August 31, 2020

Institutional Data Analytics + Assessment team

Institutional Data Analytics + Assessment team: The Purdue IDA+A team has been beyond heroic behind the scenes supporting the Protect Purdue initiative. The IDA+A team includes Molly Amstutz, assistant director, analytics; Sarah Bauer, institutional data governance program manager; Rajini Prabhu, lead database engineer; Ian Pytlarz, lead data scientist; Anne Weiss, assistant director, assessment; James Johnson, director; Cherise Hall, associate provost for finance and administration; Darshan Bhansali, data scientist; Aylin Celtik, research data analyst; Jaideep Kommera, data scientist; Chris Maxwell, senior research data analyst; Brittany Pierson, data analyst; Louis Scott, data engineer; Taylor Stayback, senior data analyst; Ottlie Webb, institutional research data coordinator; Sue Wilder, assessment specialist; Katherine Yngve, intercultural learning specialist; Andy Zehner, assessment and data analyst; Hao Zhu, assessment specialist; Craig Zywicki, assessment and data analyst; and Melissa Esh, graduate student. They have created an automatic contact tracing system from scratch; built the data infrastructure to allow for contact tracing, reporting, and data dashboards; developed the data infrastructure to facilitate testing approximately 40,000 students and ongoing testing; manually tracking down thousands of students due to vendor supplied data challenges; and facilitated the “cleared for campus” for students returning to campus. They have been working literally around the clock, seven days a week. Ian, Rajini, Louis, Jaideep, Darshan have been working on all things contact tracing. Molly, Brittany, Taylor have been tirelessly working on dashboards, reporting, cleansing bad data, and tracking down individual students. They have all overlapped, and the others in the department who have not directly been involved in these initiatives have taken up the task of handling extra workload that their teammates can’t get to -- in other words, everyone in the department has contributed in some way, either directly or indirectly, and they are all rising to the challenge. They embody the spirit of Purdue Boilermakers and have been instrumental in our efforts to Protect Purdue. -- Eric Barker (College of Pharmacy)

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