April 17, 2020

Newly renamed MaPSAC elects vice chair, emeritus members

In its first meeting using its new name, the Management and Professional Staff Advisory Committee (MaPSAC) elected its next vice chair and emeritus members.

Cameron Ward, an associate systems engineer in IT customer relations and process management, was elected vice chair for 2020-21. Stacey Baisden, the current vice chair, will be 2020-21 chair in accordance with the committee’s protocol. The meeting took place April 8 via WebEx.

Members also elected four of their own who are completing their terms to become nonvoting emeritus members for 2020-21. Their role is to assist with continuity, using their knowledge of the University and MaPSAC's structure and process. The four are Malissa Ayala, Alex Gulik, John O’Malley and Danny Vukobratovich. Vukobratovich is completing a year as chair.

The committee’s new name arose from the transition in employee terminology in the SuccessFactors system, which uses the terms “Management” and “Professional” as categories. The committee had been the Administrative and Professional Staff Advisory Committee, or APSAC, since its formation in 1988. Official University approval of the name change took effect April 1 along with a change from the Clerical and Service Staff Advisory Committee to the Campus Support Staff Advisory Committee (still CSSAC).

For MaPSAC, the officer and emeritus positions become effective June 1, the same time at which new members officially join the committee. The traditional May recognition luncheon will not happen, at least not in the usual time and manner, due to the coronavirus situation. MaPSAC’s Membership and Communications Subcommittee is working on remote tools to fulfill the orientation of new members, who will be named soon and traditionally attend the May luncheon and participate in orientation as part of the June meeting.

Other business

MaPSAC members also noted that the planned event in the Richard A. Hadley Professional Development Series will not occur this spring. The staff memorial ceremony also has been canceled for the spring.

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