October 17, 2018

Fidelity to send mailing asking employees to update retirement plan beneficiary records

Participants in Fidelity retirement plans who have not named a beneficiary will receive a communication from Fidelity this week encouraging them to do so.

Depending on a participant's communication preferences, those without a beneficiary on file will receive either a letter at their home address or an email from Fidelity with instructions on making beneficiary designations.

To view beneficiary information, log on to Fidelity at www.netbenefits.com, select Menu from the top left, then choose Beneficiaries. Step-by-step instructions on how to update beneficiaries for Fidelity and other benefit programs are available online.

Designating beneficiaries ensures that funds are distributed appropriately, and Human Resources encourages employees to review designations each year to see whether any changes are needed, and if so to make them.

Faculty and staff may contact Fidelity directly at 800-343-0860 for assistance.

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