December 1, 2017

Healthy Boiler Wellness Incentive Program to launch Jan. 1, 2018; pre-approved activities announced

The Healthy Boiler Wellness Incentive Program, introduced during benefits open enrollment for 2018, begins Jan. 1 and is designed to help encourage healthy lifestyles and overall wellness. All benefits-eligible employees as well as spouses covered on a Purdue medical plan may participate.

 “We are excited to introduce the wellness incentive program to the Purdue community,” says Candace Shaffer, director of benefits in Human Resources. “We hope the employees engage in the program so they can reap the wellness benefits as well as the financial benefits available to them through the program.”

The three-step program provides faculty and staff the opportunity to earn incentive dollars for their health savings accounts or health reimbursement accounts. By completing all three steps, the appropriate funds will be deposited into either an employee’s HSA or, for those employees who are not receiving contributions to an HSA, an HRA that will automatically be opened for the employee.

The steps of the program and incentive dollars for completing each step are outlined below:

1. Identify primary care provider. $50, employee or spouse only. $100, employee and spouse.

2. Complete annual physical and biometrics. $100, employee or spouse only. $200, employee and spouse.

3. Participate in a minimum of two pre-approved wellness activities. $100, employee or spouse only. $200, employee and spouse.

Employees and their spouses must complete step 1 to be paid for step 2, and they must complete steps 1 and 2 to be eligible to receive payment for step 3. To qualify for the incentive, the pre-approved activities must be completed and logged into the wellness portal between Jan. 1 and Sept. 30, and must be from two separate categories listed below.

The pre-approved activities for 2018 are:

 * Attend wellness education presentations/workshops. Participation must equal a minimum of four hours, may include multiple presentations (virtual or in person).

* Participate in a team sport or league.

* Complete a 5K or more -- walk/run/bike.

* Participate in a wellness education series. Series must consist of three or more sessions (virtual or in person).

* Participate in four or more health coaching sessions. May include health coach, stress management, mental health, personal trainer or registered dietitian (virtual or in person).

* Participate in a weight loss program/group, ie: Weight Watchers.

* Logging a minimum of 150 minutes per week of physical active for eight concurrent weeks.

* Participate in a disease management program (virtual or in person). Ex. Virta Health.

Information will be shared on a regular basis to keep employees up to date on the program and its resources, including information on the wellness-specific website that will be available in December.

Any questions on the wellness incentive program can be directed to Human Resources at 765-494-2222 or Employees at the regional campuses should contact their respective human resources office.

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