A meeting of the Academic and Student Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees convened at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, July 29, 2022, in Room 119 of Hovde Hall on the campus of Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana.
All committee members were present: JoAnn Brouillette, chair; Vanessa Castagna (virtually); Mark Gee; Shawn Taylor, and Professor Colleen Brady (ex-officio, virtually). Trustee Malcolm DeKryger also joined in his transition from the committee (virtually)
Officers and administrators in attendance were: Jay Akridge, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs and diversity; Cindy Ream, corporate secretary and senior executive assistant to the Board; Cherise Hall, vice provost for finance and strategic initiatives; Beth McCuskey, vice provost for student life; Jenna Rickus, vice provost for teaching and learning; David Reingold, dean of the College of Liberal Arts; and Kris Wong Davis, vice provost for enrollment management.
Committee Chair Brouillette welcomed the group and introduced new Trustee Shawn Taylor who was on campus for orientation. She noted there were two items on the agenda.
David Reingold, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Civics Literacy Advisory Group Chair, provided a baseline and a refresh on the progress. He shared that 14 months ago the Board approved the Civics Literacy Proficiency requirement, effective Fall 2021 semester. Dean Reingold shared the Pathways that are available for students to fulfill the requirement; C-Span Scholarship and Engagement Podcasts, approved Civics Events, and Purdue Civics Knowledge Test. He noted that there is a large implementation team of 25 individuals. There are also teams in place at regional campuses. The first system wide meeting is next week. Provost Akridge thanked Dean Reingold and team. Chair Brouillette opened the discussion for questions. There was conversation about the academic integrity of the exam. Dean Reingold noted the team’s sensitivity to that issue and stated that they have not seen any evidence of threat to the integrity of the exam. A question was asked on where the University faculty currently stand on the topic. Dr. Reingold, Provost Akridge and Senate Chair Colleen Brady confirmed no fundamental opposition. It was mentioned that there has been no negative feedback from the students and that students have asked how they could propose events.
Trustee Brouillette inquired about the tracking/prompting students receive. Jenna Rickus commented on the various avenues noting multiple strategies, including technical, and stated that advisors play a central role in this as well. A copy of the material shared was filed with the minutes.
Provost Akridge began by sharing that the presentation would be a very brief overview; metrics being used, how Purdue compares to peers, and the timeline for the projects to be in place. Cherise Hall, vice provost for finance and strategic initiatives, noted the goal of positioning Purdue as a T1 institution. Purdue currently is an R1 institution which translates to being one of the best research institutions in the country. She shared some of the metrics that are being tracked and explained the structure of the project. Kris Wong-Davis, vice provost for enrollment management, provided an overview of EduNav which is a degree planning, progression, and graduation tool. EduNav is a real time multifaceted tool that benefits students, advisors, and faculty. She shared that there would be a pilot release of EduNav in September 2022 with a small number of majors. Jenna Rickus, vice provost for teaching and learning, reported on academic proposal process transformation and outlined the current state and its limitations. She described the future state and the plan to work on transforming the end-to-end process at a faster pace. Dr. Rickus shared a sample of course proposal. A copy of the information shared was filed with the minutes.
By consent, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.