Pursuant to the call of the Chairman, a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees will convene at 10:00 a.m. EDT on Thursday, April 9, 2020, in Hovde Hall, Room 201, on the Purdue University West Lafayette campus.
Pursuant to Executive Order 20-09 issued by Governor Holcomb on March 23, 2020, all members of the Board (or a committee thereof) may meet by means of electronic communication so long as a quorum of members participate and the meeting is made available to members of the public and the media.
In compliance with social distancing requirements, restrictions will be placed on the number of people in the meeting room. Members of the media and the public who wish to listen to the meeting should contact trustees@purdue.edu for dial-in instructions in advance of the meeting.
Pursuant to Article V, Section 1, of the Bylaws, the Executive Committee has and may exercise all powers of the Board in between its meetings.
Janice IndrutzCorporate Secretary