January 14, 2019
Healthy Boiler Portal homepage receives refreshing

Healthy Boiler Portal users will now see a refreshing of the home page that more clearly identifies whether an individual has met the requirements for earning 2019 incentives. Additionally, the portal now has intuitive updates to the content within the “Earn” tab.
Throughout the rest of the year, the portal will see additional enhancements and provide new, relevant content in order to keep the information fresh for all Healthy Boiler participants. More information will be shared with employees as updates are made to the portal.
“In our first year with the Healthy Boiler program, we received feedback from those utilizing the portal, and a consistent message received was that the portal needed to be more user-friendly and intuitive,” says Candace Shaffer, director of benefits in Human Resources. “Those concerns shared by our Purdue employees were heard, and we hope the homepage refresh and the updates to the 'Earn' tab will be well-received by portal users.”
As a reminder, the 2019 Healthy Boiler Wellness Program runs from Oct. 1, 2018, through Sept. 30, 2019.
2019 wellness task and incentives
All benefits-eligible employees and spouses covered on a Purdue medical plan have the opportunity to earn $325 (employee-only coverage) or $650 (employee plus spouse, employee plus child or employee plus family coverage) by having an annual physical and biometrics screening done within the time frame stated above. Once complete, the biometric values need to be entered and employees will indicate they have completed the activity within in the portal. By following those steps, employees will benefit not only their physical and mental wellness but their financial wellness, too.
The portal is accessible at www.healthyboiler.com. Employees and covered spouses who have not yet registered will need to do so to access the site. Employees must register and log in first in order to allow spousal access to the site.
More information
To stay up-to-date on all things Healthy Boiler, visit the Healthy Boiler Portal, follow the Healthy Boiler Purdue blog and follow Healthy Boiler on social media:
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Any questions on the Healthy Boiler Wellness Program can be directed to Human Resources at 765-494-2222, toll-free at 877-725-0222 or via email at hr@purdue.edu.