing columnist in the Washington Post and the author of three books, including “Keeping the Republic: Saving America by Trusting Americans”;
1. That the Trustees recognize the unprecedented and enduring impact of Mitch Daniels as president of Purdue University; and
2. That enormous gratitude and appreciation are expressed to Mitch for his loyalty and service to Purdue; and
3. That Mitch is to be congratulated and thanked for his tremendous contributions to our university; and
4. That his achievements are part of the great, permanent history of Purdue and will never be forgotten; and
5. That this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Trustees as part of the permanent record of the university.
President Daniels noted his appreciation of the confidence of the Board and the incredible support. He emphasized that we should never take for granted the quality of the Board that this University has had in the last few years, not just individually but the chemistry among them. He said we’ve all been entrusted with something much bigger than any individuals contribution or satisfaction. It’s never about any individual or even collection of people, it’s about how well we handle those things that have been entrusted to us. He concluded by saying, ‘during your remaining time of trust, of entrustment, make sure you keep our Boilers up. I know you will.’
Chairman Berghoff asked for approval to appoint Mitch Daniels as President Emeritus of Purdue University.
Upon proper motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve the appointment of Mitch Daniels as President Emeritus of Purdue University.
By consent, the meeting adjourned at 12:05 p.m.
- 12-2-22 | Stated Meeting