July 31, 2020
Anthem, Parkview reach contract agreement; Parkview Health remains an in-network entity
Following months of contract negotiations between Anthem and Parkview Health System -- a network of more than 80 community hospitals and clinics in northern Indiana and northwest Ohio that serves many Purdue employees -- an agreement has been reached between the two parties.
“We are of course pleased with the final outcome of the negotiations,” says Candace Shaffer, senior director in benefits in Human Resources. “We value and appreciate the efforts put forth by Anthem to reach a fair agreement that will provide cost savings to the University and our employees.”
The new contract, which retains Parkview physicians, facilities and services in Indiana as in-network offerings, went into effect today (July 31).
Questions can be directed to Human Resources at 765-494-2222, toll-free at 877-725-0222 or via email at hr@purdue.edu.