October 22, 2018

Distinguished and Named Professorship Ceremony honors faculty, administrators

150th Anniversary Professors and distinguished and named professors and administrators First row from left: Weng Chew, Richard Kuhn, Luciano Castillo, Carol Rest, Nancy Marchand-Martella, Bill Oakes, Kathy Salisbury, David Rollock, Randy Roberts, Christian Oseto, Erica Carlson, Jay Akridge. Second row from left: Pedro Irazoqui, Karen Plaut, Suzanne Nielsen, Laura Pyrak-Nolte, Steven Pekarek, Suresh Mittal, Darcy Bullock, Yan Chen, Charles Krousgrill. Third row from left: Dimitri Peroulis, Patrick Wolfe, Tony Vyn, Doug Schmitt, David Love, Manoj Patankar, Michele Forman, Y. Charlie Hu, David Eichinger. (Purdue University photo/John Underwood) Download image

A reception and ceremony held Friday (Oct. 19) celebrated Purdue's 150th Anniversary Professors and distinguished and named professors and administrators who had been ratified over the past year. The event took place in Stewart Center's Fowler Hall.

The third annual Distinguished and Named Professorship Ceremony featured a video tribute for each faculty member and bestowal of medallions by Jay Akridge, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs and diversity, who led the ceremony.

President Mitch Daniels presented remarks about the value and prestige of such professorships. Akridge noted these faculty, through exceptional achievements in discovery, learning and engagement, are enriching the intellectual environment of the campus and enhancing communities around the world.

The 150th Anniversary Professors, named this year by the Office of the Provost, are:

* Erica Carlson -- Professor of Physics and Astronomy, College of Science.
* David Eichinger -- Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction and Biological Sciences, Colleges of Education and Science.
* Christine Hrycyna -- Department Head and Professor of Chemistry, College of Science.
* Charles Krousgrill -- Professor of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering.

* S. Suzanne Nielsen -- Professor of Food Science, College of Agriculture.
* William Oakes -- Director of the EPICS Program and Professor of Engineering Education, College of Engineering.
* Christian Oseto -- Professor of Entomology, College of Agriculture.
* Randy Roberts -- Distinguished Professor of History, College of Liberal Arts.

* David Rollock -- Department Head and Professor of Psychological Sciences, College of Health and Human Sciences.
* S. Kathleen Salisbury -- Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor of Small Animal Surgery, College of Veterinary Medicine.

The distinguished and named professors, all ratified by the Board of Trustees during the past year, are:

* Darcy Bullock -- Lyles Family Professor in the Lyles School of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering.
* Luciano Castillo -- Kenninger Professor of Renewable Energy and Power Systems, College of Engineering.
* Qingyan Chen -- James G. Dwyer Professor of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering.
* Weng Chew -- Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering.

* Michele Forman -- Distinguished Professor of Nutrition Science, College of Health and Human Sciences.
* Y. Charlie Hu -- Michael and Katherine Birck Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering.
* Pedro Irazoqui -- Reilly Professor of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering.
* Suresh Jagannathan -- Samuel D. Conte Professor of Computer Sciences, College of Science.

* David Love -- Nick Trbovich Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering.
* Suresh Mittal -- Distinguished Professor of Virology, College of Veterinary Medicine.
* Manoj Patankar -- Raisbeck Engineering Professor of Aviation Technology, Purdue Polytechnic Institute.
* Steven Pekarek -- Edmund O. Schweitzer III Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering.

* Dimitrios Peroulis -- Reilly Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering.
* Carol Post -- Distinguished Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, College of Pharmacy.
* Laura Pyrak-Nolte -- Distinguished Professor of Physics and Astronomy, College of Science.
* Douglas Schmitt -- Stephen and Karen Brand Chair, College of Science.

* Steven Son -- Alfred J. McAllister Professor of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering.
* Tony Vyn -- Henry A. Wallace Chair in Crop Sciences, College of Agriculture.
* Patrick Wolfe -- Miller Family Professor of Statistics and Computer Science, College of Science.

The named administrative appointments, all ratified by the Board of Trustees during the past year, are:

* Richard Kuhn -- Krenicki Family Director in Inflammation, Immunology and Infectious Disease, Discovery Park.
* Nancy Marchand-Martella -- Suzi and Dale Gallagher Dean of Education.
* Karen Plaut -- Glenn W. Sample Dean of the College of Agriculture.
* Patrick Wolfe -- Frederick L. Hovde Dean of Science, College of Science.

Writer: Kelsey Schnieders Lefever, kschnied@purdue.edu
Source:Vanessa Buntin, associate director of special events, VMBuntun@prf.org

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